Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

068: The Leader Is Shocked! Li Ran Makes A Big Appearance

The next day!

Early in the morning, Li Hu went to the Youth League headquarters with the paper written by Li Ran.

Normally, he would just ask someone else to send this paper over. The premise is that it is an ordinary paper, but the paper written by Li Ran is not ordinary.

Maybe this paper is worth a third-class merit!

That's right, it is a third-class meritorious service. It is difficult to perform meritorious service in peacetime. A report that can obtain third-class merit is enough to prove the value of this report.

If Li Hu could write such a paper in the military academy, he would definitely not be just a company commander at his age.

In peacetime, the promotion of field army officers requires time and ability.

But even if you have the time and ability, it does not mean that you will be able to achieve a position that matches your own military rank.

Position and military rank are two concepts. Positions are limited. For example, some people with the same military rank can hold important positions. This depends on ability.

At Li Hu's age, it is difficult for him to be promoted. Unless he can make a contribution during his service, he might be able to move up a level.

As the backbone of the reconnaissance company back then, Hu relied on his personal hard power to achieve meritorious service, went to a military academy for further studies, and served as company commander after graduation. Hu was very satisfied.

But Li Ran is different. In Li Hu's view, Li Ran's military career can go very far.

Headquarters of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment!

Head's office.

Li Hu knocked on the door.


Li Hu pushed the door open and walked in. When he saw it was Li Hu, Lei Lei Feng was a little surprised and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Captain, I'm here to deliver Li Ran's paper." After Li Hu finished speaking, he handed the paper written by Li Ran to the colonel.

"It really took only two days for this guy to write the paper?" Lei Leifeng was a little surprised. After seeing Li Hu's expression, he smiled and said: "You, the company commander, must have reviewed it for him. Let me take a look at what he wrote. How about it?"

With that said, Lei Leifeng started to look through the papers written by Li Ran.

"Flexible individual soldier functions! Innovate traditional squad tactics!"

"Well, it's a very innovative topic." The colonel first praised him. The topic of this paper was indeed interesting, but when the colonel read the content of the paper.

The original smile on his face gradually turned into seriousness, then shock, and finally surprise.

After roughly reading it, Lei Leifeng asked directly: "Is this written by that kid?"

"Captain, if I had the ability to write such a paper, I would not be just a company commander now." Li Hu said.

"It's amazing that a private soldier has such an idea. It seems that those books are not in vain." Lei Lei Feng exclaimed.

"Captain, what do you think of what he wrote in this paper?"

"What do I think? Is what this guy writes on something I can decide? If he changes it according to what he writes on it, more than two million people in the field army will have to learn all over again. Can I make a decision on this?"

In front of Li Hu, the colonel complained without caring about his image.

After finishing speaking, he took out a cigarette from a pack of cigarettes on the table, lit it, took a deep breath, exhaled, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"I originally deliberately asked this guy to write a paper or review, just to test him. Now it's better. It's him who tests me. The key is not something I can decide." Thunder Gang said depressedly.

Mainly in this paper, Li Ran explains how to change the traditional squad and platoon combat model, combine the characteristics of foreign military squad and platoon combat, and start a new squad and platoon tactical model that is consistent with the field army.

Even if we change the traditional squad and platoon combat model, we still end up talking about liberating a combat squad of snipers.

Currently, the snipers in a combat squad of the field army are constrained and do not play the role of a sniper on the battlefield at all.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about snipers. If you change the snipers in a combat squad, once they move, there will be a lot of things to move. It’s the kind of thing where a single move affects the whole body.

Speaking of this, we need to first understand that the current number of people in a field army combat squad is nine, and it is composed of four groups [attack group, cover group, fire group, and heavy fire group.

Among them, the sniper is a member of the cover team, and the precision shooter can also be a member of the cover team.

The scale and firepower division of such a combat squad were developed in actual combat in the past. Until now, in the current field army training syllabus, infantry tactical coordination training starts from a squad.

Among them, everyone in a combat class is related to each other.

Now to change the snipers of a combat squad, it means that the entire combat squad has to be moved, which means that all the previous training is invalid.

Now there is a lot of movement. There are more than two million people in the field army. Every day's movement means that everything is in movement.

"Captain, what should I do with this paper?" Li Hu asked.

"Report it to the military region." Lei Leifeng thought for a moment and said, "These are no longer my decision. Let the head of the military region consider it."

The Fifth Border Defense Regiment is affiliated to the Tibetan Military Region and is a border defense unit that belongs exclusively to the military region. It has no divisional leadership above.

