Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

734: Ai Xue Is So Cruel! Li Ran Decided To Choose One Of The Two

Synthetic Brigade.

In the brigade commander's office.

Because the old brigade commander Li Ran suddenly asked for marriage, he, the commander of the synthetic brigade, was very busy.

Many calls came to him, first to determine whether the incident was true, and after learning that it was true, they all wanted to drag him to the old brigade commander for matchmaking.

The chief officers of the field army no longer care about their status and image. They all want to introduce their relatives, even some relatives who are beyond their reach, as long as they are female, single, and have a good image, to the old brigade commander. .

These people were not familiar with the old brigade commander, and they didn't know anyone from Division Z, so they wanted to use him to mediate with the old brigade commander.

For this reason, Manzhi has not stopped calling all morning.

The key is not just that, some of the single female soldiers in his own synthetic brigade even went crazy, and they all came to him to apply, wanting to go on a blind date with Li Ran.

To this end, each of them took out photos, and at first glance, they were photos taken with careful makeup. When compared with the person, Manzhi couldn't stand the difference.

Aren't you cheating? You want to use the cheat to deceive the old brigade commander. He is full of ambitions as an officer promoted by the old brigade commander. How can he deceive the old brigade commander?

Of course, Manzhi was also taking action and thinking about whether he had any suitable candidates he could introduce to the old brigade commander.

There is no way, the old brigade commander is too good. If you introduce the girl to the old brigade commander, whoever will be favored by the old brigade commander will have good luck in life.

In terms of the excellence of the old brigade commander, his image and temperament, and his genes, he is simply one of a kind, not too good at all.

At this time.

Dong Dong Dong~

There was a knock on the door.


Hearing this, Ai Xue pushed open the door and strode in.

"Captain Ai, what's the matter?" Seeing Ai Xue come in, Manzhi was stunned for a moment and then asked.

"Brigadier, I want to ask for leave." Ai Xue said directly.

That's right, Ai Xue is going to ask for leave and plans to go directly to Master Z. This time she will cook the rice. In this way, the relationship between her and Li Ran will be completely settled.

Those coquettish bitches can no longer take advantage of Li Ran.

Ai Xue does not regret this behavior, on the contrary, she thinks it is very necessary.

Because she saw many photos of lesbians on Manzhi's table. Obviously, someone wanted to get to know Li Ran on a blind date through Manzhi, the brigade commander.

She and Li Ran have known each other for so long, but they still haven't succeeded. These coquettish bitches want to get there first. How can it be so cheap?

The most important thing is that Ai Xue is confident in her heart. Although Li Ran has not confirmed her relationship with her, it can be seen from the previous times when she expressed her feelings to Li Ran that Ji [ran actually has a certain affection for her. .

Whether it is her image or her family, Ai Xue is very confident. She is no worse than anyone else.

"Ask for leave? What are you asking for leave for?" Hearing this, Manzhi asked curiously.

"Go to Division Z." Ai Xue said directly without hiding anything.


Hearing this, Manzhi couldn't help but take a breath of air. He, the captain of the electronic countermeasures brigade of the Synthetic Brigade, was too proactive.

The charm of the old brigade commander was too terrifying.

Regarding the relationship between Ai Xue and Li Ran, Manzhi has actually always wanted to ask clearly, but had no chance.

I think that when Li was in the Hesheng Brigade, there was news that the two were together, but it was never announced to the public.

Later, for a while, he always thought that Ai Xue and Li Ran were lovers.

But now since the news of Li Ran's marriage proposal came out, Manzhi discovered that he was wrong. Ai Xue and Li Ran should have nothing to do with each other, otherwise, they would not have asked for marriage.

Maybe there is another possibility.

"You and the old brigade commander broke up before?" Manzhi asked cautiously.

Yes, there is only one possibility that the two of them were together once, but then they broke up again for some reason.

Now it is learned that the old brigade commander is seeking marriage. Ai Xue has always had an old love for the old brigade commander. Now she can't sit still and wants to find the old brigade commander to rekindle her old love.

"What breakup? Li Ran and I have never been together." After hearing this, Ai Xue said dissatisfied.

