Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

889: Li Ran’S Charm! Students Are Excited

In a short period of time, the auditorium, which could accommodate thousands of people, was filled with people.

The students present all have master's degrees, and some even have doctorates. This university of science and technology has cooperated with the Northern Military Region not once or twice, and it has always attached great importance to cooperation with the military.

Therefore, we put great effort into arranging admission for students this time.

There are thousands of students, but there are also a few with undergraduate degrees. Of course, the students with undergraduate degrees who come here are all outstanding ones.

Because Li Ran explained that if students in related majors are particularly outstanding, their academic qualifications can be relaxed to a bachelor's degree, which is not so absolute.

Inside the auditorium backstage.


After seeing such a large auditorium filled with students, the lieutenant colonel couldn't help but take a breath. He never expected that there would be so many students present.

Originally, he estimated that a hundred people would be very good, but now there are thousands of people.

What is this concept?

Looking at the entire field army and all major military regions, it is probably difficult to find thousands of such people.

It's not that there are few talents in the field army, but if we are looking for people in these majors with at least a master's degree, there definitely won't be that many people.

In this era, there are still very few highly educated talents in these majors 510 in the army.

After all, those who can get into these key universities, and those who can get a master's degree in education, to put it mildly, no one will become a soldier.

In peacetime, 99% of people will feel that war is far away from them.

"There are too many people here. Do so many of them have a master's degree or above?" the lieutenant colonel couldn't help but sigh.

"Don't worry, 90% of them have master's degrees, some have PhDs, and there are a few outstanding undergraduate students." After hearing what the lieutenant colonel said, the school director said with a smile.

This time he was assigned by the school to cooperate with the military region's recruitment task, and the school told him that this task was very critical, so he was very serious. If anyone in the army had any questions, he would answer them immediately.

"Director Zhang, I just said it casually, not to doubt you." Seeing the director of the school affairs office answer him, the lieutenant colonel said quickly.

In fact, he just said it casually before, but he didn't expect that the people at the school would answer his question seriously.

For a moment, it seemed as if he didn't trust the school's arrangements, which made him a little embarrassed.

Qi Long glared at the lieutenant colonel. Of course, it was not because of what the lieutenant colonel said, but because the lieutenant colonel looked so worthless that he felt very embarrassed.

However, after seeing the current scene, Qi Long couldn't help but sigh in his heart for a while.

Indeed, what Li Ran said is right. His previous recruitment direction was completely wrong. Talents with these professional qualifications should come to key science and technology universities like this.

Take the current students in the auditorium as an example. With so many people, not to mention, one-fifth of the students are willing to come, which is more than enough for the establishment of a new unit.

With such talent reserves and sources, even if the scale of the new unit increases in the future, there is no need to worry about not being able to keep up with the talent.

I have to say that Li Ran's young mind is the best. Why didn't he think of this at the beginning? Why was he so rigid?

"Okay, everyone is here, it's time for us to go out." Li Ran said.

So, Li Ran, Qi Long and the lieutenant colonel walked out from the backstage and slowly walked onto the stage in front of all the students in the auditorium.

The director of the school also followed on the stage at this time, walked to the microphone, and said to all the students: "Dear students, thank you for coming to participate in the army's recruitment event today. These three are leaders from the H Group Army of the Northern Military Region. "

The director of the school affairs office first introduced Qi Long and the others in front of everyone.

Basically, let’s talk about the identities of the three people.

Of course, the two major general-level leaders, Qi Long and Li Ran, were naturally introduced. As for the lieutenant colonel, the director of the school affairs office just introduced them in a few words.

The joint activities between their university and the army have not happened once or twice, but this is the first time that so many big guys have come at once.

Two major generals came at the same time, so the school naturally took it very seriously.

After all, the dispatch of two levels of generals at once is enough to show the importance of this joint recruitment.

While the director of the school affairs office was introducing it, the students in the audience couldn't help but talk about it.

They are no strangers to the army's recruitment activities, and this is not the first time that the school has held a joint recruitment event with the army.

But it was also their first time to see a major general-level boss coming, so they were naturally shocked.

"It seems that this recruitment event is of great significance. Two generals came at once."

"I didn't expect it at all. This is the first time."

"Have you noticed that the major general is very young?"

"I have discovered a long time ago that this is the first time for me to meet such a young major general. He is also a division commander. It is not easy for a major general to be a division commander."

"By the way, this young major general is really handsome."

The students in the audience were talking a lot.

As the director of the school affairs office finished speaking, Ji Ran slowly stepped forward and began to speak.

Of course, Li Ran originally planned to let Qi Long speak and give this opportunity to the limelight to Qi Long, but who knew that Qi Long was unwilling.

After all, I just came to see his performance this time. Whether it was a speech or something like that, I let myself do it all.

Li Ran had nothing to do about this.

"Students, I really didn't expect so many people to come today. Thank you very much for giving me this face..." Li Ran began to speak in front of all the students.

Of course, there was no nonsense, and there were some jokes in it.

Immediately, the students in the audience burst into laughter, and the atmosphere was instantly aroused by Li Ran.

For a moment, all the students looked at Li Ran with very passionate and interested eyes. This is a kind of personality charm.

Similarly, Qi Long and the lieutenant colonel also controlled the fiery eyes of the students.

The lieutenant colonel sighed in his heart, he was indeed a legendary officer of the field army. His charisma was simply invincible. In a short period of time, it was not easy to get these college students excited just by saying a few words.

Qi Long also felt a little depressed when he looked at Li Ran who was in the limelight.

Originally, he wanted to see Li Ran deflated and stuck in a jam, but he didn't expect Li Ran to be so comfortable.

After some speeches to arouse his emotions, Li Ran slowly brought out the theme of his visit.

Behind the auditorium, on the huge curtain, at Li Ran's signal, a video was played.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!).

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