Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

070: The Company Commander Lights The Cigarette Himself! Li Ran Wants To Drive A Tank

As the commander of the reconnaissance company, Li Hu was in a very good mood, unprecedentedly good, and had never felt so good before.

There is no way, who can let the company have a promising soldier? Although he is only a private, his strength is better than that of the cadres.

Today, after Li Ran and Wang Erniu left the company, Li Hu, the company commander, taught everyone in person.

All the 100 people of the company were assembled at the training ground. As the company commander, Li Hu first gave a speech.

"Comrades, we are a reconnaissance company. Our mission is to penetrate enemy-occupied areas, detect enemy movements, detect the location of enemy military targets, provide detailed geographical coordinates and damage conditions for our own artillery and air strikes, and detect important enemy forces. Military objectives, etc..."

"As a scout, there are many subjects that need to be trained and mastered, but the most important thing is that we must learn to disguise, conceal, and avoid enemy detection."

"Here I want to emphasize to everyone that enemy aerial reconnaissance now does not use naked eyes, but uses infrared reconnaissance equipment, which can determine whether there is anything suspicious in this area by detecting heat sources emitted from the ground."

"So after you have finished your disguise, remember to make sure as much as possible that there is nothing that radiates heat..."

As the company commander, Li Hu explained to everyone the techniques and precautions for detecting camouflage and avoiding enemy detection.

This is also an item that the reconnaissance company will conduct company-wide assessments on a regular basis.

If you, as a reconnaissance company, fail to pass this training item, you will be in trouble. Reconnaissance company, reconnaissance company, what kind of reconnaissance company does it deserve to be called if you can't even pass the camouflage operation?

After Li Hu finished explaining, the monitors of each class began to lead the team for training.

"Li Ran!"

At this time, Li Hu shouted.

"Here." Li Ran stopped what he was doing.

"come over."


Li Ran trotted over.

"Company Commander, what's wrong with me?"

"I gave your paper to the regimental commander. After reading it, the regimental commander handed it over to the military region. As for whether he will adopt the things written in your paper, it still depends on the decision of the military region chief. If he really adopts it, It is estimated that there will be a task for you, I will say hello to you in advance, if you put it aside, don't be discouraged." As Li Hu said this, he took out a cigarette and threw it to Li Ran.

Li Ran was a little surprised. He didn't expect the company commander to give him excuses in public.

"Company commander, can you smoke now?" Li Ran asked.

"Just smoke it, it's okay."

The company commander said so, and Li Ran was not polite. He put the cigarette in his mouth and was about to light it, but Li Hu's lighter came closer.

Pa da~

The lighter was on and lit for Li Ran.


Not far away, when other people who were training saw this scene, they all gasped and were very shocked.

What did they see? The company commander not only personally dispersed Li Ran's cigarettes, but also personally lit Li Ran's cigarettes. Li Ran was such a big deal!

Li Ran took a puff, slowly blew out a smoke ring, and asked: "Company commander, do you think the paper I wrote can be a meritorious service?"

Yes, this is what Li Ran cares about. In the army, there are not only ways to complete tasks and kill enemies and make meritorious deeds. If the article is well written, there are also opportunities to make meritorious deeds.

Of course, this article refers to articles that are of substantial help and reference to the development of the field army.

But it is extremely difficult to write such an article!

Throughout the history of field armies, there are very few constructive articles, and all of their authors were general-level figures.

Because at that level, you have a long-term strategic vision and can analyze a matter from the overall situation and see a wider perspective, so you can write constructive articles.

"How do you say it?" Regarding Li Ran's question, Li Hu did not hide it and said directly: "As before, if the superior leader intends to implement what you wrote in the paper, a third-class meritorious service should be no problem. If it is temporarily If we put it aside, there will definitely be at least one group reward.

Li Hu is not sure whether there will be a third-class merit award, but he is certain that there will definitely be a group award.

Because, the regimental commendation department can decide it without asking the superior leader for instructions.

Moreover, if Li Ran, as a private, could write such an article, no matter whether the superior leader finally adopts it or not, the regiment would give him a reward and encourage him, which should not dampen the enthusiasm of young people.

After listening to what Li Hu said, Li Ran had an idea in his mind.

In peacetime, it is indeed difficult to make meritorious service in the army.

"By the way, the group leader has applied to expand the library's collection of books, and it has been approved." Li Hu said.

The matter of expanding the size of the book collection was entirely applied for by Li Ran alone.

"I will definitely not be trusted by the leader." Li Ran said.

He had mentioned the matter of expanding the collection of books to Li Hu before. Unexpectedly, he mentioned it with a trying attitude, and his company commander would implement it so soon.

