Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

878: A Miracle Will Happen! Let The Bullets Fly For A While

At this time, the lieutenant colonel said such words with a mysterious look, which immediately aroused the curiosity of everyone present.

No wonder, it's so late, if nothing can arouse their curiosity, they really don't want to stay here at all.

It's just too boring and spicy.

A group of them just stayed in front of the computer and stared at the computer screen to see if anyone had signed up in the background.

They were all prepared to work overtime as a team, but who would have thought that no one had signed up for the whole day.

There is nothing going on, just sitting in front of the computer like a fool, it's really boring.

If the lieutenant colonel can't come up with anything that interests them now, they really don't want to stay here anymore.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a task or not, and it doesn’t matter whether you want to make meritorious deeds or not, just do whatever you like.

Seeing that everyone's curiosity had been aroused, the lieutenant colonel felt proud, but on the surface he remained calm, maintaining his original mysterious look, and said slowly: "You know the synthetic brigade."

"I know." Everyone nodded immediately.

Just kidding, who in the entire field army doesn’t know about the combined brigade?

The combined brigade located at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground has never suffered a defeat except once at the hands of their founder, the legendary officer Li Ran, since its establishment.

Known as the grindstone of the entire army, the professional Blue Army troops, units and combined brigades conducted exercises and were taught a hard lesson every time.

Even now, the slogan of capturing Manzhi alive and liberating Zhu He is circulating among the field armies.

It is enough to show the importance of the combined brigade in the hearts of the chief officers of each unit.

But they don't understand what synthesis has to do with this matter.

"You all know about the synthetic brigade, but who of you knows about the synthetic battalion?" the lieutenant colonel said again.

The combined brigade was not created all at once, but started from a battalion and expanded step by step to become a combined brigade.

It's just that the pace is very fast.

The synthetic battalion was founded by Li Ran, the legendary officer of the field army, and then expanded into the synthetic brigade under Li Ran. Later, the founder of the synthetic battalion went to the Northern Military Region to serve as the commander of the Z Division, and handed over the synthetic brigade to the current In the hands of Brigadier Manchi.

And Manzhi was promoted by this legendary officer.

"I know that the predecessor of the Combined Brigade is the Combined Battalion, and many of their current chief officers were there when the Combined Battalion was founded." "Someone said.

"Yes, do you know anything else?" the lieutenant colonel asked again.

Upon hearing this, everyone present looked at each other and shook their heads.

Regarding the combined battalion, they really didn't know as much as the combined brigade, because when the combined battalion was created, none of them present had joined the army yet.

These people present are considered technical enlisted personnel. They are all technical talents, so they are all in government agencies.

They also heard about the Synthetic Brigade from others after they came in. As for the Synthetic Brigade, for them, it was a bit far away in time and they really didn't know it yet.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wu, just say what you really want to say, and don't hold back, and don't hang on to us." Someone urged.

Their curiosity was indeed aroused. When the Synthetic Brigade was still the Synthetic Battalion, they really didn't know much at this time.

"That's right. In fact, when the Synthetic Camp was first established, the same problem we are facing now is the same problem. It needs publicity." The lieutenant colonel explained with a smile: "Publicity is also for recruiting people. In order to attract enough people, Li The division commander, when he was still the battalion commander, he shot a promotional video for promotion. I think you have seen this promotional video. It was the previous recruitment promotional video. It is a classic. When this promotional video came out, it was very popular in the field army. It caused a huge stir.”

Speaking of this, the lieutenant colonel said with admiration: "He is truly a legendary officer in the field army. From the beginning to the present, he has been doing legendary things in his military career."

"Lieutenant Colonel Wu, Commander Li's military career is indeed legendary, but what do you say now have anything to do with our mission?" Someone asked again.

Yes, Li Ran's military career is indeed legendary. There is no doubt that no one can object to this.

Looking at the entire field army, no one has a more legendary military career than Li Ran.

As for the promotional video, the Synthetic Battalion did film it that year, and the video was even erected as a recruitment promotional video.

But what they don't understand is, what's the point of the school telling them this now?

How does this relate to the mission they are currently completing?

The promotional video of Synthetic Camp back then was very effective, but that doesn’t mean that their current promotional effect is good. If it were good, no one would still be signing up in the backend now.

"This is what I want to say. After the promotional video for the Hesheng Camp was released, according to data records, the highest activity of registered personnel was in the second half of the night." said the lieutenant colonel.

"`"Later midnight? Why?" Hearing this, some people were immediately very curious and puzzled.

Why don't you go to bed at this time in the middle of the night and sign up?

What kind of living habits this is, makes them very puzzled.

"That's because registering during the day is too conspicuous and easy to be discovered." The lieutenant colonel analyzed: "After all, it is about leaving the old unit and going to a new one. Some people are worried that their superiors or people in the unit will see it after doing it. Yes, this has a bad impact, so we all choose to go to the computer room to sign up after night, when there are the least people. This way, no one will find out, and there will be no embarrassment even if you are not admitted."

"So this is ah."

After hearing this, everyone present immediately understood what it meant, but they really didn't expect such a thing.

But I have to say that what the school said does make sense.

If you say this, doesn't it mean that the peak period of personnel is really in the latter half of the night, and they haven't started yet. (Liaonuo's)

In addition to having time to change their minds, everyone was also worried about being discovered, so everyone planned to sign up when no one was around.

I have to say, this routine is indeed quite profound.

Lieutenant Colonel Wu, is this true?" someone asked.

Although the lieutenant colonel said this, some people still had some doubts about it.

"Of course it's true. Deputy Commander Qi told me this personally. Do you know the relationship between our Deputy Commander and Commander Li? They are brothers in the same discipline, and they can be regarded as people who have witnessed Commander Li's legendary journey. He Can what you told me be false?" the lieutenant colonel said immediately, very confidently.

To be honest, if Qi Long hadn't told him about this, he wouldn't have known there was such a thing.

Hearing that it was Qi Long who said this, everyone immediately believed it.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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