Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

700: Well Versed In The Essence Of Field Army Combat! A Company's Brilliant Lurking

Within the director's department.

The senior generals of the field army couldn't help but nodded secretly as they watched the live broadcast.

Big Brother Furry Bear is Big Brother, and there is indeed something about it.

To tell the truth about this exercise, after Li Ran's tactical deception was successful, he had mastered the momentum of a normal war. Although there were some small bumps before, they mistakenly thought that the tactical deception was going to come to nothing.

But in the end, it was discovered that he was just overthinking and Mao Xiong did not notice that Li Ran's tactical deception deployment and command were very comprehensive.

Therefore, the final victory of this exercise will be as long as Li Ran does not waste time and plays steadily, and there will be no problem in encirclement.

But winning or losing an exercise is not the key. The key point is to look at something Big Bear Bear performed in this exercise.

For example, right now, the two battalions of the 172nd Mao Xiong Brigade parachuted deep into the third echelon and were not discovered by the entire leading battalion of the tank regiment. This is strength.

The reconnaissance methods of the vanguard of the 113th Regiment Tank Battalion can be said to be quite comprehensive and perfect in the eyes of senior generals of the field army.

There is nothing wrong with the style of the modern army.

As a result, under such investigation, the furry bear under their noses was not found, which was worthy of their admiration.

"Big Brother really has two tricks up his sleeve, and he did this to avoid detection."

"Yes, in order to complete the blockade, such a method is really unexpected."

"The advance investigation of the 113th Regiment was perfect, but there were still some omissions. Big Brother Bear's method of avoiding detection is a good learning case for us.

"The excitement of the exercise really begins from now on."

Compared with the senior generals of Mao Xiong not far away, the senior generals of the field army are relatively relaxed now.

Li Ran has mastered the overall situation of the exercise, and as expected, there is no problem in winning.

Under the premise that they were at least 80% certain to win this exercise, everyone naturally looked at the exercise from a different perspective, and the tendency was to focus on the content of the exercise.

I want to learn something new from Big Brother Furry Bear.

In this way, if you actually fight in the future, you will be considered to have experience.

The mood of Mao Xiong's senior generals was completely different. They were gritting their teeth and cheering for the 172nd Brigade in their hearts.

Especially when I saw that the two battalions of the 172nd Brigade could not be discovered under the investigation of the little brother, their tactical boldness was admirable, and they all applauded inwardly.

Well done, if we fight like this, we might be able to achieve miracles.

You must work hard, your commander is a fool, you must live up to your expectations.

Even if you lose this exercise, you must lose with honor. You can't let me underestimate you.

Come on, 172 Brigade, I'm optimistic about you.

Mao Xiong's generals cheered for the two battalions of the 172nd Brigade.

As long as the two battalions of the 172nd Brigade can complete the blocking mission, they will definitely take the initiative to ask for credit in front of the elders after the exercise.

And we will tell them directly and clearly that it was not your fault that the exercise failed. The fault was that Morav should not have been chosen as the commander of this exercise.

We all got it wrong about Morav, he is not as good as we thought, he is just a fool.

Yes, that's it.

The screen returns to the exercise battlefield.

A series of reconnaissance work by the leading battalion of the 113th Regiment was in place, and the reason why the two battalions of the 172nd Brigade were not discovered was because they had made sufficient preparations before.

At this time, the ambush position of the two battalions of the 172nd Brigade was only a few dozen meters away from the leading reconnaissance battalion of the 113th Regiment.

Yes, it was only a few dozen meters away, right under their noses, but the leading reconnaissance battalion of the 113th Brigade didn't notice it at all.

This was not because the leading reconnaissance battalion was careless or incompetent, but that Mao Xiong's preparations were indeed very cunning.

Mao Xiong's preparations actually completely evaded all the investigation methods of the 113th Regiment. Even the generals in the director's department were amazed by the cunning tactics.

In this preparation, the officers and soldiers of the Mao Xiong 172 Brigade showed great synergy, and it was impossible to say anything when it was in place.

For the two battalions of the 172nd Brigade, if they want to successfully fight this blocking battle, the first wave of offensive launched is very critical. The first wave of offensive must achieve huge results and suppress the momentum of their little brother, the 113th Regiment. .

Only in this way can we have a chance to complete the blocking mission.

On both sides of the road, officers and soldiers of the 172nd Brigade dug many potholes, which could only accommodate Mao Xiong alone [and he was still half squatting in them.

0......Please give me flowers......

The space in the potholes is very limited, and the Mao Xiong officers and soldiers are already very strong and tall. Hiding in the potholes is indeed very uncomfortable and can easily make people breathless.

In addition, the Mao Xiong officers and soldiers hiding in the potholes must cut off all signal connections and close all communications to prevent electronic signals from being detected. This is why the electronic countermeasures team of the 113th Regiment did not detect electronic signals here before. The reason for the signal.

Moreover, before launching the attack, the furry bear officers and soldiers hiding inside had to eat, drink, and sleep in the pits. Every furry bear officer and soldier wore diapers just for this preparation.

All preparations like this are to prevent detection.

However, modern investigation methods are so advanced. With advanced equipment, such as infrared detection, it can be detected only based on the temperature.

In order to prevent the temperature in the pit from rising due to the loss of personal body temperature, the little brother can detect suspicious heat sources.

Therefore, the kettles of each Mao Xiong officer and soldier were filled with cold water, and some even poured some water directly into the potholes to evaporate and absorb heat.

Moreover, the top of the pothole was covered and camouflaged, and the camouflage was very subtle.

Even the infantry squad soldiers from the vanguard battalion walked directly over the head of the bear without even noticing that they were stepping on a pothole.

There was no feeling of anything wrong at all, it could be said that the disguise was done to the extreme.

If not for lack of time, Major Mao Xiong, who led the team, would have even wanted to dig multiple tunnels and use the dense tunnels to suppress the 113th Regiment and start a tunnel battle.

After all, Major Mao Xiong is well versed in the tactical style of the field army and has done his homework in advance.

In this way, Mao Xiong's full preparation made all the reconnaissance methods of the 113th Regiment's vanguard battalion ineffective, and they did not realize that the Mao Xiong soldiers were right under their noses, waiting for a signal to him.

In order to complete the blocking mission, the soldiers of a company were all staying quietly in the pit at this moment, waiting for the signal to attack.

But now there is a problem, that is, all the communication equipment of this company of furry bear soldiers has been turned off on their own initiative. How can they judge that the time has come for them to attack?

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!! Billions of dollars).

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