Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

758: Li Ran Tactics! Let Yingjiang Stand On The Moral High Ground

At this time, the headquarters of the Ninth Mountain Division was busy.

A group of military officers and staff were busy deleting data and modifying the video. This was not a simple matter, because the data would be temporarily saved in their database, and traces would be left after being saved.

Therefore, they not only have to remove it, but the most important thing is to clean up the traces. Only in this way, even if people from the relevant departments come to investigate later, no clues will be found.

On Jeremy Raymond's side, he was about to make a call, but before making the call, Jeremy Raymond was thinking.

He was thinking about the appropriate tone to use to report this matter to his superiors.

An angry tone? Without waiting for the superior to speak, he directly scolded the eighteenth generation of the colonel who took the blame, so that the superior could see his anger at being cheated?

Or is it a cold tone? This kind of tone tests a person's psychological quality and language organization ability, and uses the calmest words to say the cruelest tone.

So, you must be prepared.

His superiors may ask him some questions, and he must think of appropriate reasons to respond to them.

And he tried his best to make it seem that this matter had nothing to do with him as the division commander. Everything was the fault of the colonel who was already GG. He was also a victim, a big victim.

Just when Jeremy Raymond thought about it and was about to officially start making phone calls to report, at this moment

The chief of staff of the Ninth Mountain Division suddenly came in a hurry.

"It's not good." The colonel said directly.

"What's wrong?" After hearing this, Jeremy Ramon, who had just calmed down and was ready to make a call, suddenly became nervous. At this time, he was afraid that something bad would happen.

The things that happened before were already very serious. If anything goes wrong at this time, things will only get more serious. When the time comes, it will definitely be difficult to deal with.

"Look at this."

The colonel took out a satellite tablet and handed it to Jeremy Raymond.

After seeing the video played on the tablet, Jeremy Ramon was stunned for a moment, and then his heart was replaced by endless anger.

It's too much, it's really too much, it's provocation, it's a provocation that has no bottom line.

This was the rhythm that crushed his 9th Mountain Division's face to the ground.

The images played in the video were of the members of the Rangers team, and these members were all prisoners at this time and were arrested.

The Rangers, who were originally very brave and handsome in battle, were now tortured by this group of armed forces and became deformed.

There was even a masked militant who put a gun to the head of a Ranger and asked him to say a series of insults such as "Eagle Troops are cowards" and "hot chickens".

But even though this Ranger member was held against the black muzzle of the gun, he still looked fearless and refused to speak.


A thumping sound.

When the gunfire rang out, the Ranger fell down and was directly shot to death. He died tragically on the spot.

"Damn it, it's really abominable. They are provoking all our troops. Do you really think there is nothing we can do against them?" Jeremy Raymond said angrily.

He did not expect that the militants who attacked them not only caused heavy casualties to them, but also captured his Ranger team members, tortured them like this, and forced them to say these words.

This is simply rubbing the face of the Ninth Mountain Division on the ground in public, and uploading the matter to the Internet is a naked provocation.

This is announcing to the world that they want to challenge all the Eagle Sauce troops, and they are looking for death.

The most important thing is that the militants uploaded this video, which means that the whole world now knows that they have lost the battle, and now the nature of the matter has become even more serious.

After Walton found out, he still didn't find trouble with him? Asked him how the division commander commanded him?

He must be blamed for letting an operation end like this.

This completely disrupted his plan and made all the rhetoric he had prepared useless.

Fortunately, the members of his Ranger team were not afraid of death and did not feel ashamed under such circumstances. This was the last fig leaf of the 9th Mountain Division.

"Now things are in trouble. They uploaded the video to show off to the whole world that they defeated us. Walton won't forgive us, and neither will the people in China." "Jeremy Raymond said in a deep voice.

"Not necessarily." Unexpectedly, at this time, the colonel said.

"Huh?" Jeremy Raymond looked surprised.

"Look at these posts." the colonel said

Jeremy Ramon looked around and saw a large number of posts on the website where the militants uploaded the video. All of these posts were related to the Rangers, and they angrily denounced the militants for their morally corrupt and horrific behavior.

And many people also commented that they were supporting and supporting their Rangers.

"Damnable terrorists, they are challenging the whole world again."

"The Ranger is well done. He is brave and not afraid of death. He is the pride of the bald eagle."

"If we treat our soldiers like this, we will never let them go."

"Damn terrorists, you are just a group of demons, shameless, torturing our King of War like this.

"You see the will of the Rangers? You can't defeat them."

Many people posted posts, all in support of the Rangers, and some even made a point of popularizing the history of the Rangers.

In general, the public opinion on the Internet at this time was all one-sided, condemning the militants, encouraging and supporting them.

Seeing this, Jeremy Raymond's expression suddenly became strange.

To be honest, their reputation online has not been very good, especially when they fight in other countries, which many people consider to be aggression and meddling.

Unexpectedly, today, they have become the righteous party and won the support of the whole world.

In this case, he felt much better for a while. At least others found out that they were victims and supported them.

Compared with this group of militants, they suddenly occupied the moral high ground, which is a good thing.

What Jeremy Raymond and others don't know is that all of this is happening under Li Ran's instructions.

Deliberately uploading the video, and then asking the navy to post in advance to guide public opinion, in order to promote the image and combat power of the Rangers.

Let everyone support Eagle Sauce and the Rangers now.

This move is called flattery!

Similarly, the move of killing by holding the sword is also the most vicious move, and it is of the same nature as those who hide their swords in their smiles.

If you want to completely destroy a person, suppression is not the best way, but flattery and killing is.

