Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

770: Ptsd! Humble Eagle Sauce

"Instructor, we are back. Hehe, we did not disgrace you. This time I killed more than thirty bald eagles by myself. I made a lot of money.

"Instructor, you didn't see how frightened the bald eagle soldiers were when we beat them up. Hahaha, I really want to take a photo and post it online."

"Instructor, I really miss the days of training under you. The person I admire most in my life is you."

"Instructor, do you know? We, the brothers you trained, are making a bet together. Who can get the cigarettes you scatter? In our hearts, that is the highest honor and your affirmation. We wouldn't exchange it for a piece of gold."

"Instructor, I'm leaving. Take care of yourself. I will still be your soldier in the next life.

For a moment, the faces of each team member appeared in Li Ran's mind.

Everyone seems to be walking towards him, with a smile, pride and satisfaction on his face.

Li Ran clearly remembers that every face was so kind.

"Come back to me, and the labor and management will give you a good training. Come back to the labor and management.

Looking at each of these people who seemed to be "close at hand", Li Ran stretched out his hands to grab them, and wanted to rush over and bring everyone back to him, but no matter how hard Li Ran tried, his body seemed to be imprisoned and he could not move at all. .

For a moment, Li Ran's eyes turned red.

These people are all trained by themselves. They are all soldiers trained by themselves. They are all good soldiers.

But now, they are no longer here.

Even though Li Ran was reluctant to accept this reality for a while, he also knew that they were no longer here.

But the scene just now felt so real to Li Ran. Everyone seemed to be right in front of him, but he just couldn't catch them and couldn't bring them back.

Suddenly, Li Ran's vision returned, and the picture in front of him returned to reality.

Li Ran knew that one group of people could not come back. As for how long the remaining people could come back, Li Ran didn't know.

Maybe none of them will come back, or maybe only one or two will come back.

These people all knew before this execution that there would be no return, but no one flinched or was afraid.

"Brothers, have a good journey. I will let you know that your sacrifices will not be in vain. Our peak is coming soon. Although your current efforts are not known to the public, I promise that one day, I We will make your sacrifice known to the public and let them know that you sacrificed for them."

"There is no such thing as quiet time. It's just that someone is carrying the burden for you."

"The soldiers brought out by labor and capital are the best in the world, and no one can replace them." At this moment, Li Ran roared in his heart.

In Afghanistan, a group of team members successfully blocked the revenge of the Bald Eagle Mountain Division at the cost of all sacrifices.

One group of members was able to block the three companies of the Bald Eagle Ninth Mountain Division, and also made these three companies of the Ninth Mountain Division pay a very heavy price.

In the pursuit of the elite team, the three companies of the Bald Eagle Ninth Mountain Division lost more than two companies.

In just over an hour of fighting, the infantry of these three companies were basically finished, and the remaining part were wounded, and the injuries were not serious.

Moreover, due to the suicide tactics of a group of team members, a large number of armored vehicles and tanks were also scrapped.

Each of the Bald Eagle soldiers who were lucky enough to survive could be said to have been frightened by the previous battle.

There was a deep fear in everyone's heart. These bald eagle soldiers looked normal on the surface, but in fact, they had certain psychological problems.

Many soldiers even suffer from PTSD. Yes, it is traumatic stress syndrome.

I have been fighting abroad all year round, and basically all the battles, big and small, are started by bald eagles, and a militant is actually diagnosed with PTSD.

If this spreads out, it will probably make countries all over the world laugh to death.

Don’t you bald eagles like to fight? Don’t you like to stir up trouble everywhere? Don’t you like to call yourself the policeman of the world and meddle in other people’s business?

Isn’t it said that your Bald Eagle soldiers are the strongest? Are your combat equipment the most advanced?

Why do people who can be beaten now have PTSD?

The temporary residence of the 9th Mountain Division and a temporary field hospital.

At this time, there were so many wounded here, almost overcrowded, that Bald Eagle's military doctors were basically overwhelmed.

Because, one will be sent after a while, and another will be sent after a while, and it never stops.

This scene made the military doctor dumbfounded.

What happened? Why were there so many wounded all at once? Didn’t it mean that the country had been occupied? Didn’t it mean that we only needed to maintain vigilance and there would be no major battles? How could it be like this?

Every wounded person who was transported back was lying on a simple hospital bed. Although they barely saved a small life, the psychological trauma was difficult to heal in a short time.

Every wounded bald eagle did not even dare to recall the previous battle, because they had no idea who they were fighting with?

What do these terrorists look like? Why are they so scary?

It doesn't matter that everyone's fighting power is so strong. The key is that they are not afraid of death and would rather commit suicide than surrender.

Are they really not afraid of death? What kind of brainwashing have they gone through to become like this? How can this group of people be terrorists? They are clearly killing machines with no emotions and no fear of death.

The most terrifying thing was that these killing machines came specifically for them, and there seemed to be an irreconcilable hatred between them.

Inside the temporary hospital.

"His injuries cannot be treated here and he will be transferred to another hospital immediately."

A military doctor was sweating profusely as he looked at the newly arrived Bald Eagle sergeant and said.

The bald eagle sergeant major looked very miserable at this time. Under the impact of the bomb, his lower body was completely gone, and only his upper body was left.

With the simple conditions here, it is impossible to treat him at present.

"Help, help." At this time, the military doctor had just finished speaking. Before he could take a breath, anxious shouts came from the other side.

Hearing this, the military doctor quickly ran over and saw that the bald eagle soldier suddenly developed atrial fibrillation and needed to be defibrillated immediately, otherwise his life would be in danger.

There was no other way, so the Chinese doctor quickly started deducting the amount again.

It was chaotic, very chaotic, and the simple hospital was already in chaos. The logistics and medical care of the Ninth Mountain Division were completely overloaded, and even the key points were overwhelmed.

