Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

713: Take No Prisoners! Elder Mao Xiong Was Almost Anxious

As Li Ran's voice sounded, everyone in the command center stood up.

The neat and tidy movements and strict discipline are evident.

"Order, let the third tank battalion join the battle and attack from the side."

"Command, the tactical missile troops cover me with fire, and hit me on the officers and soldiers of Mao Xiong 172 Brigade."

"Order, the Army Aviation Brigade enters Anling to prepare for an assault."

After giving the order, Li Ran's expression suddenly became very serious, causing everyone present to feel a chill.

"Remember, I don't want the officers and soldiers of the 172nd Brigade to be captured. What I want is for them to be annihilated. If you hear me, repeat."

“Take no prisoners.


After Li Ran deployed the latest tactical orders in public, a group of combat staff immediately began to issue combat orders to the frontline training team.

After Li Ran's deployment orders were all issued, soon the tank battalion and the Army Aviation Brigade also joined the battle.

This time, the orders received by the frontline troops were very clear: no prisoners, no prisoners, no prisoners, and important things said three times.

For Li Ran, the reason for not taking prisoners is very simple, although taking Big Bear Bear as a prisoner can better reflect the combat effectiveness of the field army.

But the decisive battle with the 159th Brigade of Mao Xiong was the key. This time, the logistics was almost wiped out because of a combat unit of the 172nd Brigade. This was a lesson.

Therefore, in order to ensure the victory of the heavily armed troops, such an accident must never happen again.

This way.

On the front line, on the battlefield of the 113th Regiment, the colonel commander is sitting in the command vehicle.

Boom, boom, boom, the roar of the King of Land Warfare kept resounding, and the smell of diesel in the air was so strong that it seemed to be dripping down.

In the air, the Army Aviation Brigade is also ready, and the armed helicopters can't wait.

The tactical missile force dozens of kilometers away from here is already ready to launch missiles at any time, and the missile loading carriages have been raised.

This is the last wave of assault launched against the 172nd Brigade. This wave of assault is bound to wipe out all the Bear officers and soldiers of the 172nd Brigade.

The colonel commander stood on a tank and carried out pre-war mobilization for the officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment, mainly to convey Li Ran's instructions.

"Comrades, you all heard it clearly. The Commander-in-Chief has an order to completely eliminate the officers and soldiers of the Mao Xiong 172 Brigade. No prisoners or prisoners will be taken. We must ensure that no Mao Xiong officer and soldier is left alive in the Anling Central Line. I have heard it clearly. No?" the colonel yelled.

"Listen clearly."

The officers and soldiers present roared in unison, with overwhelming momentum and momentum.



With an order, all officers and soldiers immediately went into battle and launched a final frantic assault on the 172nd Brigade, which was already a turtle in the urn.

The commander-in-chief's order came down, it would be simple if we don't want any prisoners.

Da da da~

Boom boom boom~


The ruthless fire strikes were all directed at the officers and soldiers of the Mao Xiong 172 Brigade. This time, because Li Ran issued a death order, requiring the battle to end as soon as possible and to eliminate all the officers and soldiers of the Mao Xiong 172 Brigade.

Therefore, the soldiers of the field army fought very crazily this time, and they were merciless in their attacks. There was no need to worry about Big Brother Furry Bear's face, or be gentle with Big Brother Furry Bear, because there was no need.

Under such a crazy attack, the officers and soldiers of the Mao Xiong 172 Brigade felt greater pressure than before. The pressure on the city's power supply suddenly increased sharply.

This is completely high-intensity!

Even many officers and soldiers of the 172nd Mao Xiong Brigade were confused for a while after seeing the fighting styles of the officers and soldiers of the 111th and 113th Regiments.

"What's going on? Why did we provoke them? Do you think we are devils?"

"Damn, is it our desperate situation or theirs? We are already like this, and we are not as fierce as them.

"It's too much, it's really too much. You have such a big advantage and you still fight like this, leaving absolutely no room for anything.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I was still thinking of pretending to surrender to deceive them, but in the end they didn't give them a chance to surrender at all."

"This is really beating us to death, without giving us any chance."

After seeing the offensive momentum of the field officers and soldiers, many furry bear officers and soldiers of the 172nd Brigade were stunned.