"You've done well since you were in the company. Tell me what reward you want. I'll do everything I can for you. "This is an encouragement from the detective company." Li Hu pumped his chest and vowed.

This is how he leads his troops, with clear rewards and punishments.

If his soldiers are ambitious and perform well, everything is easy to discuss. As long as you have achievements, Li Hu will allow you some privileges that do not violate his principles by default.

"Company commander, anything is okay?" Li Ran asked.

"Anything is fine, as long as it doesn't violate the principles, as long as I can do it."

"I want to drive a tank once, is that okay?" Li Ran expressed his wish.

Although he chose the reconnaissance company, who doesn't love tanks? Who doesn't want to drive one and experience it?

The most important thing is that Li Ran has accumulated a lot of achievement points in the past few days. When he goes to bed at night, he draws a few prizes when he has nothing to do.

With my previous experience, no matter how many achievement points I have saved, I will always be very restrained during the lottery and not get ahead of myself.

He obtained the driving expertise from the system, and he can drive everything from tanks and infantry fighting vehicles to airplanes and fighter jets.

It's just two different things whether it can be opened or not.

Who would have thought that the company commander had said this, and if he wanted to satisfy one of his requirements as a reward, then Li Ran wouldn't be polite.

Li Ran's words stunned Li Hu. He didn't expect that Li Ran's idea was to drive a tank. But after thinking about it, it was normal. Who has never driven a tank before and wouldn't want to give it a try?

"Company Commander, isn't this request acceptable? If not, forget it. After all, the tank is the equipment of the third company. The third company treats it as a treasure and probably won't lend it to us." Li Ran said deliberately.

0......Please give me flowers......

Unexpectedly, after hearing Li Ran's words, Li Hu immediately became angry. Of course, the anger was not directed at Chen Ran.

"Baby, it's just their third company that counts as a treasure. We are a reconnaissance company. What's wrong with trying to drive one of his tanks? I agreed to this request and it's on me." Li Hu said immediately.

Tanks are indeed a treasure for Sanlian. The key is that not everyone can drive a tank. You must obtain a special driving qualification certificate.

The Type 59 main battle tank controls the direction through a joystick, which is completely different from driving a car.

Therefore, even the third company can only be driven by specialized tank drivers.

Now Li Ran is a scout, and if he wants to take advantage of someone else's treasure, I'm afraid the Third Company won't agree without a little effort.

But faced with this small request from his favorite soldier, how could he, the company commander, say no? It was just asking the Third Company to borrow a tank, and he gave it all.

"Company Commander, if you are in trouble, forget it." Li Ran said again.

"Don't be embarrassed. I'll borrow one from the Third Company in the afternoon and give you an extra lesson on step-by-step coordination," Li Hu said.

In fact, infantry-tank coordination is really not part of the training syllabus for their scouts.

They scout troops and only practice man-vehicle coordination, and coordinated operations between field troops and infantry fighting vehicles.

Infantry-tank coordination is usually a joint training between the third company and the sixth company, one tank company and one machine-infantry company.

But as a scout, you don’t have to be overwhelmed by your many skills!

"Thank you, company commander." Seeing that Li Hu promised to get a tank for him to drive, Li Ran smiled, gave Li Hu a piece of gold, and then returned to the team to continue training.

I'm waiting to drive the tank in the afternoon.

It was the first time in my life to drive a tank, so I had to take a photo to commemorate it.

After morning training, it’s lunch break.

Third station!

"Lao San, Lao San, lend me a tank for my brother to use."

"Why is your reconnaissance company borrowing a tank? No."

"Third brother, I want to teach them how to use infantry and tank coordination. As you know, as a scout, knowing too much is useless.

"How can I not understand your seventh son's temper? You came to borrow a tank at noon just to teach them about infantry-tank coordination? Can infantry-tank coordination be practiced in just one lesson? If it were that simple, our Third Company and Sixth Company would train together regularly. What are you doing? Or are the soldiers in your reconnaissance company just smarter than our soldiers?"

Seeing Li Hu begging in low spirits at this time, I felt proud.

Based on his understanding of Li Hu, borrowing the tank was definitely not just for a lesson in infantry-tank synergy, but had other purposes.

"Third brother, what are you talking about? No matter what kind of soldiers they are, they are all the same. Do me a favor. I will borrow them for an afternoon and return them to you. I promise that they will not be damaged by you.

In order to fulfill his promise to Li Ran, Li Hu risked his life.

Seeing that Li Hu refused to tell the truth, the third company commander also refused to give in.

"No borrowing!"

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