Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

710: It’S Both Accidental And Inevitable! The Total Annihilation Operation Begins

In the air, the situation of the battle between the two sides took a huge turn. The Su-30 fleet that originally suppressed the Dragon 10 and changed to fight, now completely changed from active to passive.

Instead, the Su-30 was running in front and the Dragon-10 was chasing behind. The bear pilots were swearing and very unhappy.

They are obviously much stronger than their little brother's air force, but now they are being chased and beaten, which makes them feel angry.

This makes them really depressed. Why is the situation like this? They can only blame the ground troops for being so angry.

They were all speechless. How weak were the ground troops? They were still able to give their little brother's ground troops time to provide air-to-medium fire support.

Why on earth, how was this battle fought? What on earth was Commander-in-Chief Morav commanding?

Judging from the ferocity of the firepower supported by the ground troops, the air defense firepower of the little guys on the ground seems to pose no threat and can cause unscrupulous attacks on them.

This reflects a situation, that is, their own ground troops are too weak, and they did not put any pressure on their little brother.

Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, but the pilots of the Mao Xiong Air Force are also very clear at this time.

Now they can only retreat. If they don't retreat, even if their strength is stronger than that of their little brother, the Air Force, their strength is actually limited, and they will all be annihilated here.


On the ground, the tactical missile force of the field army was aiming at the Su-30 fleet of furry bears in the air and continuously launched missiles.

One shot after another, it was very enjoyable.

"Aim and hit them all. Don't be stingy with ammunition. Make sure you have enough ammunition."

This is their first time to fight such a "rich" battle. Although they are tactical missile units and the backbone of air defense, in fact, they are also frightened once they face a group of fighter jets.

No matter how fast the fighter jets are, once they are exposed and the fighter group attacks them, they will easily be annihilated.

But now, there is no such worry at all, because Su 30, the furry bear in the air, has no intention of caring about them at this time, and can only passively be beaten and escape in a hurry.

Who doesn't know how to beat up a drowned dog? The more you beat it, the more addictive it becomes. That's a great feeling.

In fact, even if the Maoxiong Su-30 fleet chooses to retreat at this time, there is actually no good retreat direction, because the tactical missile units on the ground have long been distributed in depth areas and occupy key strategic areas.

Basically, it can be said that the Mao Xiong Air Force was prepared for an ambush on the only way to retreat.

A complete missile battalion can keep the opponent's air force occupied for a week.

At this time, the missile battalion.

"Yes, our battalion promises to complete the mission of defeating the Mao Xiong Air Force and will never disappoint the commander-in-chief."

After receiving the order from the general headquarters, the major immediately made arrangements.

Soon, the tactical missile vehicle arrived at the designated location, the driver pressed the switch, and the hydraulic rod quickly provided a huge amount of force.

The missile launch box slowly rose and began to aim at the air.

Not far away, the individual missile teams were all in place. Each person was carrying a Red Arrow missile launcher. The missiles were all installed and ready to be launched at any time.

Not far away, the combat staff were staring at the light spots on the radar. The light spots on the radar represented our Long 10 Kai and Mao Xiong Su 30.

Seeing the distance getting closer and closer, the combat staff became very nervous.

Seeing that the time had come, the combat staff immediately reported the coordinates, location and altitude to the frontline training team.


After receiving it, the old sergeant immediately began to calculate the Su-30's motion coordinate trajectory. These coordinate trajectories will be input into the Red Arrow missile to target the Su-30.

At present, all strategic missiles have the function of identifying friend or foe, so there is no need to worry about hitting our fighter jets.

"The coordinates are calculated, everything is set, request to fire."

"Approval to fire."


The next second, hoo hoo hoo~

Missiles were launched into the air at high speeds one after another. After each missile, there were thick tongues of flames, and the strong driving force pushed the missiles towards the target.

Meanwhile, in the air.

After learning that the ground forces had launched tactical missiles, the Long-10 modified pilot quickly changed his tactical actions according to the predetermined plan.

He immediately gave up the pursuit of the Mao Xiong Su-30 in front. Here, seeing that the Dragon 10 fighter jets in the rear stopped chasing him, the Mao Xiong pilot thought he had successfully escaped the pursuit, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next second, I realized that he was wrong, and very wrong.

