Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

696: Violent Fire Suppression! My Little Brother Is So Fierce

Major Mao Xiong and others were very nervous at this time. Just a second ago, they saw that the main force of the field army's air force had not launched an attack. They thought that their previous judgment was wrong and that the main force of the little brother's air force was not here.

But now, after the battle started, they found that they were wrong, and how wrong they were.

Because a platoon that stayed at the front and was on guard had been contacting him to report on the battle situation not long after the battle started.

"Sir, their firepower is too fierce. They are definitely the main force. It's terrifying."

Second Lieutenant Mao Xiong, who was responsible for the security work of Mao Xiong Platoon, kept saying on the radio. The sound of gunfire and artillery shells kept exploding in his ears, making him have to shout at the top of his lungs.

Second Lieutenant Mao Xiong originally wanted to retreat while fighting and join the main force in the rear.

They are only one platoon, and they were originally responsible for the security mission when they stayed in the front. Now that the main force of the field army has launched an attack, they are still not withdrawing. Are they not waiting to die if they stay here?

But he didn't know what Major Mao Xiong was thinking? Or did he take the wrong medicine? He actually didn't let them retreat. Instead, he asked them to stick to their original position and fight the main force of the field army to determine whether the attacker was the main force of the field army. "Five Five Three"

Just kidding, looking at the overwhelming and intensive firepower, if it weren't for the main force, could they have unleashed such firepower? Do they still need to stay here to see it with their own eyes? They can all hear it.

"I know, you should retreat immediately and join us." Major Mao Xiong's voice sounded on the radio.

In fact, even if Second Lieutenant Mao Xiong didn't say anything, Master Xiongquan was sure that the main force of Xiao Laoke was definitely here.

Because the explosions coming from the front never stopped, and the firepower of the heavy machine guns kept ringing and never stopped. Obviously, such fire suppression could only be possessed by the main force.

Sure enough, the little brother still has this kind of virtue. Even if he has an absolutely crushing force, he still fights so cautiously, which is disgusting.


Here, after hearing the major's order, Second Lieutenant Mao Xiong ended the call directly, but he started cursing as soon as the call started.

"Retreat? If you didn't retreat long ago, can you still leave now? Are you treating the combat effectiveness of the field army as air?" Second Lieutenant Mao Xiong said dissatisfied.

If they retreated from the beginning and sacrificed one squad to cover and attract firepower, the others would still have a chance to retreat and join the main force, but now there is no chance at all.

They are just a platoon, and they are not enough to fill their teeth in front of the main force of the field army's airborne troops.

Look at the intensive fire suppression. Once the battle started, they were beaten so hard that they couldn't even lift their heads. In a short time, there was only one squad left in each platoon. Retreat was impossible and meaningless.

"Brothers, even if we die, we must die with honor. Charge, Ula." Second Lieutenant Mao Xiong roared, wanting to lead the last squad in a suicide charge.

There was no way to retreat anyway, and I was so frustrated after being beaten that I might as well charge to vent my anger.

However, as soon as Lieutenant Mao Xiong finished speaking, the smoke alarm device on his body was triggered, and thick white smoke instantly came out.

Second Lieutenant Mao Xiong understood instantly that he had been killed by the sniper.

Da da da da~

Boom boom boom~

Bullets and artillery shells seemed to be free of charge, and they were poured directly on Mao Xiong's soldiers. In a short period of time, the entire platoon was wiped out.

In order to build up the momentum of five battalions, although one of Mao Xiong's platoons has been eliminated, the attack cannot stop there.

Under the leadership of the major, the soldiers of the 1st Battalion of the 111th Regiment, who had not had water or food for a day, began to advance in an all-round way according to the skirmisher line.

If there aren't enough people, we need firepower.

After all, there is only one battalion of troops. If we completely concentrate on attacking one point, there is still a risk of exposure.

However, almost every soldier in the first battalion has heavy firepower, and they have nothing but ammunition. If they advance according to the skirmish line, the firepower can be not only concentrated but also comprehensive.

As a result, even though Major Mao Xiong had already arranged defensive positions in advance, when he was hit by almost saturated firepower, Major Mao Xiong still felt extremely stressed.

Da da da~

Boom boom boom~

Gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the smell of gunpowder filled the air.

Ahead, there was very intensive firepower from all directions, suppressing the two battalions. As expected, such firepower would not have been possible without the main force.

