Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

806: I Will Trade The Life Of The Bald Eagle For Your Life!

The soldiers of the third brigade were stunned at this time. They couldn't believe that they were actually attacking the 9th Mountain Division and the bald eagle.

You know, this is the Bald Eagle, a unit that has single-handedly supported them. The equipment, food, and supplies are all from the Ninth Mountain Division.

And their third brigade, to be precise, was a dog of the Ninth Mountain Division. Unexpectedly, the dog they treated as a dog actually started biting people. It was the Ninth Mountain Division that was bitten by "370", and it was the white-headed dog that it bit. eagle.

They were very curious, what did their superiors think?

Let them bite the bald eagle. Aren't they afraid that the bald eagle will destroy them afterwards? You know, the bald eagle is not easy to mess with. The bald eagle is the kind that must avenge its enemies.

Therefore, the leading soldiers of the third brigade were actually under a lot of pressure when they launched the attack.

After all, the sense of oppression the bald eagle gave them was too strong, and the deterrent it left in their hearts was too high.

Suddenly, his identity changed from the Bald Eagle's lackey and younger brother to the Bald Eagle's enemy. Such a huge identity change and identity gap will make many people unable to accept it for a while.

The key is that everything is fine. Without saying a word, the superiors didn't even say a reason and just let them go straight to the bald eagle.

What exactly is going on?

Is there any misunderstanding or trouble between the Third Brigade and the Bald Eagle?

In fact, the commander of the third brigade had no intention of explaining to the lower-level soldiers. There was nothing to explain.

Lower-level soldiers only need to carry out the orders given by their superiors. Why do they know so much?

The key point is explained to you lower-level soldiers. Do you understand? Can you take it in? What is the use of explaining to you?

Besides wasting more words, what’s the point?

Therefore, the superiors of the third brigade were too lazy to explain and did not want to explain at all.

Of course, in order to worry about some accidents happening to lower-level soldiers due to the pressure brought by the Bald Eagle, for example, in important armor such as tanks, the control is controlled by the major of the leading armored battalion, and the major is commanded by the major's confidants. In control.

This will ensure that there will be no problems with important armor such as tanks.

"Launch, keep firing, don't stop, hit hard."

Inside the tank, the major's confidants kept giving orders to attack, hoping that the tank would shoot out all the shells at once and wipe out the entire 9th Mountain Division in one go. In this way, their vanguard would be finished. .........

Boom boom boom~

Inside the tank, the gunners and launchers were constantly busy, stuffing shells one after another, and firing one shell after another.

In a short period of time, there were a bunch of empty shell casings inside the tank.

This is still an old-fashioned tank. There are four people in the tank crew. The major's confidant acts as the commander and directs constantly.

Although the others didn't understand why they fell out with the bald eagle just because they said they were falling out, they didn't ask any more questions. They just followed the orders honestly on 4.7 and that was it.

Anyway, this kind of thing is not something they can decide.

Boom boom boom~

Shells were fired at the Ninth Mountain Division as if they were free of charge.

As the major's confidant, although he didn't know why, the major had said hello to him. The Bald Eagle is now the enemy, and the 9th Mountain Division is the enemy. If they want to survive, the 9th Mountain Division must die!

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