Seeing only the rear, although Long 10 Gai gave up the pursuit, he fired air-to-air missiles directly at him, and on the ground, several tongues of flames came towards him.

The fire control device alarmed wildly, but the Bear pilot looked at the situation in front of him and knew that there was no way to save the situation. There was no space and time for him to evade.

There is only one final result, and that is to be unfortunately hit and withdraw from the exercise.

With the tactical cooperation of the Long 10 modification and the ground tactical missile force, the Mao Xiong Su 30 fighter jets continued to suffer battle losses, and soon there were 8 more fighter sorties with battle losses.

In addition to the previous battles until now, the strength of the Mao Xiong Air Force has been lost in half in a short period of time.

Such battle losses were very heavy for the Mao Xiong Air Force, and the field army's air force directly overwhelmed the Mao Xiong Air Force.

It can be said that after such a confrontation, the balance of air superiority tilted towards the field army, and the Mao Xiong Air Force completely fell into a disadvantage and became a disadvantage.

Although half of the remaining air force successfully retreated, it was difficult for the retreating forces to take the initiative to regain air supremacy.

Although the strength of the Mao Xiong Air Force was stronger than that of the Field Army before, the number of fighter jets was the key. Once the gap in the number of fighter jets between the two sides was large, no matter how superb the flying skills of Mao Xiong's pilots were, they would not be able to make up for the actual quantitative gap.

The field army air force pilots just lack actual combat experience, but the gap is limited and not that outrageous.

Director's Department.

After seeing that the air force battle with Big Brother Mao Xiong has temporarily come to an end, the senior generals of the field army are now feeling refreshed and extremely happy.

To be honest, it was a surprise to the senior generals of the field army that the air battle ended like this.

At the very beginning of the fight, they even felt a little desperate when they saw the Eighth Air Division being so brutally beaten by the Mao Xiong Air Force.

Why is there such a huge gap in strength between our own air force and Big Brother Mao Xiong’s air force? It’s a bit outrageous that we were overwhelmed within a few rounds of the fight.

Even the then Lieutenant General of the Air Force was too embarrassed to continue watching.

Unexpectedly, under Li Ran's single-handed deployment and with the assistance of the ground troops, they actually defeated the Mao Xiong Air Force like this.

What does this mean? It means that the gap between our own air force and the Mao Xiong Air Force is actually limited, maybe just a little bit different.

If the gap is too outrageous, can such an effect be achieved with fire support from ground troops?

However, after this exercise is over, the air force still needs to conduct special training to make up for the gap with Mao Xiong as soon as possible, and preferably surpass Mao Xiong. In this case, their field army will be truly invincible.

As for Mao Xiong's senior generals, although they are unwilling to accept the outcome of this air battle, they are all senior generals and have strategic vision. They also know that there is nothing they can do about the air combat reaching this point and from the beginning to the present review. things.

Again, the entire exercise, from the very beginning, the momentum of this exercise was in the hands of the little brother.

Fighters are changing rapidly, and the situation on the battlefield changes so fast that no one can predict it.

Judging from the fact that their air force was ambushed, entering the little brother's ambush circle was also an inevitable result.

The little brother has already made corresponding preparations for their air force. All these preparations must be based on the situation where the ground forces have the advantage.

In fact, from the moment Morav mistakenly estimated the main force of the airborne troops, it also foreshadowed that their air force would be ambushed by their little brother.

All this was planned by the young commander of the field army.

Morav did not want the main force of the 172nd Airborne Brigade to be attacked from the front and back and suffered heavy losses. The only support force that could be mobilized was the air force.

Once the air force is called in for support, it will inevitably mean entering the ambush designed by the field army.

In this exercise, the most unjust and aggrieved person was their air force.

One wrong step, one wrong step after another, wrong at the beginning, wrong at the crucial beginning, and now you can only go all the way to the end, all the way to the end.

The Mao Xiong Su-30 fleet took action but failed to achieve the expected results. They came in a menacing manner, but eventually ran away in embarrassment.

On the ground, the main officers and soldiers of the Mao Xiong 172 Brigade stared blankly in the air, watching their fighter jets retreat in embarrassment, and they were all as cautious as death.

