Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

816: It’S My First Time, No Experience! Get Things Done First Next Time

At this time, the bald eagles of the Ninth Mountain Division were bleeding in their hearts as they watched the advanced main battle tanks on their side being wiped out one by one by the garbage tanks of the third brigade like scrap metal.

You know, the tanks on the Third Brigade's side are all they don't want. They're useless.

And now, these idiots are actually destroying the advanced main battle tanks in their hands.

Because they were caught off guard, the "083s" had no time to react. These main battle tanks were destroyed before they had time to control and drive.

Thinking of this, the officers and soldiers of the Ninth Mountain Division felt aggrieved.

At this time, not to mention the officers and soldiers of the Ninth Mountain Division who were aggrieved, even the officers and soldiers of the Third Brigade were also very sad and bleeding.

Looking at those advanced main battle tanks, Bald Eagle and the others were destroyed one by one by the tanks they were unwilling to give them, and their hearts were bleeding.

Those are the most advanced main battle tanks, and the Bald Eagle products are all good stuff, they are really advanced.

These things were what they dreamed of. They all begged hard at first, hoping that the bald eagle would give them to them, but in the end, the bald eagle refused to give them.

It's fine now. Seeing these treasures being destroyed by their own hands, their hearts are bleeding.

If I had known better, I wouldn't have given it to them. What a pity that such good equipment was destroyed like this.

Alas, if I had known better, I would have installed them in advance, and then waited until I got hold of these main battle tanks before fighting.

There is no way. I was a little nervous at the beginning and had no experience. If I have such an opportunity next time, I will have experience.

At that time, we must first get all the good things before we start fighting.

"Hit them hard, at five o'clock, and bomb their logistics vehicles."

"Yes, give me all their logistics vehicles."

Ahead, the Major of the Third Brigade kept issuing orders with a very clear attitude, destroying the Bald Eagle's logistics first.

You must know that Bald Eagle Logistics is the last hope for the remaining Bald Eagles. It contains ammunition for the Bald Eagles to keep supporting them.

The combat effectiveness of the Bald Eagle is still very terrifying. If their logistics are not eliminated, who knows whether the Bald Eagle will drag their support troops to arrive...

Although the Bald Eagle is at a disadvantage now, once the support troops arrive and the Bald Eagle's air force directly bombards them, the Third Brigade will still be able to take a good drink. The Third Brigade can really bear that damage. Can't live.

Therefore, if the Ninth Mountain Division waits for support from the air force, they will be the unlucky ones.

The commanders of the third brigade are all aware of this, so they don’t talk about military ethics at all now. The orders they give to the officers and soldiers of the third brigade on the front line are dead orders, that is, no matter what, destroy the Ninth Mountain Division in front of them as soon as possible officers and soldiers.

Even at the expense of human lives, the officers and soldiers of the Ninth Mountain Division in front of them must be eliminated.

The 2.2 Ninth Mountain Division was also resisting fiercely at this time.

Because they knew that surrender was useless, and the Third Brigade would not give them a way to survive, so there was only one way in front of them, and that was to fight, and fight to the end with the Third Brigade.

Either they can hold on until support arrives, or they can kill a few more officers and soldiers of the third brigade before they die to save their capital.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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