It would be nice if they really broke up, at least she was still with Li Ran. In fact, she and Li Ran had never been together, and there was no relationship between them at all.

"Ah?" Upon hearing this, Manzhi suddenly opened his mouth, quite surprised.

The two of them had never been together, which really surprised him.

"We've never been together? Haven't there been rumors about the two of you before?" Manzhi said again (aibf).

"It's all rumors. He and I have never had a relationship and have never been together, but soon, I will have a relationship with him." Ai Xue said with a very firm attitude.

At this time, Ai Xue also completely ignored any reserve.

She finally understood that the so-called reserve was fake and had no other benefits besides wasting time. If she liked him, pursue him. If the other party didn't take the initiative, then she would take the initiative.

As long as you can win, it's not a loss. What's the point of being reserved? If you have to be reserved, then when the person you like is snatched away by another coquettish bitch, will you regret it at that time?

"I'm sorry, I thought you two had been together for a long time. Captain Ai, how long do you plan to take leave?" Manzhi asked after apologizing.

"A week, maybe longer," Ai said after mentioning it again.

She didn't believe it. One week was still not enough to cook rice with Li Ran. If one week was not enough, then extend the time some more.


Hearing this, Manzhi couldn't help but gasped again.

Judging from Ai Xue's attitude, the captain of his electronic countermeasures brigade seems to be determined to win the old brigade commander.

The critical week seems a bit long, the Synthetic Brigade has been very busy.

The electronic countermeasures brigade is a very important combat unit for the combined brigade. Without the brigade captain Ai Xue, the combat effectiveness will naturally be greatly reduced.

He could accept two or three days off, but this time it only started for a week, and maybe even longer. Manzhi really couldn't bear it.

Captain Ai, isn't one week too long? I know you are here to take down the old brigade commander. With your conditions, Captain Ai, taking down the old brigade commander is not three times five divided by two. If it doesn't work, then It's just that the old brigade commander doesn't know people, and he doesn't have a good life. There's no need to force things like marriage. Manzhi said with a smile.

What Manzhi said was quite high level.

First, he praised Ai Xue, saying that Ai Xue's conditions were very good and that it would take no time to capture the old brigade commander. At the same time, he also hinted at Ai Xue.

If the old brigade commander really has no feelings for you, it will be useless even if you stay there for a year. There is no point in wasting time there.

As the saying goes, a tough melon is not sweet.

Ai Xue naturally heard the underlying meaning of Manzhi's words, and just said lightly: "Brigadier, I will not come back until I cook the raw rice this time. Besides, even if I succeed, I will probably use I'll have to ask for leave soon. I don't need to be the vice-captain at the Electronic Countermeasures Brigade, so there's no problem in leaving it to her."

"Huh? Why do you still need to ask for leave after you succeed?" Manzhi did not pay attention to what Ai Xue said next, but was very curious about this sentence and had questions.

If it is really successful, shouldn't we come back early to report the good news? Why do we need to take leave?

"I have already said that once I succeed, I will probably get pregnant soon. By then, I will definitely ask for leave." Ai Xue said lightly.


Hearing this, Manzhi couldn't help but gasped again.

It's so scary. I didn't expect Ai Xue to be so determined this time, and she went with the attitude of being pregnant.

But what Ai Xue said makes sense. Once Ai Xue really gets along with the old brigade commander and gets pregnant, she will indeed need to take leave.

This made Manzhi very helpless. What to do? No matter whether he succeeded or not, he, the captain of the electronic countermeasures brigade of the synthetic brigade, must have been out for a while.

The charm of the old brigade commander is really terrifying, which can make the always proud and arrogant Brigade Ai actively pursue him like this.

And this time he went there with a sacrificial attitude. Why didn't such a good thing happen to him?

"Captain Ai, I understand what you are thinking. I approve this fake." Manzhi thought for a moment and said firmly.

From the looks of it, Ai Xue is definitely determined. If he tries to stop him, he will definitely offend Ai Xue to death.

In this case, it is better to be a favor and strongly support Ai Xue.

Even if Ai Xue really returns in defeat, he, the brigade commander, will not have any complaints from Ai Xue.

