Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

774: Mountain Ambush! Please Enter The Urn

For the sake of safety, for this last chance, the commander of the Ninth Mountain Division was completely risking his life.

A total of two main forces were dispatched, entering the mountainous area from different directions, and they were bound to catch all this group of terrorists.

In addition to the two mechanized infantry companies on the ground, plus an armored company, another part of the main force was directly airlifted to locations deep in the mountainous area via armed helicopters.

Through armed air transport, troops are deployed and blocking positions are established. This posture is to block the militants in this mountainous area, surround them from front to back, and completely annihilate them.

Thereby rescuing our own captured Rangers.

Jeremy Raymond's tactical deployment is very easy to understand. It relies on the advantages of equipment to encircle unreasonably.

After capturing the traces of the militants, they worked in tandem. Anyway, they had armed helicopters here. Their maneuverability was completely unmatched by the militants. They airdropped directly to the rear of the militants' forward path and blocked the back road. .

Give full play to the advantages and flexibility of armed helicopters in the air.

It is to bully the militants who are not well equipped, do not have planes, and cannot be transported by air.

Since we are fighting, we must give full play to our own advantages.

In this battle command, Jeremy Raymond invested almost two battalions of troops, but the strength of these two battalions was not all.

There are also two battalions of troops on the periphery as support troops. Once they need support, they can arrive quickly.

That's right, Jeremy Raymond has prepared four battalions of troops, which is almost all the troops that Jeremy Raymond can currently use.

Boom boom boom~

In the sky, a formation of armed helicopters flew above, and each Ranger member was sitting in the cabin, visible to the naked eye.

These are the troops being sent to the rear. Their mission is to block and cooperate with the ground troops in front to eliminate this group of terrorists.

On the ground, armored vehicles moved forward one after another, and the infantry moved forward with the armored vehicles. Each Bald Eagle's individual combat equipment was luxurious.

Armed with a night vision device, body armor, and all tactical equipment, it can be said that the Bald Eagle Warrior is a walking sword.

There is no way, who told Bald Eagle that he is indeed rich and willful.

The beautiful knife is circulated all over the world. The bald eagle spends money wantonly, and other countries pay for it. This is a representative of strength and confidence.

At this time, the sky was dark, and the road in the valley at night was difficult and rugged.

And this time point is naturally part of Li Ran's plan. This battle must be fought at night.

Because of the armed forces ambushing halfway up the mountain, it is difficult for Bald Eagle's ground troops to detect them, but during the day, armed helicopters in the air can detect them with a high probability.

But now that it is night, it is not that simple. In addition, the light is not good at night, and the ambush armed forces only need to disguise themselves to avoid the detection of the bald eagle.


In order to ensure a smooth road ahead, illumination bombs were continuously launched into the sky as if they were free of charge.

Just because it was getting dark, the Bald Eagle had prepared a lot of flares. The lights of the vehicles alone were not enough.

Directly firing flares means using flares to open a path.

As illumination bombs were launched one after another, the area soon became bright, as if it had been illuminated by daylight.

On the Bald Eagle side, with the continuous advancement, the tactical formation is constantly being adjusted.

In terms of combat, Bai Mai is not experienced.

Halfway up the mountain.

The White Elephant soldiers who had ambushed here in advance were lying on the ground one by one, not daring to move. They wanted to be directly integrated with the ground, so that they would not be easily exposed.

Everyone didn't even dare to take a big breath, for fear of being exposed in the next second.

I have to say that fortunately these white elephant soldiers have all been trained. Otherwise, given the previous quality of the white elephant troops, they would have been exposed and detected long ago.

The white elephant officer who took the lead had sweat running down his face, and the bald eagle team below was getting closer and closer.

He knew that this meant that a fierce battle was coming soon.

And he, as the leader of this operation, also needs to conduct command through Morse code.