Because they found that the little brother was too ruthless. Originally, the little brother had such an advantage. Logically speaking, he should have beaten them calmly.

But in fact it's not the case at all. The little brother obviously has an absolute advantage, but instead he fights like a desperate situation, using the style of fighting adversity.

The officers and soldiers of Mao Xiong even thought for a time that the little brother regarded them as devils.

Because there is a lot of hatred between the little brother and the Japs, Mao Xiong knows it well, and this posture is clearly to fight them as Japs and to take revenge.

The crazy little brother is really scary.

The officers and soldiers of Mao Xiong 172 Brigade originally wanted to take advantage of the terrain to fight guerrilla warfare with the field army, break the troops into pieces, and disperse them into the dense forest.

However, the field army did not give this opportunity at all, and was not worried at all. It cooperated with the reconnaissance of military dogs and drones.

The furry bear hiding in the forest still has no chance.

And once it is discovered that the number of officers and soldiers gathered together in Mao Xiong has the size of a squad, they will directly use firepower to bomb and cover them.

There is no such thing as canceling the ammunition contract. One attitude is to eliminate the 172nd Mao Xiong Brigade as quickly as possible.

In this way, after only half an hour, the main force of the Mao Xiong 172 Brigade branch in Anling was wiped out without any prisoners.

At this point, the plan to encircle and annihilate the main force of the Mao Xiong 172 Brigade was a complete victory [and achieved very brilliant results.

Originally a complete airborne brigade of Mao Xiong 172, now only the remnants of a battalion still stationed in Ancheng are left, and all other officers and soldiers have been wiped out.

Because the last wave of battle scenes to annihilate the main force of the Mao Xiong 172 Brigade was really too "cruel", leaving no face for Big Brother Mao Xiong.

This led to a result, that is, the atmosphere in the director's department was very embarrassing at this time.

Especially in the director's department at this time, the elders of both sides had just arrived and came to the director's department to watch the exercises transmitted back by the big screen.

Who would have thought that as soon as they came here, they would see such a scene, which made both elders feel embarrassed for a while.

In the director’s department!

At this time, the frontline battle situation and the latest battle situation information were being played on the big screen.

The main force of the Mao Xiong 172 Brigade was completely wiped out, not a single prisoner was left, really not a single prisoner was left, and even according to the rules of the exercise, not a single breath was left.

The officers and soldiers of the 111th Regiment and the 113th Regiment strictly implemented the order given by Commander-in-Chief Li Ran not to take prisoners to the extreme.

It was so extreme that it was even a bit heartbreaking, and everyone in the director's department couldn't bear to look at it for a while.

Back to the final annihilation battle thirty minutes ago.

In order to delay time, or were unwilling to give up, the officers and soldiers of the 172nd Mao Xiong Brigade were looking for opportunities. Many Mao Xiong soldiers took advantage of the terrain, and some even went directly into the cave.

You know, the cave is a natural fortification, easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Moreover, due to the entrance of the cave, it is impossible for the officers and soldiers of the field army to come in swarm, nor can they come in with heavy equipment. They only need to guard the entrance of the cave and attack one by one. It is very stable.

Unexpectedly, the field officers and soldiers took out their flamethrowers and started spraying flames directly into the cave.

Ridiculous furry bear, he likes to hide in holes and never come out, right? If you can, don't come out. Let's see how long you can bear it.

Flamethrower, the flame emitted by this thing is extremely hot. In a cave as big as a cave, the flamethrower can turn the furry bear inside into a roasted bear after spraying it for a while.

Also for the sake of safety, the director and staff immediately called a halt after seeing that the situation was almost complete, and decided that Mao Xiong had been damaged in battle. The main reason was that he was worried that Mao Xiong Erleng was coming up, and if something really happened, it would be bad.

In addition, the Tiger 6 of the 111th Regiment was accidentally attacked by a heavy machine gun firepower point while attacking.

Da da da~

All the bullets from the heavy machine gun were fired at the Tiger 9. It is basically impossible for such bullets to penetrate the outer armor of the Tiger 9.

But after being beaten, Tiger 9 was unambiguous. It pointed the muzzle directly at the heavy machine gun fire point and fired a shell at close range.

Do you think one shot is enough? Wrong. After one shot, another shot came. After one shot, another shot came.