Therefore, Lei Lei Feng can hand this report directly to the military region.

"Company Commander, I have already told you that this guy is not simple." Li Hu showed off.

"It is indeed not simple. It completely exceeded my expectations. This guy cited a lot of foreign military cases in this paper. I have seen all these cases, but I have never thought about it. Sure enough, the minds of young people are Flexible, this guy has a keen strategic vision." Lei Lei Feng commented.

The colonel's comments shocked Li Hu.

In all these years, the Fifth Border Defense Regiment has never received such an evaluation from its leader.

You know, as the leader of the border defense regiment, Lei Lei Feng's requirements are outrageously strict.

"Captain, I have already told you that this guy is a treasure. Fortunately, our reconnaissance company got it." Li Hu felt very proud when he thought of this.

"You kid should read more books when you have nothing to do. If you had this kid's mind, you wouldn't be stuck in this position." Lei Lei Feng said helplessly.

Li Hu is his favorite company commander. He has excellent personal strength, but he is really not good at strategic thinking. His military career has come to an end.

"Captain, you know me. This position is very good for me and I am quite contented." Li Hule said that he came from the grassroots level, so he still likes to be at the grassroots level.


Reconnaissance company.

After this issue of the regimental report was issued, the entire reconnaissance company was in a state of shock.

Because in this issue of the group newspaper, Li Ran was featured, and the photo taken of Li Ran occupied the headline section of the group newspaper, which was very eye-catching.

The people in the third class were so proud that the people in their own class reported to the group. They were proud of being in the third class.

"Brother Ran is so handsome, he really shows off his face.

"It's really cool to hang out with Brother Ran."

"This is probably the first time someone in the whole group has reported to the group in this way. Li Ran has become famous in the whole group this time.

"`" I'm so envious. If I join the group newspaper, I will definitely leave a copy and send it to my family. It's so impressive. "

As the saying goes, some people are envious while others are not convinced.

The Fifth Border Defense Regiment has more than one company, the Reconnaissance Company, and the Reconnaissance Company always regards itself as the strongest company leader in the regiment. Therefore, many soldiers of the company are dissatisfied and want to find opportunities to surpass the Reconnaissance Company.

But now, a new recruit from the reconnaissance company has appeared in the regimental newspaper, which makes the other companies feel very embarrassed.

"I think the reconnaissance company is no longer viable. These days, new recruits who have just joined the company can report to the regiment."

"Director Song at the regiment headquarters has no articles to write, so he actually asked a private to report to the regiment."

"Look at what this kid said in the interview. He's so arrogant. If I have a chance, I will definitely practice with him."

"The reconnaissance company isn't that good either. The soldiers were instantly killed by the new recruits."

"Isn't it amazing that the recruit company got perfect marks? Didn't my recruit company also get perfect marks back then? The assessment items for the recruit company were so simple.

Many people from other companies were talking about it.

Some of Li Ran's comrades who were in the recruit company were assigned to other companies when they were divided into companies. After seeing the contents of the regiment report, they all admired Li Ran to the extreme.

Sure enough, the man who attracted the most attention in the recruit company was still so dazzling even after he left the company and joined the most powerful reconnaissance company. (Li Haozhao)

At the same time, everyone misses the recruit company period with Li Ran very much.

As recruits, they were not treated so well as the subordinate company, and now they were bullied by a group of veterans all day long.

Thinking of this, they were a little envious of Wang Erniu. Only Wang Erniu followed Li Ran's footsteps and went to the reconnaissance company. He should be doing well in the reconnaissance company now.

In the afternoon, everyone in the third class studied the theory of human-vehicle collaboration!

Man-vehicle coordination refers to the coordination between scouts and infantry fighting vehicles. In addition, there is also coordination between infantry and tanks.

But the reconnaissance company has infantry fighting vehicles and no tanks. The reason is very simple. As a reconnaissance company, it is impossible to drive a tank to conduct reconnaissance, right?

"Let me tell you, body coordination is very important when people and vehicles work together. There are also some basic shooting essentials that need to be mastered. Pay attention to following the speed of the vehicle and don't go too fast.

Don’t be slow, and be decisive when getting on the bus..." Shi Dahai explained what needs to be paid attention to during collaborative training between humans and vehicles.

Of course, these are only theoretical teachings at present.

Only when the day comes when the manned and vehicle collaborative field training subjects can you experience the excitement of manned and vehicle coordinated operations.

Because at that time, it was like going to the battlefield...

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