There is no way, the bald eagle's equipment is advanced, in order to avoid being eavesdropped by the bald eagle, it can only be commanded by playing Morse code.

This is the only way they can achieve absolute silence and not be exposed under such circumstances.

And long before that, they had been training, practicing silent combat without electromagnetic communication, and everyone had mastered the Morse code proficiently.

After training day after day, these have long been engraved in their minds.

They have been preparing for this for a long time, and it is time to show their training results. As long as this battle is won, they will have a good life in the future.

Their families and a beautiful and happy life are waiting for them.

The bald eagle officer leading the team tapped the Morse code and began to issue orders.

"Attention, wait for the Bald Eagle armored force to enter the preset position and focus fire to clear it as soon as possible.

"Heavy machine guns shoot down infantry and cause maximum battle damage in as short a time as possible.

"Team 1 received."

"The second team received it.

After giving the order, Officer Baixiang pulled the bolt of his gun and prepared to fight.

As a professional soldier, he received professional training as early as when he was in China. Later, when he worked with the people behind the scenes, he received more professional and rigorous training.

He is no longer the same person as before, and his military qualities are absolutely excellent.

He is even confident that if he is allowed to return to China now, his command quality can beat any major general Baixiang. He is so confident.

Likewise, the people he brought with him have also undergone rigorous training, and everyone has participated in actual combat and has experience.

Although the number of people he brought was not very large, the equipment was also lagging behind that of the Bald Eagle. There was no heavy equipment or air support.

But he was confident that by preparing for the ambush in advance, he would be able to catch the Bald Eagle off guard. His men were no longer the scumbags who had no fighting ability.

The heavy firepower they have here includes heavy machine guns and RPGs. There is no way, these things are easy to carry.

Moreover, he specially prepared a large number of RPG teams, and the extended front line was fully two kilometers long. There was also a heavy machine gun team next to each RPG team.

The RPG can deal with armor, and the heavy machine gun can deal with infantry, which is a perfect combination.

Moreover, they also deployed minefields below. In such an environment, deploying minefields is simply a coup.

The minefields they deployed alone were enough for these Bald Eagle troops to drink a pot.

Boom boom boom~

At this time, the Bald Eagle's armored vehicle crew approached slowly, not very fast.

Each Bald Eagle soldier used the armored vehicle as a cover to advance forward. Everyone looked very serious and did not dare to advance rashly.

As for the soldiers who were chasing the terrorists before, they are not among them at this time. They have no choice but to be psychologically affected.

Many people even have PTSD, and their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. In order not to affect their combat effectiveness, Jeremy Raymond specially mobilized new personnel.

But these personnel also heard the news more or less. Their team members were beaten badly and suffered heavy casualties.

So they knew that this group of militants had a terrifying fighting face, and they did not dare to take it lightly.

After all, everyone has only one life, and bullets are short-sighted. They will be hit by a hole in their body.

Although they are wearing body armor, if you are lucky, the body armor can save your life. If you are not lucky, wearing the body armor is of no use.

The Bald Eagles are also quite well prepared. They are also afraid of being ambushed, so they have specially prepared infrared detection devices.

Use infrared rays to detect whether there is anyone ambushing them on the surrounding mountainside.

After all, in the dark night, nothing can be seen with the naked eye. Even if there are flares, the area that can be illuminated is very limited.

But what they didn't know was that Officer Baixiang and others had long expected that the bald eagle would use infrared detection devices, and had long been prepared to counter infrared detection.

Therefore, the bald eagle's infrared detection device cannot detect them at all.

The Bald Eagle may not have imagined until his death that the professional quality of this group of terrorists was not inferior to them at all.

At this time, two classes of Bald Eagles took the lead and conducted investigations on both wings.


"At nine o'clock, the calendar is destroyed.

At this time, an old Bald Eagle sergeant felt something was wrong in the nine o'clock direction, so he stopped directly and called for fire test.