They were ambushed, and the fighter jets of their own air force retreated in embarrassment. They no longer cared about themselves, so they were abandoned.

0…………Please give me flowers…0

Their only promising support force had also been defeated by their little brother. Now they had no hope of escaping from the encirclement.

Compared with the low morale of the main force of the 172nd Brigade, the main officers and soldiers of the 113th and 111th Regiments of the Field Army were all in high spirits.

Have you seen it, have you seen it clearly? You, the army, are no match for us, and neither can you, the air force.

Still thinking of pinning your hopes on the Air Force? Stop dreaming and give up this unrealistic idea. You are no match at all. Surrender obediently and our field army promises to treat prisoners preferentially.

Boom boom boom~

The Mao Xiong Air Force was beaten away, and the 113th and 111th regiments were not polite and launched a war of annihilation against the 172nd Brigade, which was bound to eat up the main force of the Mao Xiong 172th Brigade.

Boom boom boom~

The combination of Tiger 6 and Tiger 9 main battle tanks and the coordination of the 111th Regiment airborne troops launched a fierce attack on the main force of the 172nd Brigade.

Although the main force of the 172nd Brigade has built most of the defenses in the deep area, these defenses are so vulnerable in front of the King of Land Warfare.

Light infantry is too insignificant in front of heavy armor, especially heavy armor with enough light infantry to coordinate.


An order was issued from the headquarters to completely annihilate the main force of the 172nd Brigade.

The 111th Regiment's second platoon and third squad.

"Call Lian Zhi.

"Lianzhi received, please speak.

"In the strategic area one kilometer to the southwest, two enemy combat squads were found. The firepower was visually inspected, and two heavy machine guns and four missile launchers were requested to provide an infantry fighting vehicle and two tanks for reinforcements." The old sergeant reported.


Here, after receiving the squad's request for fire support, the first company headquarters quickly contacted a tank platoon of the 113th regiment that was relatively close.

Knowing that the brother unit needed support, the tank platoon immediately dispatched two tanks to provide support without saying a word.

Just a few minutes.

Boom boom boom~

The roar of the King of Land War's engine came to the ears of the lurking soldiers of the third squad. Suddenly, the three squads

The squad's soldiers had smiles on their faces.

The support is coming, the support from the brother troops is coming really fast.

"Immediately respond." The old sergeant squad leader said immediately.


Soon, a soldier from the third squad came to a safe position next to the tank and took the tank to a safe position.

Then the tank immediately shut down, and inside the tank, the driver secretly waved. The driver and observer emerge from the tank.

"Thank you for your hard work," the sergeant squad leader said politely.

"Let's not gossip. You have a clearer understanding of the situation and how we need to cooperate." The tank commander said directly without wasting any time.

"That's right, I have an idea." The sergeant squad leader immediately expressed his tactical idea.

"In this way, we divided into three groups, and the two combat groups directly attacked frontally under the cover of tanks to destroy their heavy firepower and positions."

"I led a combat team to bypass them from the side and block their retreat."

"The heavy machine gun on the infantry fighting vehicle is responsible for suppressing fire. Don't let them have a chance to breathe.

"What do you think?"

After the sergeant squad leader expressed his tactical ideas, he asked directly.

Unified action requires everyone to agree and support and cooperate.

"I would like to add something. The commander of the tank said: "I think they definitely deployed anti-tank mines in front of their fortifications [the tank must first give way to help us clear a safe passage. "

As the commander of the tank, the considerations were not unreasonable.

The main force of the 172nd Brigade, the light infantry, was originally tasked with blocking their heavy equipment. If they wanted to block their heavy equipment, they would definitely lay out anti-tank mines.

Only this thing can effectively block the movement of tanks and greatly increase the pressure on heavily armed troops.

Moreover, once a tank is blown up by an anti-tank mine, the track may break and the tank loses its ability to move. If it is unlucky, it may be directly judged as a battle damage, which is very fatal.

"What you said makes sense, I have no objection." The sergeant squad leader said directly: "Does anyone have anything to add?"


"Okay, then decide on this idea and take action. 1"

(Please ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank me!!!).

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