Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

702: A Textbook Case Template! All Preparations Are For Now

It can be said that whether it is Major Bear or Commander Morav, both of them have reached the "climax" of the fight at this time.

A light infantry company wiped out a tank battalion of the field army. What a great feat, such a shocking record, they Mao Xiong themselves created such a miracle.

From this miracle, we can basically judge the direction of this exercise.

The final winner must be Mao Xiong.

Just when Brigadier General Mao Xiong Morav was about to hang up the phone, he firmly believed that it was a very correct deployment for him to deploy the main force of the 172nd Brigade Airborne Forces in a deep area like Anling to block the little brother's armored forces.

Suddenly, Major Min's urgent voice came over the phone.

“Sir, ambushed, ambushed.

On the phone, Major Mao Xiong's voice no longer had the same pride and pride as at the beginning, but only panic.

"Ambush? Who ambushed you? What happened?"

Hearing this, Morav was confused and didn't understand at all.

Encountered an ambush? What does it mean to be ambushed? Being attacked by an opponent who secretly ambush in advance is called being ambushed, but now the mission of the [172nd Brigade] is clearly to ambush the heavy troops of the little brother.

Just a second ago, the two airborne battalions of the 172nd Brigade killed a tank battalion of the little brother, but now they are ambushed. Will the field army also become alive?

"It's not the 113th Regiment of the field army, it's the light infantry, the main force of the 111th Regiment's airborne troops, and we were ambushed by them.

When he saw the identity of the field army who ambushed them, Major Mao Xiong was instantly confused.

How is it possible? How could the main force of the 111th Airborne Regiment of the Field Army be here? Isn't it in Anseong?

But now, judging from the number and firepower of this light infantry launching an ambush, they are definitely the main force. What is going on?

Could it be that the establishment size of the Little Brother Airborne Regiment is different from theirs? Does the establishment of the Little Brother Airborne Regiment have twelve battalions? Is this still the establishment of a regiment? Such a large number of people are dispatched, and they are not reported to the director's department. It's just a joke.

Just this thought flashed through the major's mind, and he knew that this was impossible.

Where the establishment of a regiment is placed, even if it is a strengthened regiment, it will be reported to the director in advance, but in fact, the intelligence they received is that the 111th regiment does not have so many combat camps at all.

Moreover, in this exercise confrontation, both sides are relatively equal in terms of numbers and equipment size, and there is no unfair situation.

So what is the problem now?

"The main force of the 111th Airborne Regiment of the Field Army? Do you know what you are talking about? Are you confused? Are you dazzled?" Morav was so angry that he yelled and asked directly.

Are you kidding me, the main force of the 111th Regiment will appear here? Unless they can teleport.

The main force of the 111th Regiment is clearly in Anseong, and it has been delayed by the 172nd Battalion. It is impossible for the main force to be here.

Major Mao Xiong must have been dazzled and made a mistake.

"Sir, I think I'm wrong, but a light infantry of the size of the main force of the 111th Regiment cannot be a heavily armed force." Major Mao Neng Wujue said.

He could clearly distinguish between light infantry and heavy armor. There was no way that such a large number of light infantry could be heavy armor.

Could it be that it was an ambush, and they even gave up their heavy equipment? They all changed to light infantry to fight? Unless they are stupid.

"Hold on and look for opportunities to retreat immediately." Morav gave the order.

In any case, it is a fact that the 172nd Brigade was ambushed now, but now, it must be ensured that the 172nd Brigade cannot be eliminated.

The ambush mission performed by the 172nd Brigade Airborne Troops played a very important role for Morav in normal exercise deployment.


This is, the phone hangs up.

Within the joint command headquarters, although the communication between Morav and the major ended, the correspondents in the command headquarters were very busy.

As the 172nd Brigade was ambushed by the main force of the 111th Regiment, the main force of the 111th Regiment appeared in the deep area of ​​Anling, directly dealing a major blow to the Mao Xiong troops.

Each unit of the 172nd Brigade did not expect to encounter the main force of the 111th Regiment here. They were all caught off guard and very confused. All battle situations were reported immediately.

The radio station in the headquarters kept ringing, and the communication never ended. Various battle situations were constantly reported to Morav.

Morav held a thick stack of reports. After seeing the contents of the battle report, his eyes turned red instantly. He seemed to have aged ten years and was very tired.

For a moment, he couldn't think of which link had the problem.

Time goes back to before the leading company of the 172nd Brigade ambush the leading tank battalion of the 111th Regiment. Before Mao Xiong's company was ready to ambush the leading tank battalion of the 113th Regiment and eliminate it, the real main force of the 172nd Brigade that had already been airdropped in this generation was also There is no idle time.

After being airdropped, the main force of the 111th Regiment immediately carried out tactical insertions.

After spending about ten hours, they finally managed to penetrate an area about one kilometer around the main force of the 172nd Brigade.

You know, this is the main airborne force of the 111th Regiment. There are six battalions operating together. The scale is very huge. In order to avoid being discovered by the bears during a march of this scale, they must be very careful. 567 even directly carried out a tactical detour, preferring to go farther away or take a detour to ensure that the action was concealed.

This resulted in the main force of the 111th Regiment having to walk two or three times longer than the original distance. Although the route was a bit detoured, the movement was very concealed and Mao could not detect it.

Although this company of surprise troops deployed by Mao Xiong successfully eliminated a tank battalion, such an action was considered a feat.

However, the main tactics of the 111th Regiment this time were interspersed with detours, which can be said to have fully demonstrated the temperament of their predecessors.

But one thing to note is that in modern warfare, it is actually very difficult for such a unit to complete tactical maneuvers without being discovered, even more difficult than that era.

The reason is actually very simple. As the equipment becomes more advanced, both the opponent and our equipment will become better.

Various investigation methods are emerging in endlessly, and even the slightest carelessness will be exposed. Once detected, all preparations will be in vain.

The most critical reason why the main force of the 111th Regiment can succeed is its discipline.

The discipline displayed by the 111th Regiment can be said to be a textbook template. There is no fault at all, and all the details are perfect...

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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