After receiving this request, the heavy machine gunner on the armored vehicle did not hesitate and headed straight down towards the nine o'clock direction.

Da da da~

The heavy machine gun fired continuously at the nine o'clock direction. At the same time, a heavy machine gunner on the armored vehicle next to him also fired. The two sides formed a crossfire to make the shooting range as comprehensive as possible.

Shooting directly from the foot of the mountain to the ridge, the rocks on the mountain were exploded by the large-caliber heavy machine gun bullets.

In a short period of time, thousands of bullets were fired, and the style of play was very extravagant and unreasonable at all.

In such a situation, in order to ensure its own safety, the bald eagle usually uses the simplest and crudest method, test fire. There is nothing else to say.

If there is anything suspicious in any direction, I will directly test it with fire. I will not compete with you.

As for sending people to observe closely, that is simply impossible. That's what Shabi did.

If there were no tanks, if there were any, they would have directly bombarded them with tanks.

Of course, they were also afraid that the tank shells would directly knock down the huge rocks on the mountain and block the road in front of them.

Faced with the Bald Eagle's frenzied fighting style, if it were the previous White Elephant troops who were not frightened to death but screamed and exposed themselves, they would have suffered heavy losses.

Under such a test of firepower, the quality of the previous White Elephant soldiers would definitely be lost by more than half.

It's still the same sentence, the bald eagle is bad, but it is really bad. The key is that it is rich and has very powerful weapons and equipment.

In such an environment, the bald eagle soldiers who took the lead were able to judge through their own military literacy analysis which points might ambush the enemy.

Because those points are the best places to ambush, they will directly and accurately shoot and test firepower at those locations.

Facing different places, the Bald Eagle soldiers are very experienced and know what to do.

In order to avoid the bald eagle's fire test, Li Ran naturally adopted a very simple method, that is, I predict your prediction.

Yes, I know you predicted where I would deploy my troops, so I will do the opposite and deploy my troops in areas where you think it is impossible to deploy them.

For this reason, Li Ran also specifically emphasized that the White Elephant soldiers should strengthen the bunker so that they can withstand the Bald Eagle's fire test as much as possible.

At the same time, special measures were taken to avoid infrared detection of bald eagles.

Let the white elephant soldiers spread out as much as possible, and one person can spread out

The heat coming in is completely different from the heat emitted by two people, or even the heat emitted by dozens of people together.

Once there are too many people gathered in a certain place, the heat emitted will be easily detected.

This is called a suspicious heat source in infrared detection instruments, and the bald eagle will naturally not let it go.

It can be said that the preparation work was very sufficient.

After receiving the guidance from the person behind the scenes, Officer Baixiang was so moved that he almost cried.

The people behind the scenes were really kind to them and considered their safety like this. In fact, of course, Rixiang was overthinking it.

Gao Ran just didn't want the White Elephant soldiers to scream and be exposed after being shot.

Gao Ran knew very well what a white elephant soldier looked like, and some things could not be made up for by training.

Field army soldiers can hold on without making a sound even when they are hit or burned, and even die without making the slightest sound.

Will White Elephant Soldiers work? Of course not.

Gao Ran couldn't gamble, so to be on the safe side, he had to make as many preparations as possible.

Time passes little by little~

In the valley, there are constant sounds of bald eagles testing their firepower.

The white elephant soldiers watched the bald eagle test out its firepower, and they all felt happy in their hearts.

Hee hee, Sabi's bald eagle, you can't believe it, it can't hit us at all.

You can fight as much as you can now, and I will let you taste their power later.

The Ninth Mountain Division is getting closer and closer to the minefield deployed by White Elephant.

One thousand meters, five hundred meters, three hundred meters...


At this time, an armored vehicle triggered an anti-tank mine, causing an explosion instantly.

Under the huge impact of the explosion, the armored vehicle's tracks were blown off, and the entire vehicle was immediately overturned.

There was a scream for a while...

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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