Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

875: Efficiency! Show The Essence

On the training ground, a professional team of horses and officers and soldiers of the combined brigade were busy.

Qi Long also hired a professional director from the Propaganda Department to supervise the filming process and some details.

He can control the general direction by himself, but at the level of being a director, he is not sure, mainly because he doesn't know how to be a director.

Anyway, he was watching from the side during the filming. If he was dissatisfied, he would directly report it to the director and let the director make changes according to his ideas.

In a word, he is responsible for speaking, and others are responsible for doing. Otherwise, how can he be called a leader?

"Everyone, Act 1, action!"

With the director's order, filming officially began.

Everyone was busy at this moment. Before starting, under the director's order, everyone was in the planned position.

When shooting a video, the main thing is coordination and cooperation. Only when everyone cooperates well can the scene look cool and beautiful.

Boom boom boom~

Buzz buzz~

The high-horsepower diesel engine started, and the information-based main battle tank Tiger 9 made an ear-splitting roar.

At the same time, a squadron and armed helicopters of the Army Aviation Group of the Synthetic Brigade also took off.

Armored vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, and rocket launchers were all dispatched.

For a time, the scene was very magnificent.

The armored behemoth came out of its cage, and its momentum gave people a very strong sense of oppression.

The person in charge of filming quickly started chasing after seeing this, and there were also drones in the air to assist in filming.

The people in these propaganda departments all come from government agencies and rarely go to the grassroots level. Such scenes are common for grassroots officers and soldiers, but very rare for them.

Seeing this spectacular scene, these photographers were shocked for a while.

"So handsome."

"Yes, I have seen other units, but compared with the synthetic brigade, there is still a big gap.

"As expected of the Synthetic Brigade, this scene could be regarded as a movie clip."

For a time, the filming staff were talking a lot and were very shocked.

On the side, Manzhi, who was also watching, heard this and puffed up his chest, feeling very proud and proud.

Did you see that the combined brigade is still the benchmark for field army units?

When the lieutenant colonel saw this scene, he was confused for a moment and couldn't help but ask Weilong.

"Chief, our integrated unmanned and electronic demonstration unit has nothing to do with heavy equipment, so why are we filming this?"

When he was filming the video, he actually wanted to do this, gather the heavily armed troops and pull them out to take a picture, but Qi Long told him that the Tiandian unmanned integrated demonstration unit did not care about heavy armor.

So he didn't implement this idea for filming, but Qi Long actually did this when he was filming, which made him a little confused.

"You don't understand this, right? When you come up, you give people some high technology, and people can understand it? Start with a heavy installation, and use a spectacular scene to attract everyone's attention, so that everyone has the patience to continue. Look." Qi Long said.

"I understand, chief, you are really awesome." After being reminded by Qi Long, the lieutenant colonel immediately understood and admired Weilong.

The leader is the leader. Although he usually only likes to move his mouth and not his legs, at critical moments, the ability displayed is still unspeakable.

"Look carefully and learn from it. These are all experiences. Books won't tell you this." Seeing the lieutenant colonel's admiration, Qi Long was very proud and pretended to say.

At this point, Qi Long sighed inwardly.

Alas, I haven't felt like this for a long time. It feels so good to be worshiped by my subordinates.

That's right, Qi Long used the heavy equipment assembly of the Synthetic Brigade as an opening this time, and he would be responsible for attracting people watching the video.

Only when people click on this video, are attracted by the content, and are willing to continue watching, will there be a possibility of attracting people.

After two minutes, continue shooting the next item.

In order to show the characteristics and advantages of the unmanned integration of Tiandian, Qi Long paid great attention to the key content of the subsequent shooting.

Tiandian unmanned integration. As the name suggests, it focuses on being intelligent and unmanned.

Therefore, drones must be available, and the electronic countermeasures brigade must be equipped. All other unmanned equipment must be used.

People who watch the video will discover that future wars will be like this. Personnel do not even need to go to the front line. They only need to perform remote control from the rear. Unmanned intelligent equipment can launch attacks under control.

Qi Long knows very well that when shooting a video, you must capture the key points, at least let people know what the content of the video is and what the advantages of your new unit are.

0......Please give me flowers......

The video that the lieutenant colonel shot before was aroused with criticism. Isn't it because the key points were not captured and it was not attractive?

So Qi Long paid special attention to this aspect this time. The stupid mistakes the Lieutenant Colonel made before must not be made again.

"You guys, please be more expressive, we are recruiting people, not driving them away.

"There is also a need to be more careful about the details of this shooting."

"Some changes are needed here too."

Qi Long sat next to the director, staring at the picture, constantly asking for the shooting content, hoping to shoot the most perfect picture.

In this way, with the help of the synthesis brigade, it took a full day to shoot this video.


Don’t think that a whole day can’t be taken quickly and you won’t be able to take great photos.

You know, this promotional video is only a few minutes long.

Qi Long thought this way. Instead of taking a longer shot, it would be better to take a more detailed shot, so that what people see is the essence and no watery content, so that the effect will be the best.

And why is the filming so long? It’s not just to watch a movie, it’s just to show the highlights.

In fact, the main reason is that there are not that many things to shoot. If we really shoot the Tiandian unmanned integrated demonstration unit, we will almost have to edit some science fiction movies later.

"You guys should work overtime during this period and give me the video tomorrow afternoon." Qi Long said to the colonel from the Propaganda Department.

Qi Long wanted to see the finished film as soon as possible, so he asked the publicity department to work overtime and edit the video overnight.

"Yes." After hearing this, the colonel said immediately.

Although he knew that this 80% overtime worker had to stay up all night, editing was not that simple and required people to watch it bit by bit.

But Qi Long, the deputy commander, has said this, so what else can he say?

Fortunately, I only edited a two- to three-minute video. If it were to be edited for dozens of minutes, it would not be completed in a week.

Besides, Qi Long may not be satisfied with the first edited film, and it may require them to make constant changes.

(Please ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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