Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

076: Confrontation Between Privates And Generals

The major general criticized in front of everyone, and even used the adjective "Looking at one thing at the expense of another".

All this shows that the major general was angry because Li Ran took leave and did not participate in training in order to write.

This is the major general, the head of the military region, who has come to inspect the reconnaissance company for the first time. As a result, he left such a bad impression on the chief because of Li Ran. This is a very bad thing.

In an instant, Li Hu's original good mood disappeared. He was very frightened and quickly explained.

"Chief, actually things are not what you think.

"It's not what I thought. Tell me what it's like."

The major general was in a bad mood at this time, and his original good impression of Li Ran was also reduced a lot.

He was originally very pleased and surprised that a private could write such an essay, but he did not expect that when he came to be a soldier, he only wanted to write articles.

He didn't even participate in daily training and took time off just to write.

Are such soldiers here to serve as soldiers or specifically to engage in academic research?

Even if the previous paper report was well written, you must participate in the most basic training as a soldier. This is a matter of attitude.

Otherwise, why would those military "427" school students be under military-style management? Daily study and training must be carried out, both of which must be carried out!

"Chief, Li Ran's personal military quality is excellent enough, these trainings are not of much significance to him,"

Li Hu took the risk and said something he shouldn't say as a company commander in front of the major general.

There is no way, for the reputation of the reconnaissance company and for Li Ran's personal reputation, now that the matter has come to this, he can only say such arrogant words.

Sure enough, after hearing Li Hu's words, the major general's face turned gloomy.

The major general, who was just a little angry at first, was very angry at this moment.

This is no longer a question of attitude, it is a question of thinking. The commander of the reconnaissance company and the private soldier both have big ideological problems.

Not only did he not admit his mistakes and correct them, he even made excuses and said arrogant words in front of everyone, which was very bad in nature.

"Captain Li, do you know what you are talking about? Is this what a company commander should say?" the major general's tone became stern.

At this time, except for the people in the reconnaissance company, everyone who came with the major general was very shocked.

It's so floating. I didn't expect that the reconnaissance company of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment would have such floating thoughts. This is an ideological problem.

Don’t even look at who the leader is in front of you?

The chief of staff of the military region and the second-in-command of the Tibetan military region, it’s okay to admit if you are wrong. But you are wrong. Not only do you not admit it, but you dare to say such things and quibble. Isn’t this challenging the bottom line of the chief?

Li Hu felt the change in the major general's tone. At this point, he could only bite the bullet.

"Chief, I'm just stating a fact."

Li Hu had never been so tough in front of the military region chief. This toughness was given to him by Li Ran.


At this time, platoon leader Chen Hai suddenly spoke.

The major general glanced at the second lieutenant and asked the second lieutenant to speak.

"Chief, what our company commander said is true. Although Li Ran is only a private, his military qualities and this level of training are dispensable to him.

Seeing that his company commander was facing such pressure alone, Chen Hai decided to step forward and share the burden for Li Hu.

Moreover, they are only stating a fact and not exaggerating.

The sense of unity is quite strong. "The major general said, but it was not a compliment, but an excuse.

The major general has decided that the atmosphere of the reconnaissance company must be rectified. If he had not come today, he would not have known that the reconnaissance company of the fifth border defense regiment was like this.

If this is not taken care of properly, it will happen again in the future.


At this time, Shi Dahai, the monitor of Li Ran, spoke up to report.


"Chief, I am Li Ran's squad leader. I am very aware of Li Ran's strength. We have not exaggerated Li Ran's strength. If you don't believe it, you can personally test Li Ran's military quality." Shi Dahai said word by word, Full of confidence.

Even if the person standing in front of him is a major general, a chief whom he can only meet once without any accidents in his life, at this time, he must stand up and explain the matter.

He is not only protecting Li Ran, but also protecting the entire reconnaissance company.

"Send Li Ran over immediately. I want to see for myself whether a private has the kind of military qualities you mentioned that don't even require training."

If it's a mule or a horse, then pull it out and run around.

Although the Major General was angry, the firm eyes of these people in the reconnaissance company shocked the Major General.

What kind of terrifying military qualities does a private have that can be trusted by the officers and soldiers of a company from top to bottom?

In the company library!

"Huh? The chief is looking for me? Which chief? The group leader?" Li Ran asked curiously.