"FUCK, what's going on? Who is the Ninth Mountain Division fighting? Why are there so many casualties?" the military doctor roared, very angry.

Since he came here, this is the first time he has found their army beaten like this.

Such a miserable look is much more miserable than the previous Ninth Mountain Division commander who single-handedly caused the Black Hawk Down incident.

He really couldn't imagine what kind of enemies there were here and could beat them like this.

Why were their troops beaten so badly? Aren't they always the most advanced in the world in terms of equipment and tactical systems?

And it can call for air support in time. Why is this?



Due to overloading, medicines were quickly running out, especially the most important morphine, which is now completely gone.

Morphine can be a poison, but it can also be used as a treatment.

Because it can make people forget the pain. Huge pain can really hurt people to death.

But now, there was not enough morphine. The soldiers who came from behind had no morphine, so they could only bear the pain, and their miserable screams continued.

Morphine, any more morphine?" shouted the medic.

"No, it's been used up a long time ago.

"Asked them to send morphine, has it arrived yet?" the military doctor asked again.

"still on the way.

"Damn it."

Although the military doctor was angry, he was also very helpless because there was no way at all.

He could only watch the soldiers coming from behind being tortured by tremendous pain. As a doctor, the last thing he wanted to see was such a result.

But now, there is nothing he can do.

A wise woman can't make a meal without rice. Without morphine, he now has no way to relieve the pain of the soldiers who come after him.

He can't just shoot these soldiers who are crying out in pain now to give them relief.

Just as this idea emerged in my mind, suddenly, there was a loud gunshot.

The sound of gunfire startled everyone present, especially the military doctor and others, who immediately squatted down. Unbeknownst to them, they thought that the enemies were here.

After a while, after realizing that it was not the case, the military doctor and others took a look and discovered that there was actually a soldier who had just been transported. He could not bear the tremendous pain and torture and committed suicide.

The gunshot just now was fired by this soldier.

With the sound of the gunshot, a chain reaction seemed to start, and a soldier next to him also shot himself in the head.

0......Please give me flowers......


Then, another one.

In a short period of time, three wounded people directly chose to commit suicide because they could not bear the pain and torture and had psychological problems, so they chose to commit suicide.

Seeing this scene, the military doctor seemed to have thought of something, and a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face.

"Hurry up, unload everyone's guns, hurry up." The military doctor yelled.

He knew that under such circumstances, coupled with the influence of the external environment, it would easily cause a chain reaction, leading to continuous suicides one after another.

If this continues, it is estimated that very few of these wounded will still be alive.

The most important thing is that as a military doctor, he was also responsible for not taking good care of these wounded.

Seeing this scene, Charles, a professional military doctor, probably didn't know what to say at this time.

After so many years as a military doctor, this was the first time he had seen such a situation. He had never seen it before.

The most important thing is that when the country was occupied before, the battles that took place did not cause so many wounded.

The reason why these wounded people cannot persist is not only the greatest pain themselves, but also psychological problems.

This will only happen if you are psychologically defeated.

There was none before!

Also, since they successfully occupied the country, their tasks have become simpler. They only need to drive Humvees and armored vehicles out to guard every day.


The people here have long been frightened by them and dare not confront them head-on.

The only thing they need to be careful about is the bombs planted by some terrorists, but they have professional personnel and equipment, and the danger is not so high for a while.

Many people regard this place as a vacation place. There is everything to eat and drink every day. Except for the lack of women, life is still very leisurely.

Moreover, everyone has a lot of subsidies every day, but now, the fighting suddenly escalates and the fighting becomes very bad.

It's as if the game starts with the difficulty rising directly from novice to hell level, immediately turning everyone away.

People were stunned and didn't know what to do.

The terrorists the 9th Mountain Division faced this time were completely different from before.

Although the previous terrorists carried out terrorist attacks from time to time, they all did so behind the scenes. They did not dare to confront them head-on. If they harassed them for a while, they would beat them up.

Flee in despair.

The combat effectiveness of both sides is not at the same level at all.

It was impossible for the previous terrorists to become effective. They were regarded as little monsters to gain experience, and they did not need to take them seriously.

But the terrorists that the Ninth Mountain Division now faces are well-organized and disciplined, and their personal combat capabilities are very strong. The most terrifying thing is that they are not afraid of death and have a very strong will.

The battle damage of the Ninth Mountain Division is so serious. So far, not to mention catching a single alive, not even a complete corpse of the enemy has been found. This is the most terrifying thing.

Even to find out the identity of this group of terrorists, and even to end this battle as soon as possible.

When a platoon of the Ninth Mountain Division successfully surrounded a terrorist, the Rangers of the Ninth Mountain Division directly began to persuade them to surrender.

Moreover, the tone of persuading surrender was completely different from before. It was said that it was persuading to surrender, but it was more like begging.

"Surrender, you have been protected. As long as you surrender, I guarantee that you will definitely be treated humanely.

"Surrender, as long as you come out, we promise to spare your life. 11

"You can put forward any conditions you have, and we can meet them. As long as you put down your weapons now and come out."

"Please, I really beg you, don't continue like this, come out. What misunderstanding is there that cannot be explained clearly?"

That's right, in the end, the rangers of the Ninth Mountain Division even started to beg for help, very humblely.

Because they really don't want to continue this kind of fighting, and they really want to negotiate peacefully with this group of terrorists now. Let's sit down and raise any conflicts directly and resolve them peacefully.

Whatever you want, I mean, as long as it can be satisfied, do your best to satisfy it.

Although you have caused so many casualties and losses to us before, it is not important now. These can be ignored as long as you are willing to talk.

In order to end such a battle as soon as possible, the bald eagle has humbled itself to this point for the first time.


(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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