Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

706: Suicide Battle! Compete With The Air Force Against The Furry Bear

A tough battle is going on.

The 1st Battalion of the 111th Regiment, under Mao Xiong's crazy counterattack, now only has one-third of its strength left.

Although everyone was physically and mentally exhausted, the fighting spirit of fighting until the last moment appeared on everyone's face. Until now, they had not eaten or drank, and their physical energy had been exhausted.

Moreover, the ammunition they brought is almost exhausted now, and they are almost out of ammunition and food. It can be said that there is no hope.

Without support or supplies, they seemed to be a lone army.

But for them, the mission was completed, even if all the battles were lost, it was still a profit, but they wanted to take away as many people as they could before the battle was lost.

After the crazy counterattack, Mao Xiong is currently in a short rest period.

This rest period was not given by Mao Xiong, but was fought for by the field army.

Because for Mao Xiong, it is impossible not to rest for the time being. The little brother is too tenacious. After the fight until now, they have even discovered a terrifying fact.

That was the little brother they faced. They had no supplies, not at all. All they had on them was ammunition and equipment, and these ammunition and equipment were almost exhausted now.

This is also why the young men in this battalion were able to exert such momentum that they mistakenly thought they were the main force of the five battalions.

Now Mao Xiong understood everything, and for a moment he was shocked by his little brother's perseverance.

If this were on a real battlefield and faced with such an enemy, what would be the fate of their furry bears? Will their momentum be defeated? It would be very possible for them to be beaten, which would leave a big shadow in their hearts.

At this moment, a touch of fear emerged in the hearts of the Mao Xiong officers and soldiers.

Is this the strength of the little brother? What scares them is not the fighting power of the little brother, but the perseverance and persistence of the little brother.

In the first battalion, only the last three-thirds of the combatants were left.

While the bear was taking a short rest, the last members of the team were also taking their final breaths.

"Statistics on each squad, how much ammunition do you have?" the major asked in a deep voice.

Under such circumstances, the majors had already taken out their guns, went into battle in person, and joined the battlefield.

As for the battalion instructor, he was killed in the battle before him.

"Batalion Commander, I only have one magazine left.

"I still have half a magazine."

"The heavy firepower is completely gone, and there are only a few bullets left."

"I've got a few more grenades."

The officers and soldiers of the first battalion who have persisted until now have reached the point where they have run out of ammunition and food. The main reason is that the ammunition has been used up, and there is no problem of supply at all.

If they hadn't defeated the bear in the battle and found an opportunity to get the ammunition back from the damaged bear, they wouldn't have been able to hold on now.

"Brothers, from now on, you can attack freely. I have only one request, and that is to use all means possible to cause damage to the bear. Do you understand?" the major said.


After the major made the final deployment, Mao Xiong directly sent people to speak out in order to suppress the momentum of the field army.

"Little brothers, stop resisting in vain, come out and surrender, we promise to treat the prisoners preferentially.

"I know that you haven't eaten or drank water for a long time. We have prepared food and water. Come quickly.

"This is just an exercise. You are good people. Come out and surrender."

Mao Xiong kept shouting, wanting the field army to surrender. Mao Xiong now knew very well that if they continued to fight, the longer the fight lasted, the more disadvantageous it would be to them.

Although the sect has gradually pushed this young man in the battalion into a desperate situation, the battle itself is not small.

The little brother's temporary counterattack is still very scary.

It would be the best thing for them to surrender voluntarily.

Besides, from the point of view of the furry bears, there is no point in continuing to hold on to this battalion of my little brother. The mission has been completed and they have been successfully deceived. Why don't they surrender and eat and drink early?

The veteran Mao Xiong was just shouting. Not long after he finished speaking, white smoke started to rise from his body.


A battalion of snipers hiding in the dark successfully killed him without giving him any face.

Surrender? What a joke, the field army never knew what surrender meant.

However, the sniper who secretly fired the last shot had all the bullets in the sniper rifle fired, and the sniper rifle became a piece of scrap metal.

The sniper rifle was out of ammunition, but the rifle was still there. The sniper picked up the rifle next to him and joined the light infantry fighting ranks.

The veteran Mao Xiong who was shot dead after coming out to shout was very aggrieved. After being injured in the battle, he glanced in the direction of his battalion commander with a very aggrieved look, as if he was complaining.

He has already said, what are you shouting? My little brother's character is absolutely impossible to surrender. What's the point? But if he comes out to shout, he will be the unlucky one.

