Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

789: Let The Organization See Your Sincerity! Murder Ritual Flag

When the chief officers of each unit of the third brigade saw the 100,000-dollar knife in their hands, everyone's eyes instantly straightened and they all looked at Chen Fugui in disbelief.

They didn't expect that the assistant of the target leader would be so generous. This was too generous.

This operation hasn't even started yet, but each of them is given a hundred thousand dollars, and there will be rewards after the task is completed.

This gesture is so generous, even more generous than a bald eagle.

Thinking of this, the commander of the third brigade unit felt disdain for the bald eagle.

What a bald eagle, hot chicken, stingy thing, we have worked hard for you for so long, and we are so stingy with our actions. Look at this person, look at this person's handiwork, it comes with a hundred thousand dollars, so powerful.

It's not like you guys, you really deserve to lose, you are a bunch of hot chicks.

We like this organization so much now. They just like to be showered with money. Let’s throw money at them as much as you want. The more, the better.

"Remember, as long as you serve the organization loyally, the organization will not treat you badly. We never treat our compatriots badly." Chen Fugui said again.

Anyway, all this money was given by Bald Eagle. Two billion U.S. dollars, two billion U.S. dollars, two billion U.S. dollars, there is no way to spend it all.

Giving each of these people 100,000 US dollars would only give out more than 1 million, which is a drop in the bucket. 847

At this time, everyone who was originally very afraid of Chen Fugui suddenly changed their attitude after receiving the money.

They are afraid of death, but they are even more afraid of dying of poverty. As long as they have money, let alone fighting the bald eagle here, even if they are allowed to directly attack the bald eagle's nest now, they are no longer afraid at all.

Who is afraid of whom? Anyway, everyone has a life.

"The bald eagle is indeed worthy of death. Anyone who commits injustice will be punished by death. I swear, from today onwards I will fight to the death with the bald eagle."

"That's right, but I would also like to thank Mr. Ada first. Thank you to Mr. Ada, thank you to the leader, and thank you to the organization for giving me this opportunity. I am grateful."

"Mr. Ada, please rest assured. I know that anything I say at this time is useless. Let the organization see my performance. I will definitely use my greatest combat effectiveness to defeat the bald eagle."

"Haha, I am really happy now. Of course, I am not happy because I am taking this money. I know that this money is not because Mr. Ada does not believe in us, but to motivate us. But even without this money, I will Fight the bald eagle to the end, the world has been suffering from the bald eagle for a long time, it is time to seek justice from the bald eagle."

The officers of the third brigade unit present suddenly seemed like a different person, each one expressing his or her aspirations in front of Chen Fugui.

They all expressed their opinions, wishing they could just take their hearts out and show Chen Fugui how much they wanted to kill the bald eagle.

The best thing to do now is to capture a few Bald Eagle soldiers and kill them in front of Chen Fugui to prove your position.

At this time, everyone was completely dazzled by the beautiful sword in their hands.

Of course, just talking about it is completely useless.

After hearing what everyone said, Chen Fugui spoke again and said calmly: "I know that you are all willing to join the organization now, and I also feel your eagerness, but there are conditions for joining the organization, and you have to make the organization trust you."

When it comes to this, Chen Fugui's words are actually hinting.

It was suggested that these people present should hand over something, and this thing would naturally be a handle for each of them.

You know, even if what these people say is better than what they sing, that's because if they resist now, there is only one result, and that is death.

But just by talking about surrender and loyalty, you can only deceive children.

In this place, the most valuable thing is loyalty. Anyone can tell anyone with an open mouth. Therefore, everyone present must come up with some of their own reasons and hand them over to the organization.

In this way, if they want to betray the organization in the future, the organization will have the ability to counter them.

It's normal. If there is no clue, who will be relieved?

Now that these people are so good (aifc), what if they are released later? Will they directly mobilize troops to fight back? Betrayal?

These are all possible.

"I understand what the organization means. Let me take some action first." At this time, a Bald Eagle major spoke first, stood up and said directly: "I, Taji Khan, during my tenure

The major directly told some of his shady deeds. Next to him, there were people arranged by Chen Fugui to take pictures.

These videos can be considered as certificates of submission.

"Very good, Mr. Tajihan, from now on, you will be a member of the organization." Chen Fugui said with a smile, very satisfied with the major's knowledge.

Someone took the lead, and others naturally began to stand up immediately. Each one of them handed over some of their own information as a certificate of nomination to join the organization.

As for Chen Fugui's suggestion that they should hand over their respective reasons, they really didn't feel offended.

If Chen Fugui didn't have this request, they would have felt something was wrong.

Don't ask for any excuses, just listen to them and believe them? Give them money? Even if you beat them to death, you won't believe them.

You know, they themselves don't believe their own words.

In their view, only when the organization asks them for their reasons can it prove that they are truly sincere in accepting them.

Otherwise, they are more willing to believe that the one hundred thousand US dollars is the money the organization asked them to pay for their lives.

Now that they have handed over their handles one by one, they can feel at ease with the 100,000 US dollars.

Of course, these alone are not enough.

After everyone told their stories, Chen Fugui looked at him and a lieutenant colonel was caught.

This lieutenant colonel is none other than an officer of the Bald Eagle Ninth Mountain Division, but now he is tied up like a rice dumpling.

After seeing a bald eagle lieutenant colonel being captured, the officers of the third brigade present were all shocked.

I didn't expect that the organization was so good at catching a bald eagle lieutenant colonel.

This is Lieutenant Colonel Bald Eagle, who has a high rank and function within the Ninth Mountain Division.

"Everyone, I have seen your sincerity. We are about to launch a justice operation against the bald eagle. Before the operation begins, we need someone to sacrifice the flag for our operation. Now please take action, each one with a knife. No more, no less, let his death give us a smooth start for this operation." Chen Fugui said with a smile.

He said such penetrating words so plainly.

Chen Fugui once again intensified the fear in the hearts of the officers present at the third brigade unit.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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