Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

085: Plan Training! Military And Civilian Fish And Water Conditions

There is no division-level unit establishment in the Tibetan Military Region, and the Fifth Border Defense Regiment is under the direct jurisdiction of the Tibetan Military Region.

Therefore, after Wang Yongchang returned from the Fifth Border Defense Regiment and held a post-discussion meeting to report, not long after, an order from the military region was directly issued to the Fifth Border Defense Regiment.

Li Ran was appointed as the training instructor for the new sniper training of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, selecting people from the Fifth Border Defense Regiment to implement the work of training a group of new snipers.

In the reconnaissance company conference room.

In front of Li Ran, Li Hu read out the order from the military region.

"The Fifth Border Guard Regiment has nine snipers, and they will all be transferred to become members of the training team. Do you need anything else from this order?"

"Is there a limit to the number of training personnel?"

"No, but there are only nine snipers in the entire regiment."

"Then I apply to mobilize some precision shooters to participate in sniper training.

Li Ran's application surprised Li Hu.

Although Li Ran's sniper strength is unparalleled, education and training and personal strength are completely different things.

Not all strong people are suitable to be instructors. Instructors teach others to train and need to consider many aspects.

Especially for a soldier like Li Ran who has not been in the army for a long time, the fewer people there are, the better the management. If there are more people, there will be a lot of young sons.

Isn't it just right for one person to train nine people, and it's still someone with sniper skills? Why do you still think that there are not enough people?

"I can help you apply, but don't you think about it carefully? Although there is a higher chance of achieving results with more people, training and management will be more difficult." Li Hu suggested kindly.

As a company commander, he manages a handful of people under his command. If he had to worry about everything, how could he possibly be able to worry about it?

Why is a company divided into three platoons, each platoon is divided into three squads, and each squad has a squad leader and deputy squad leader? Isn't it just to streamline management and improve efficiency?

Although the superiors ordered Li Ran to be an instructor, they did not say that Li Ran would be assigned an assistant.

The key is, who can be Li Ran’s assistant?

"Training one person is also training, and training a group is also training. It's not a big problem. After dispatching some precision shooters, the number of training people will be almost thirty. I don't need an assistant for the first stage of training." Li Ran said lightly.

Being an instructor with thirty people is already a platoon level. It is not an exaggeration to describe Ji Ran as a platoon leader.

Although Li Ran had no experience in training people before, it was not a big problem because he had served as deputy squad leader in the recruit company.

A group of veterans gathered together is definitely more difficult to manage than new recruits, but as long as the methods are more ruthless, all veterans will be honest.

"Since you think it's okay, then I'll help you apply."

"Has the group made arrangements for the training location?" Li Ran asked.

"The meaning of the regiment is either to be in the reconnaissance company or the regiment headquarters. The specific choice is yours.

The military region issued an order to implement the training of new snipers in the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, but the specific arrangements, location and personnel were left to the Fifth Border Defense Regiment to decide internally.

The leader of the group, Lei Leifeng, gave full power of choice to Li Ran. After all, Li Ran was the instructor for new sniper training.

The meaning is very clear. In the training of new snipers, everything should be done according to Li Ran. Li Ran will do whatever he says. With such full support, results must be achieved.

Lei Leifeng knew that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to make the Fifth Border Defense Regiment the big brother in front of other units in the military region.

"Both of these places are not suitable." After thinking briefly, Li Ran shook his head and directly rejected the two places provided by the group.

"Then where do you want to train?" Li Hu couldn't help but ask.

"I want to be near the Fourth Company station." Li Ran said his ideal training location.

"The fourth company station? Around the forward command post?"

Li Hu was shocked when he heard this. He thought about many places, including the reconnaissance company, the third company, the sixth company, and the regiment headquarters, but he just didn't expect that Li Ran wanted to put the training location at the fourth company station.

The fourth company's station, the forward command post, can be said to be the highest altitude in the area where the fifth border defense regiment is located.

The environment there is even worse than this, and the situation is much more dangerous than here.

"Yes, that's it." Li Ran nodded and said: "Let the Fourth Company help us divide a training area and ensure some basic training facilities. There are no requirements for accommodation. Just live in a tent, but we must provide the best food." Good guarantee.”

The environment is harsh and the situation is dangerous. This is exactly what Li Ran wants.

With only one month of training time, only in such an environment can the greatest potential of the training team members be stimulated as much as possible and meet the standards of the first stage of Li Ran's training.

"Okay, I will report it truthfully, but you also know the situation here. It is a bit difficult to improve food standards." Li Hu said.

There are no other problems with Li Ran's application. It is only difficult to improve the food standards.