"My little brother doesn't appreciate it, so there's no need for us to be polite. Let's attack and destroy them as quickly as possible.'17

Ignoring the complaining eyes, Major Mao Xiong directly issued the final order of annihilation with a cold face.

The major wants to shout to the little brother to surrender. The major has an idea. If the little brother surrenders, they can regain more face.

Even if the general headquarters knew that they had miscalculated the main strength of the little brother, the fact that the little brother who could fight voluntarily surrendered also reflected their strength.

Everyone wants to win this exercise, but to put it bluntly, winning or losing is nothing more than a matter of face.

Whoever wins wins, it’s such a simple truth.

The final battle between the two sides began again. As time passed, the sound of the battle became smaller and smaller, and was no longer as intensive as before.

The fundamental reason was that all the remaining soldiers in the first battalion had run out of ammunition. In the end, under the attack of the bear, the only remaining platoon was surrounded by a building and was completely surrounded.

At this time, the officers and soldiers of the first battalion were really just caged birds, unable to escape.

The Mao Xiong soldiers completely surrounded the building, and the shouting began again.

"Little brother, you can surrender this time. There is no need to resist pointlessly."

"Surrender, you have done a good job, there is no need to continue."

"You have earned our respect. Come down here and we promise to treat you humanely."

At this moment, Major Mao Xiong, who was leading the team, came out to speak in person. Although he was very angry at the way the first battalion had fooled them before, his anger was gone now, and he was left with only admiration.

To be honest, it is really not shameful to lose at the hands of such a little brother.

With such an opponent, let alone his command, even if Brigadier General Morav comes to command in person, he will definitely be deceived, and the result will not be much better.

Hearing the shouts coming from downstairs, the remaining officers and soldiers of the battalion were unmoved.

Surrender? Just kidding, field troops never take prisoners.

Even if they jump from here, they will not surrender and become prisoners.

At this time, the first battalion of soldiers was led by only an old non-commissioned officer, and their battalion commander had been damaged in the battle before.

"Comrades, I would rather die than surrender at the last moment." the old sergeant said solemnly.


The old sergeant's words attracted the approval of others. It was impossible to surrender, even if they were beaten to death.

"Start the suicide plan," the old sergeant said.


After shouting for a long time, seeing that none of the field army soldiers inside responded, Major Mao Xiong waved his hand and signaled to storm in.

He admired his little brother's courage and perseverance.

"Destroy it and destroy it. Don't do anything impolite to others." Major Mao Xiong warned before the attack.

He had thought about it, even if he wanted to annihilate all the little brothers inside, he should let them fight in a dignified way without doing any impolite behavior towards them.


Hearing this, Han Xiong's soldiers nodded very seriously.

They respect and admire warriors, and will never do anything to humiliate them.

Following the order from Major Mao Xiong, the Mao Xiong soldiers launched the final storm.

However, after only half a sound, bang bang bang~

There were constant explosions in the building, and then white smoke billowed out from inside.

The dozens of furry bears who rushed in all walked out with depressed expressions, with white smoke rising from their bodies, which meant they had been damaged in the battle. The soldiers of the field army also walked out silently, with white smoke rising from each of them. , fought.

"What's going on?" Major Mao Xiong was stunned when he saw this.

We've come to this point, how come all the soldiers we sent to attack can be replaced? What's going on?

"I'm really convinced. Everyone has a bomb in their hand. When they see someone, they jump directly on it. There's no way to hide." A battle-damaged furry bear couldn't help but said depressedly.

When the young men in the building saw them coming in, they all rushed forward like crazy. They had no weapons in their hands and only had a grenade in their hands.

When someone sees a grenade, he pulls it away, then pounces on them, hugging them tightly, and fights not to take them with him.

After hearing this, Major Mao Xiong was speechless for a moment. The two battalions of soldiers he led also suffered heavy losses at this time, and only one battalion was left.

He couldn't believe that the little brother's battalion had not only deceived them for so long, but could actually fight them until now, causing them such great damage.

If they are all under the same strength and are all in the same battalion, I am afraid that his side may not necessarily be the opponent of the field army.

The little brother is really scary. It was not unreasonable to hit eight people at that time.

The battle in Anjo was finally over. Although they were deceived and suffered a lot of losses, they finally took Anjo completely and gave an explanation to the headquarters.

Therefore, Major Mao Xiong asked someone to contact the headquarters and report the situation here.


"What? The main force is not in Ancheng. How the hell did you promise me before?"

"Is it useful to say this now? The main force of the 172nd Brigade is going to be completely destroyed...

"Your task now is to occupy Ancheng for me, don't talk nonsense about anything else."

