Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

853: Mobilize The Major General! Who Is My Real Father?

For Li Ran, it is not a big deal for him to set up a Tiandian unmanned integrated pilot unit, it is very simple.

You know, when it was first proposed to form a professional Blue Army unit, a synthetic battalion was formed from scratch. At that time, it was all done from scratch by myself.

The combined battalion started from scratch and has now become a combined brigade of professional blue forces with a mature information-based combat system.

Li Ran put a lot of effort into this.

But the results proved that the hard work was worth it. Today's combined brigade is of great significance to the field army.

This is a force truly built to temper the field army, a force that can be pulled into the battlefield at any time to fight.

It is no exaggeration to say that on the Zhuhe exercise ground, which is a large professional exercise training ground and a professional place specially built for training troops, there are footprints of the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade everywhere.

This is true and no exaggeration at all.

Because the Combined Brigade is stationed there, other combat units can only go to the Combined Brigade for training for a few months at most, but the officers and soldiers of the Combined Brigade can be said to be there 365 days a year.

But now, the General Staff has assigned the task of forming an integrated Tiandian unmanned pilot unit to the Northern Military Region, and the military region has handed over the task again. The group army has no confidence and has asked itself to organize the formation.

This is all trivial to Li Ran.

Even to a certain extent, setting up a Tiandian unmanned integrated pilot unit is much simpler than setting up a synthetic battalion.

Because of the nature of the Tiandian unmanned integrated unit, it is destined to be very strict with the candidates it needs.

Now Li Ran only needs people and a venue.

There is no need to place the venue in the Northern Military Region, because it is completely unnecessary.

"Who do you want? Choose a place, and the Army Group will try its best to help you apply." said the Chief of Staff of the Military Region.

Originally, the chief of staff of the military region wanted to agree and give Li Ran whatever he asked for, but after thinking about it, he thought it would be better not to say so much to leave himself some way out.

What if Li Ran really wants to make a big move and wants to recruit people from all units in the entire military region like he did before when he formed a combined battalion?

His H Army doesn't have such a big reputation right now. If he just keeps giving orders, he can let other group armies do it.

Among them, it also depends on Li Ran's personal face.

"I only need one person. I can just ask Deputy Commander Qi to assist me. The other location will be in the capital." Li Ran said with a smile.


As soon as these words came out, the chief of staff of the group army was stunned.

Good guy, he never expected that Li Ran would ask Qi Long, the current deputy commander of H Army and the previous commander of Z Division.

You know, as the previous commander of Z Division, Qi Long's ability is beyond doubt. Of course, Qi Long was promoted to deputy commander at a faster speed, which also had something to do with Li Ran.

This can be regarded as making a position for Li Ran. After all, he is a carrot and a pit. If Qi Long doesn't leave, the position of Commander of Division Z will not be vacant. How can Ji Ran get there?

In terms of time and seniority, Qi Long's promotion to deputy commander was indeed a little ahead of schedule, but not too much ahead of schedule. In addition, Qi Long's ability was there, so no one had any objections to his promotion to deputy commander.

But Qi Long is now the deputy commander, so Li Ran asked Qi Long to assist. What a big appetite.

Let Li Ran have such face by asking a deputy commander to help him with the work.

"Strictly speaking, he is your senior brother. The location can be arranged for you, but you have to go and talk to him yourself." The chief of staff of the group army said with a smile.

Even if he is the chief of staff of the group army and a lieutenant general, Qi Long is also a major general and deputy army commander. It is impossible for him to let a major general pass with just a word.

Therefore, it is most appropriate for Li Ran to speak up about this matter.

The two of them are still brothers in the same sect. They can say anything they want directly, and there is no need for him to get involved.

"Okay, is my senior brother here now?" Li Ran asked with a smile.

If he told himself to tell his senior brother, then he would do it himself. It would be troublesome anyway. Besides, Li Ran was confident that his senior brother would still give him this face.

Then again, this isn't a bad thing.

"He should be here. He is not busy during this period and has time." The lieutenant general said with a smile.

The lieutenant general made the mission clear, and Li Ran also accepted the mission and headed to Qi Long.

Inside the office.

Qi Long was holding a photo of his son and looking at it with joy.

There was no way, he was already quite young when he got married, and then he got a big fat boy, and his old Qi family had an heir.

Seeing his son growing up day by day, Qi Long was very happy. During this period, he was not too busy at work. Qi Long would get off work on time every day and go home to visit his wife and children.

The family of three was enjoying themselves and living happily.

Dong Dong Dong~

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Enter. "Qi Long said, after kissing the photo bar, he reluctantly put it down.

The door opened and Li Ran walked in with a smile.

"Senior brother, long time no see. You seem to be in a good mood."

Seeing the joy between Qi Long's eyebrows, Li Ran knew that his senior brother was in a good mood today.

"Hey, how come you have time to come to my place?" Qi Long asked in surprise when he saw Li Ran arriving. He didn't expect that it was Li Ran who came to see him.

After all, the exercise at Division Z had just ended, so there should be a lot going on at Li Ran's side.

Besides, Li Ran was married not long ago. If he had time, he should spend time with his wife instead of coming to his place.

"Long time no see, I miss you so much, come and see you." Li Ran said with a smile, came to Qi Long, and at the same time saw the photo of Qi Long's son (Qian Nuohao) on the table, and directly He picked it up and said with a smile: "My precious godson has grown so big. Children grow up very fast."

Qi Long was able to get married, have children, and solve his personal problems. Li Ran had a lot of credit for this, and he was the matchmaker.

So after Qi Long's child was born, the two of them asked Li Ran to be the child's godfather.

"I don't know what's going on. My precious son has not seen you a few times, but he seems to have a deep memory of you. Every time he cries, I show him your photo and he stops crying." Qi Long said, with some helplessness in his words.

That's right, when his precious son was making trouble, he put Gao Ran in front of him and immediately stopped crying. He held him in his arms and couldn't put it down, which made him jealous even as a father.

He, the old man, doesn't play such a big role in front of the children. Who is the real father?

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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