A heavy machine gun firepower point actually caused the Tiger 6 to fire five shells. If this were used in actual combat, the fortifications would probably be in shreds. As for the Mao Xiong, there would have been no scraps left.

Do you think Mao Xiong, a heavy machine gun with strong firepower, poses a great threat?

Wrong, it was just for the safety of the Tiger 6 tank crew. Who knows if Mao Xiong will be lucky if one or two shells are fired.

Anyway, just a few more shells is nothing.

In addition to the heavy armored troops being so frantic, the same was true for the airborne troops of the 111th Regiment.

A furry bear soldier was chased to a dead end by two people. Just when he wanted to raise his hands to surrender, he was shot by one of the airborne soldiers. His hands were already raised, but the words had not been spoken yet.

In response to this, the Mao Xiong soldier who wanted to surrender was very dissatisfied and protested: "Why? I have already raised my hands to surrender, and you still kill the prisoners.

"Sorry, my reaction was slow. I didn't think you were surrendering. I thought it was some special behavior for you to raise your hands." The airborne soldier who fired the gun explained immediately.

It’s just that as soon as the words fell, da da da

There were several more gunshots, and the furry bear who had been damaged in the battle was shot several more times. These shots knocked the furry bear soldier unconscious.

"Why? I've already been damaged in battle and you still shoot and whip the corpse." The Mao Xiong soldier protested dissatisfied.

"Sorry, I'm worried that you are not completely dead. To be on the safe side, you still need to reload the gun. This is the habit of our field army [to ensure that the enemy must be completely dead." The field army soldier Tian Bing who was replenishing the gun also explained immediately.

However, as soon as he finished explaining, the field army soldier who was the first to shoot the furry bear soldier fired a few more shots at the furry bear soldier.

This time, the furry bear soldier was so angry that he almost cried.

It's too much, it's really too much. The little brother was so rude. He just shot him to death and whipped him to death. The two of them whipped him continuously.

"I'm sorry, I think what he said is very reasonable. Just to be on the safe side, just to be on the safe side." The field army soldier who shot and whipped the corpse for the second time explained.

After two rounds of whipping, the Mao Xiong soldiers had been tortured until they lost their temper.

To be honest, if it weren't for the large number of people in the field army, he would have insisted on fighting with his little brother. It would be too much. He would not take their big brother seriously at all and would not give him any face.

After the two of them dealt with the furry bear soldiers, they went to find the next target.

The two of them cooperated very skillfully, and the phenomenon of corpse whipping continued to occur.

In the director's department, Mao Xiong's senior generals looked at such a scene playing on the screen. They felt angry and very angry for a while.

Damn little brother, indifferent, not polite at all, and doesn't give you any face.

Is this how you treat your big brother? Is your big brother being bullied by you (Li Qianzhao) like this? How on earth do you have the nerve to do such a thing?

Okay, they have discovered it a long time ago. The little brother is full of rebellion. Now they have discovered the evidence.

It was just an exercise. You little brother acted like a Japanese soldier. You thought it was a battle of revenge. It didn't take prisoners and whip the corpses.

What, little brother, do you really think of them as devils or what?

You have a deep grudge against the Japanese, so why don't you go directly to the Japanese to take revenge, just like this to your big brother?

What about the promised brotherhood? What about the promised mentor of benevolence and righteousness? They are all lies.

The little brother is very bad and scheming, and he will definitely rival Yingjiang.

Looking at such a scene, although our elder had a smile on his face for a while, he did feel very embarrassed in his heart.

Alas, he didn't want to do this either. Who knew Big Brother Furry Bear could not help but beat him?

Comparing the commanders of both sides, we sent a young man who is only twenty years old. Your commander is a veteran commander who has commanded actual combat. We are already humble enough. With a fight like this, It’s really not that our field army doesn’t give face.

At this time, Vladimir, the elder of Mao Xiong, looked at the picture on the screen and his face was livid, very ugly.

To be honest, if he hadn't been concerned about his identity and occasion, he would have wanted to scold her now.

It's really embarrassing and aggrieved. As an elder, his main style has always been toughness. As a result, his own troops were beaten like this. It was simply embarrassing. He was also beaten like this by his younger brother. It was simply embarrassing.

After returning this time, he had to put things in order, and he wanted to see whether his younger brother was too strong, or whether his own army was too weak.


(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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