"Brigadier, since you support me so much, can't you just talk about your support and not support me in action?" Ai Xue said playfully.

"Actional support? What do you mean? Do you want me to send you there?" Manzhi didn't understand for a while.

"I don't need you to send it." Ai Xue said, walked to Manzhi, picked up the photos on the table, and said: "I will definitely succeed this time [I think there is no need to keep these photos."


Hearing this, Manzhi took a breath of air for the fourth time.

Cruel, so cruel, he didn't expect that Ai Xue, who always looked very gentle and kind, would have such a ruthless side.

When it comes to the old brigade commander's marriage, no matter whether he succeeds or not, other women except her will not even give him a chance.

Ai Xue has already said this. What does his brigade have to say?

"What Captain Ai said is that these photos are indeed unnecessary. I will destroy them immediately." Manzhi said with a smile.

These photos also include photos of her distant cousin. Now it seems that there is no chance.

It's not appropriate to just throw away people's photos, the only solution is to destroy them.

"Well, when Li Ran and I get married, I will definitely ask Li Ran to ask you to be his best man." Ai Xue was very satisfied with Manzhi's realization.


After Ai Xue left the office, Manzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

These days, when it comes to love, women are really scary. Who would have thought that Ai Xue, who has always looked very gentle and kind, would have such a side?

Soon, Ai Xue asked for leave from Manzhi, said hello to the team, made arrangements, and set off.

This time, Li Ran must be taken down.

Although Ai Xue is desperate for Li Ran, she is not the kind of woman who doesn't know the general situation. It is enough to explain clearly the matters in the team and it will not delay the training.

And for such a long time, the vice-captain of the team has also been very good. Without her, there will be no problem that the vice-captain is competent at his job.

Naturally, when a woman is in charge, she needs to consider more, that is, to prevent the birth of a child one day, she must have a suitable person to take over her job. She cannot just leave just because she has a child, which is irresponsible for the work.

Return to Division Z again.

In the reception room.

Tan Feihe and Li Jun were having a great time chatting, and Li Ran on the side was overwhelmed with choices.

There are indeed many beautiful women in the photos, but Li Ran really has no feeling at all for such people who have never met before.

Looking around, Li Ran felt a little tired of his eyesight and felt very tired physically and mentally.

Even when I commanded the troops during the joint military exercise and didn't take a break for dozens of hours, I never felt so tired.

In the end, Li Ran gave up.

Let yourself choose from these photos to get married, or forget it.

I have never met these people, and even if I did, it would be too troublesome to get to know them. Li Ran doesn't have that free time now.

"What, did you look at it?"

Seeing that Li Ran stopped looking at the photo, Li Jun asked curiously, thinking that Li Ran had already picked it.

"I stopped looking. I really can't find the right one." Li Ran shook his head and said directly.

"If you don't like these, I will ask someone to find another batch for you right away." Li Jun said immediately after hearing this.

With the current financial situation of the Li family, it would not be difficult to find another batch of marriage partners for his son.

If nothing else, just put Li Ran's condition out there, and many girls would beg to come on a blind date.

"Dad, you'd better save your energy. I really don't feel anything about people I've never met before. This isn't shopping for groceries, just pick and choose." Li Ran said helplessly.

"No, I have to deal with this matter for you, otherwise I won't go back." When Li Jun heard this, he immediately became unhappy and said directly.

"Li Ran, that's what I mean when I come today. The superiors have told me that we must hurry up and deal with your matter. Your father is here, so he can just take care of you." Tan Fei said, also expressing his attitude.

It's just an attitude. Even if you touch it with your eyes closed today, you still have to pick out a target.

"Well, don't introduce it to me, I can do it myself." Li Ran had no choice but to compromise and said.

"Contact yourself? How to contact me?" Hearing this, Li Jun asked curiously.

"I'm trying to get in touch with Staff Officer Tan and Captain Ai. I know both of them, have talked to them, and have met them. Let me choose one of them." Li Ran said helplessly. .


After hearing this, Li Jun immediately agreed without saying a word, with a satisfied smile on his face.

This is the best thing for him as a father.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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