"It's not the commander of the regiment, it's the head of the military region. My little ancestor, I've been looking for you for a long time. Now go to the training ground immediately." He Tao was like an ant on a hot pot, being turned around anxiously.

Five minutes ago, He Tao, who was in the office, was still happy about the changes in the reconnaissance company during this time.

Before he could be happy for long, a piece of news that almost made him faint came.

The head of the military region came to inspect and was very dissatisfied with the performance of the reconnaissance company. After briefly understanding what happened, He Tao dared not delay and immediately went to find Li Ran in person.

As a result, I searched around the dormitory building but couldn't find anyone. Finally, I finally found Li Ran in the library.

"Instructor, don't worry, give me two more minutes and I'll finish writing it soon." Li Ran said.

"The reconnaissance company's sky is about to collapse. I don't have two minutes left for you. Come with me to the training ground immediately." He Tao was speechless.

The sky is about to fall, and a disaster is imminent. As the "culprit", Li Ran still looks so unhurried, completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter.

"Instructor, don't panic, no matter how big things happen, the sky won't fall." Li Ran said, very confident.

Over here at the training ground.

He Tao personally brought Li Ran over. When he saw the general star on the leader's middle-aged man's shoulder, He Tao's heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, they are military region chiefs and generals. There are no more than five military regions in the entire Tibetan region.

"He Tao, the instructor of the Seventh Investigation Company of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, reports!" He Tao said loudly with a standard salute of standing at attention.

"Reporting from Private Li Ran of the 7th Reconnaissance Company of the 5th Border Defense Regiment!" Li Ran stood at attention in the same standard manner and saluted...

Unexpectedly, a major general came, and Li Ran also didn't expect that this was a general. He had never had the chance to see him before.

Some people who have been in the army for several years may not have the opportunity to see the general in person until they retire. I didn't expect that he would see him in such a short time after joining the army. He was very lucky.

The major general ignored He Tao and focused on Li Ran. After looking up and down carefully, he asked directly: "Let me ask you, why don't you participate in the afternoon training?

"Report to the chief! I asked for leave and need to write something." Li Ran said, neither humble nor arrogant, even if the person in front of him was a major general, he was not afraid at all.

"As a soldier, just because you can write something, don't you need to participate in training?" the major general asked again, his voice becoming stern.

The moment he spoke, the momentum on his body was overwhelming and he was pressing towards Li Ran, and even others on the side felt full of pressure.

The head of a military region is a major general. This position and military rank are not something that ordinary people can achieve casually. Some people work hard throughout their lives and have the opportunity to sit in the position of senior colonel.

But from senior colonel to major general, this is a huge hurdle, and some people will never be able to cross this hurdle in their lifetime.

"Reporting to the head, of course not. For soldiers, training is the most basic grindstone and cannot be reduced." Li Ran said.

The major general was a little surprised that a private did not show any timidity when facing him.

Not to mention the private, even the colonel was trembling with fear in the face of his momentum, but the private did not react at all. Is it because the ignorant are fearless, or is there something really not simple?

"Since you said so yourself, then why did you not participate in the training this afternoon, but only asked for leave because you needed to write something? Is this inconsistent with your own statement?"

The major general directly dug a hole for Li Ran and asked Li Ran to jump into it.

On this issue, there is a complete contradiction between Ji Ran's approach and his statement.

The atmosphere became tense again, and everyone in the reconnaissance company, including the company commander Li Hu, was worried.

The conversation has reached this point. If Li Ran doesn't give the major general a satisfactory answer, the reconnaissance company will be finished.

It is estimated that the entire company will have to bear a huge punishment from top to bottom, and even the regiment leader will be implicated.

Facing the major general's question, Li Ran smiled and said in a confident tone that could not be questioned: "For other soldiers, training is indeed essential, but for me, these trainings are dispensable. "


Saying such words in such a tone made many people take a breath of air-conditioning and feel extremely shocked.

Everyone in the reconnaissance company was shocked, and at the same time they shouted inwardly, "Ran Ge Niubi!"

Even Li Hu did not expect that Li Ran could be so calm and confident when facing the head of the military region. This kind of psychological quality could not be compared to even his company commander.

"Since you are so confident, let me see if your strength is as unquestionable as your tone." The major general said slowly.

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