The food standards of the border guards have always been very poor. There is nothing we can do about it. Even if the entire regiment negotiates and arranges the arrangements, it is still very difficult to get the so-called freedom of fruits, vegetables, and meat, and a balanced diet.

Some people eat one more portion, and some people eat one less portion. Regardless of the fact that the training team only has thirty people at most, and we fully protect the thirty people, at least hundreds of people, that is, a company will be affected.

Within a month, the impact is not small and problems can easily arise.

"I know the difficulties in the regiment and give priority to supplying our training team. I will write to my dad to send another batch of supplies to make up for it.

Li Ran's light tone almost scared Li Hu to death.

This can't be done like this. If the superiors know that the distribution of materials in their regiment still needs to be delivered to the homes of the soldiers in the regiment, it will be a big problem.

The army has regulations and cannot take away a piece of the common people's money.

When he was in the new recruit company, he had already received a large amount of supplies from Li Ran's father for free. It would be inappropriate to continue to ask for them.

If word spread, outsiders would think that the Fifth Border Guard Regiment had been corrupted by the soldiers' families, and that they had reached an ulterior deal with each other.

"Company Commander, it's hard to be a soldier, and it's even harder for us to be plateau border guards. You took us there when we were a new recruit company in the Fourth Company. You know better than us what the environment is like there. I don't want to show anything. , I just want to do my little bit, and by the way, improve the food for the brothers who are stationed at the forward command post all year round. Besides, snipers have a lot of training and without enough nutrition, their bodies will not be able to bear it, and problems will occur. "Li Ran said with emotion and reason.

0......Please give me flowers......

Li Ran's words made Li Hu also fall silent. The 1.8 meter tall man's eyes were also red at this moment.

Although the reconnaissance company has a large amount of training, it is still relatively happy compared with the fourth company stationed at the forward post.

"I will report it to the group leader." Li Hu said solemnly.

After understanding the needs from Li Ran, Li Hu reported the situation truthfully.

After understanding the situation, the colonel fell silent for a while. At the same time, the chief executive of the fifth border defense regiment immediately held a meeting of the regiment committee to discuss.

In the end, Li Ran's application was agreed to deliver a batch of supplies, but they had a requirement, that is, the Fifth Border Defense Regiment had to pay, and the Fifth Border Defense Regiment paid for it out of their own pockets.

Due to time constraints, Li Ran needed time to write a letter, and it took a lot of time to write back and forth, so I just asked Li Ran to go to the Youth League Headquarters and call back.

The communication that the Fifth Border Defense Regiment can contact the inland is via satellite phone, which can only be used for important business matters, and this time it is an exception.


An internal call from the Fifth Border Defense Regiment went directly to Li Ran's home.

"Hello, who's there?"

In this era, those who can install a phone in their home are considered wealthy, and only those with good conditions are willing to install one.

"Dad, it's me." Li Ran said after hearing his father's voice.

"Li Ran? Where did you call from? What? Did you get into trouble in the army?"

Li Jun didn't expect that it was Li Ran who was calling and asked several questions in a row.

But Li Ran heard it. When his father asked him if he would get into trouble in the army, he seemed to be looking forward to it. What? I hope he won't get into trouble in the army?

"Dad, I didn't cause any trouble. I'll keep the story short..."

After Li Ran explained the matter of transporting supplies, Li Jun agreed without even thinking about it.

"No problem, I will have someone make arrangements now and send it to you at full speed. We will try to get it within four days.

As a veteran, Li Jun is very happy and proud that he can do his part for the army.

But after hearing that the army wanted to give him money, Li Jun immediately became dissatisfied and said: "Pay? What money? I am not short of money. I don't want money. Son, tell your leader that I will get a share of the money." No, I have been a soldier and know that the army has been in difficulty these years, so how can I ask for money?"

Li Ran knew the attitude of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment. If he didn't accept the money, he might not be able to deliver the supplies, but he had a way.

“Dad, just accept the money and use it to buy supplies, that’s all.

"Good idea, then I'll do as you say."

"Then I'll hang up, bye."

The call was immediately hung up. Hearing the beep on the phone, Li Jun said helplessly: "You brat, I don't know how to talk to dad for a little longer. Dad misses you, do you know that?

When Li Ran made the call, no one was watching Li Ran, which was also a sign of trust in Ji Ran.

After walking out of the communications room, Li Ran briefly reported that everything was almost ready. All that was left was for the regiment headquarters to contact the Fourth Company for negotiation and cooperation....

(Asking for all kinds of data support, asking for automatic subscription, asking for everything!!! People).

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