"Hold on, persistence is victory."

"Fight back, fight back."

"Don't charge, be careful to avoid the mortars."

On the front line, grassroots officers are fighting and commanding at the same time.

The opponent's firepower was so fierce that the mortars almost presented a saturated fire coverage strike, and ten rounds of artillery shells continued to pour on the position.

Even though they dug many paratrooper pits, many people were still taken away in the face of such powerful artillery shells.

Fortunately, there are these paratrooper pits and they were dug in large numbers. Otherwise, facing such artillery bombardment, I'm afraid they would have been reimbursed in two rounds.

In fact, what they didn't know was that the mortar ammunition carried by a battalion of officers and soldiers could only support two rounds if bombing was carried out to this extent.

Even if they have enough momentum, it is impossible to shoot out all the artillery shells at once. They must at least support them in launching a second round of such a ferocious attack.

The first battalion fought with such ferocity, it was just to scare the bears. The purpose was to frighten the bears. It was impossible to occupy the position and completely eliminate the two buds of the bears.

Because once you fight like this, you will definitely be betrayed.

Therefore, as long as you have enough momentum, it is enough.

Not only were the mortars firing fiercely, but individual missiles were also fired towards the positions of the two battalions of Mao Xiong.

The furry bears on the position could not see the figures of the field troops. They could only see tongues of fire shooting towards them from some corners in the building ahead.

There were numerous tongues of fire.

Whoosh whoosh~

Basically, individual missiles are almost used as sniper rifles. Such a luxurious fighting method makes the officers and soldiers of the first battalion feel happy, but the bears are very uncomfortable after being beaten.

It's too extravagant, this style of play is too abnormal, and it is worthy of being the main force of the field army's airborne troops.

Especially Second Lieutenant Mao Xiong, who had previously questioned whether the main force of the field army's airborne troops was really here. Seeing such intensive firepower, he wanted to give himself a big mouth.

How could he be so confused at that time that he came up with that idea?

Can such a firepower offensive and such a luxurious style of play not be the main force?

If he hadn't been the main force, he would have cut off his own head and used it as a chamber pot!

The bears were beaten very hard. In fact, the officers and soldiers of the first battalion had a hard time beating them. Not only did they have to show off their momentum, but they also had to ensure that the bears wouldn't find out what was going on, which was actually very difficult.

But their mission is to frighten the bear. No matter how difficult it is, they must continue to fight and frighten the bear as much as possible. The longer they can frighten the bear, the better.

If this style of play continues, it will only be a matter of time before the furry bear discovers something is wrong.

As time goes by, Mao Xiong's two battalions will definitely wonder why the main force of the field army's airborne troops has been fighting so fiercely but has yet to charge and capture them in one fell swoop. This will make them very suspicious.

Boom boom boom~

Da da da~

Bang bang bang∼

The two sides continued to fight, bullets flying randomly like raindrops, and artillery shells and missiles raining down on the position as if they were free.

Fortunately, these are all training ammunition for exercises. If they had been replaced by live ammunition, I am afraid that this area in Ancheng would have been riddled with holes.

This is the cruelty of war. Although some people continued to withdraw from the exercise due to battle injuries, there was no scene of blood flying and corpses everywhere.

Compared with real war, exercises can be regarded as a quite gentle form of confrontation.

The fierce battle lasted for nearly an hour before it ended temporarily.

Mao Xiong's side had been suppressed and beaten just now. Basically everyone was avoiding with the mentality of preserving their strength and did not dare to fight hard. Therefore, only one company was damaged in the battle.

The troops of this company that were damaged in the battle were completely unlucky. Under such strong firepower suppression, they were hit by stray bullets and activated the smoke alarm device.

Even though such a strong fortification was built, a company was damaged in the battle, which is enough to show the fierce firepower.

Seeing that the field army did not launch a charge or blow the charge horn to rush forward, Major Mao Xiong breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it seemed that the main force of the field army's airborne troops did not intend to eat them all in one go, nor did they launch a charge. They could continue to delay time and take a breather.

"While they have not launched a general attack, all units should take a short break and strengthen their defenses. We must persist to the end." Major Xiong issued the order.


The furry bear soldiers on the front line finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time, it was so damn scary.

After the field army had enough firepower, the fight was simply terrifying. It was completely suppressed by firepower, and they almost stood in front of them and fired missiles at them.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!).

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