Guide public opinion and at the same time dominate the battle rhythm on Yingjiang's side.

Jeremy Raymond wants to turn big things into trivial matters. This intention has long been speculated by Li Ran, but Jeremy Raymond cannot be allowed to do this.

It was necessary for Yingjiang to carry out rescue operations for the captured Ranger team members. Driven by public opinion, they had to rescue them at all costs.

Let them know that even if the rescue will cause more casualties, they still have to save and must save.

Now the whole world's eyes are on them, on those captured Rangers. If they don't save them, what will so many people think?

Ying Jiang is so ruthless that he remains indifferent when his soldiers are in danger and does not go to rescue them.

What will the people in Eagle Sauce think when they see it?

We sent our children to the battlefield, and you treated them like this? When they were in danger, you didn't launch a rescue operation? Who would be willing to do this?

We pay taxes to let you manufacture various weapons and equipment, and this is what you end up with?

Can't even defeat the terrorists? Can't even save one of our own people captured by the terrorists?

In this case, will they still need to pay taxes in the future?

What leads to this situation is the tactical thinking of ordinary people and commanders.

For the commander, in the current situation, he is very clear that rescue will only increase more casualties and is meaningless. Timely tactical stop loss is the way to go.

But for those people, they only have one concept in their eyes.

Your soldiers have been captured and insulted. You must rescue them and eliminate this group of terrorists at all costs. This is the result they want.

Prompted by public opinion, Yingjiang will have no choice but to continue to use tactics of adding fuel and vinegar.

Even though Yingjiang knew it was a tactic of adding fuel and jealousy, he had no choice but to rectify it. Otherwise, it would be impossible.

This is a kind of control over people's hearts!

It is also a heart-wrenching plan that completely dominates Yingjiang's tactical rhythm, thus completely controlling Yingjiang.

As the video continues to ferment.

Ugly country, domestic!

On the street, a large number of people organized a team to march on the street. Everyone held a specially made sign in their hand, which read, heroes must not be insulted, save our soldiers, etc.

There are even people holding loudspeakers and educating others on the streets about the glorious history of the Rangers, which resonates with others.

Let others join in supporting the rescue of these Rangers.

"Sir, the Rangers are our pride. They are heroes. Now our heroes are being tortured by terrorists. Can you just watch and be indifferent?"

"These Rangers, in addition to being soldiers, they are also sons and fathers, and their families are still waiting for them to return.

"Come on, join us, let us speak out for heroes and resolutely defeat all terrorism."

As this kind of street demonstrations broke out in the country, it also proved that Li Ran's tactical purpose was achieved.

At this moment, public opinion has been completely dominated by him, and he has completely grasped the direction of the public opinion of the ugly people. As the mastermind behind the scenes, he guides these people to achieve their ultimate goal.

Suddenly, as these teams marched in the country, the repercussions were getting bigger and bigger.

Because the ones who were captured were the Rangers. The Rangers were their ace unit, a very famous unit, and those who could become Rangers were all elites.

Our heroes are out there fighting terrorists and protecting them.

Now, the heroes are in danger, and it's time for them to contribute and let the relevant departments see their determination and will.

As public opinion continued to erupt, people from the Yingjiang military and related departments realized that the Ninth Mountain Division had encountered such trouble.

Suddenly, a call was made directly to the headquarters of the Ninth Mountain Division to learn about the situation from Jeremy Raymond.

Within the headquarters.

"Yes, sir, I was just about to report. Yes, we encountered an ambush. It was all about that damn Daya Warner. He betrayed us. He made a deal with local terrorists and betrayed us. We We have already obtained enough evidence. Yes, it was him. After his intention was exposed, he wanted to force me to escape, but he was killed directly by us. I know, I understand, yes, I will be waiting for orders at any time. .”

The phone hangs up.

"What did Wharton say?" Chief of Staff of the Ninth Mountain Division

asked immediately.

"Walton said that there is a lot of pressure from domestic public opinion now, and they want us to rescue the captured Rangers. They are currently having a meeting to discuss. Some people are in favor of it, and some are against it.

But the final decision (to get Li) still depends on the elders’ wishes. "Jeremy Ramone said.

"In that case, it has nothing to do with us." The colonel's eyes lit up.

"Judging from the current situation, yes, the phone call did not mean to blame us, but just asked us to be prepared and ready for rescue at any time." said Jeremy Raymond, a long-term resident.

He breathed a sigh of relief, with joy in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, things have developed to this point.

This group of militants never imagined that they uploaded the video with the intention of deliberately provoking and disgusting them. Who knows, but it actually relieved him from huge pressure.


Now the pressure has shifted to Walton's senior management, and the elders have to make the decision whether to save him or not.

And they only need to execute the order now.

Moreover, due to the fermentation of public opinion, the matter of traitors in their Ninth Mountain Division must be kept secret by Walton and will not be publicized.

If the people knew that there were traitors among the Rangers, public opinion would be unfavorable to them. Now the public opinion is at least favorable.

Everyone is on their side, and they are standing on the moral high ground.

Everyone hopes that they will take action to eliminate this group of terrorists!

Walton, White House~

Elder Bald Eagle had just finished a meeting here. When he came out of the White Mansion, a group of reporters with long guns and short cannons had already surrounded him.

Not only reporters, but also many people gathered around him.

Many people were shouting and roaring. Of course, they were not venting their anger on their elders, but wanted their elders to send troops to rescue the heroes of the Ranger team.

Let these terrorists know the power of their bald eagles and let this group of terrorists be eliminated.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!).

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