On the phone, after Morav learned the true situation from the major, he immediately cursed.

The major told him very nicely before that the main force of the field army was in Anseong. He was very sure. But now it turns out that they were deceived. Anseong actually only has one battalion of the field army's airborne troops.

This is really fun. This shows that the 172nd Brigade encountered the main force of the field army's airborne troops. No wonder they still haven't been able to break out until now.

He actually fell into the little brother's tactical deception and was deceived. The little brother was completely prepared for all this. From the beginning, it was to make him mistakenly think that the main force of Airborne Music was there.

The little brother has changed. He is no longer simple or innocent at all. He is so thoughtful. He, the big brother, has been plotting against him from the beginning.

Damn it, he still believed that his little brother was innocent, but in fact that was not the case at all.

The only thing that gives Morav some comfort now is that Ancheng has finally been captured and temporarily occupied.

It’s just that Morav knows that if the crisis of the 172nd Brigade has to be contacted, take it now

There is no point in going to Ancheng. There is less than one battalion of troops left there. If the main battlefield is defeated, Ancheng cannot hold on at all.

Do you expect a force of less than a battalion to stop the little brother? It is simply impossible.

After scolding the major, Morav hung up the phone angrily.

On the side, after hearing what Morav said this time, Mao Xiong's chief of staff said in a deep voice: "The 172nd Brigade reported the battle situation again three minutes ago, and their breakthrough was blocked.

As the chief of staff of the Mao Xiong joint military exercise, the colonel felt very heavy at this time.

Just because they misjudged the main force of the field army's airborne troops, they are now in a very passive situation.

If this continues, if the 172nd Brigade cannot be helped to break through as soon as possible, the next battle will be really difficult, so difficult that he can't even imagine it.

*Where is the 159th Brigade now?" Hearing this, Morav asked.

"We are still hundreds of kilometers away from the 172nd Brigade."

"Let them speed up to support. In addition, it is time for our air force to dispatch." After Morav finished speaking, thinking of his own air force power, a beam of light came out of his eyes again.

Said: "Compared to the Air Force, I started too late."

That's right, although the younger brother is now one of the disciples, he was the latest to start in the Air Force.

I think back then, when fighter jets were invented, what was the situation here? It was still a horse-drawn carriage. It was all agricultural, not even semi-mechanized.

Although the little brother later worked hard to catch up, some key technologies, no matter how good the relationship is, cannot be given to the little brother, and they all rely on the little brother to explore on his own.

Nominally, the Dragon 10 fighter jets equipped by the Air Force this time are of the same generation as their Su-30s, but in fact, they are definitely inferior in performance to the Su-30s.

As for how big the gap is, you will have to know after playing against each other.

The air force is also one of Morav's trump cards.

In modern warfare, air superiority of 2.1 missiles is very important. If his air force can gain air superiority, it will be able to completely change the battlefield situation and make up for the damage suffered by the main force of the 172 Brigade.

A devastating situation.

Therefore, it is not over yet for him, there is still a chance.

Following Morav's order, the air force began to be used.

On the other side, Mao Xiong, Siberian Air Force Airport.

"Power system check completed."

"Fire control device inspection completed."

"Cockpit inspection completed."

"The ammunition has been replenished and the fuel has been replenished.

After a basic inspection, the Mao Xiong pilot determined that there was no problem with all the basic equipment.

Then, under the command of the ground air crew, the Su-30 was slowly driven to the runway. Then, under the guidance of the tower personnel, one Su-30 quickly took off and flew into the distant sky.


The Su-30 is powered by a high-horsepower vector engine. It is an improved version of the third-generation fighter and is a third-and-a-half-generation fighter.

The Su-30 fighter jet is a fighter-bomber improved on the basis of the Su-27. It has dual-purpose air-to-ground capabilities, ultra-low altitude sustained flight capabilities, and good maneuverability.

It has high reliability and certain stealth performance, and can still independently complete annihilation and attack missions even in the absence of ground command system information, including performing combat missions deep in enemy territory.

Of course, if you want to ask whether Mao Xiong has a better fighter than the Su-30, of course there is, but good things cannot be taken out casually. No matter who it is, this mentality is the same.

This time, using the Su-30, Mao Xiong also wanted to compare in this exercise whether the Long-10, which is said to be comparable to their Su-30, is really good in performance.

At the same time as the Mao Xiong Su-30 fighter formation took off, on the other side, the 8th Air Division base and the aviation regiment also entered the release stage.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything. Thank you!!!).

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