Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

804: There Really Is No Way Out!

The general staff boss felt a little depressed. He originally planned to have a good rest after Gao Ran took over.

After a lifetime of fighting for the field army, it’s time to reward yourself and take a good rest.

After all, if Li Ran takes over, he can rest assured, and the field army will reach a new level in Li Ran's hands.

Unexpectedly, Li Ran was unwilling.

There is no one left. He, the head of the General Staff, wanted to give up his position, but Li Ran did not take over. This is really

But now is not the time to dwell on this matter. The strategic report submitted by Li Ran is of great significance and needs to be discussed in detail.

"Regarding this report, I will give you a reply in a few days." The chief of the General Staff said in a deep voice.

"Understood." Li Ran nodded. 230

It is true that such a major matter cannot be decided immediately. Even if it is the head of the General Staff, some things have to be discussed and it is impossible to discuss them in a single talk.

After another brief conversation, there was nothing else, and Li Ran left.

This time the head of the General Staff called Li Ran over. He originally wanted to talk to Li Ran about giving up the throne, but he didn't expect that Li Ran was unwilling.

Since Li Ran is unwilling now, he naturally can't force it, so he can only let nature take its course and take it one step at a time.

At the same time, on the battlefield of Afghanistan (aici).

Here in the valley, following the rebellion of the third brigade, the leading armored forces rebelled and launched an attack on the 9th Mountain Division.

The bald eagles were stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and fought back.

"Fuck, damn guy."

"These bastards must be eliminated."

"If they dare to attack us, they are looking for death. No one will be spared, and they will be wiped out."

On the battlefield, in addition to the fierce sound of artillery fire and gunfire, there were also the roars of bald eagles.

The bald eagles of the Ninth Mountain Division can be said to be furious now, very angry.

Just imagine, the third brigade is a unit they have raised single-handedly, giving them food, equipment, and a dog they raised.

Although they never regard the officers and soldiers of the Third Brigade as human beings from the bottom of their hearts, compared with the local people, the lives of the officers and soldiers of the Third Brigade are not too comfortable.

But now, the troops they had supported suddenly betrayed them and attacked them.

The most hateful thing is that he deceived them.

After receiving a call from their Ninth Mountain Division, it sounded nice on the surface and they would come over immediately to provide support. But in reality?

They deceived them under the guise of support and attacked them without mercy at all.

This made the bald eagles puzzled and even speechless.

They don't understand, why is this happening? How could someone who was so good turn back? At least give a reason.

Even if you want something good, you should speak first and talk first. They didn't say that they won't give you anything, and you can talk about anything. But if you just come up and launch a sneak attack, this is too ungrateful.

The most important thing is that they really don't understand what the third brigade is thinking?

Do you dare to attack them just to feel good for a while? Take advantage of their vitality now that they are seriously injured?

Don’t you think about the future? Don’t think about the consequences after they take action? You can’t live in the future?

This is the point that the bald eagles of the Ninth Mountain Division are most confused about.

Why didn’t the Third Brigade leave no escape route for itself when it was working?

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