Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

907: Stage A Bitter Plot! It's Always Me Who Gets Hurt

Qi Long, who was originally worried that he would make a fuss about Li Ran because he asked Li Ran to take action, suddenly lost all worries after hearing Tan Jun's reminder.

Yes, now Manzhi has made this matter so big. Basically, everyone in the entire field army and all the major military regions knows that he, the major general, has suffered in the hands of the senior colonel Manzhi.

So what do you care about now?

Moreover, the rumors circulating outside are becoming more and more exaggerated, and they even say that they were humiliated by Manzhi and beaten by Manzhi until they were unable to fight back.

We have already reached this level, what could be worse than this?

At least in Qi Long's view, it should be gone.

So now he has asked Li Ran to take action to resolve this matter. Now he just wants to resolve this matter as soon as possible, and then find an opportunity to get the situation back from Manzhi later.

"You're right, I'm going to find this guy Li Ran now. Let me see what other excuses he can use to evade me now." Qi Long couldn't sit still anymore and went directly to find Li Ran.

He has been numbed by this matter now. He really doesn't want to continue to waste time on this matter. He really can't bear it.

"Wait a minute, haven't you already looked for him?" Seeing this, Tan Jun immediately stopped Qi Long.

"I have approached him before. This guy tried to prevaricate me by saying that Man Zhihui would make a fuss about this matter. I knew he didn't want to take action, but what he said made sense. So I didn't keep forcing him to take action." Qi Long explained.

"You have already been rejected once, why are you going to do it now?" Hearing this, Tan Jun smiled and said: "I can guarantee that if you go now, he will still not agree to your action, and will find reasons to stall you. This guy has too many ideas."

"After all, I am also his senior brother. If I were serious, he wouldn't be indifferent all the time." Qi Long said.

"If you don't believe it, you can try it. You are his senior brother, and Manzhi is his subordinate who was promoted by him. The palms and backs of your hands are all flesh. What do you want him to do?" Tan Jun said with a smile.

As a military commander, Tan Jun has been the military commander for only a year or two. He knows more about some things and has more ideas than Qi Long, who has only been the deputy commander for a short time.

For example, in this 08 matter, Meng Shi looked deeper than Qi Long.

"What should we do?" Qi Long felt that what Tan Jun said made sense, and he suddenly became depressed.

"This is not simple. If you don't come forward, just find someone to come forward. Li Ran must know what you mean, and it can be regarded as giving him a step to take action." Tan Jun gave guidance.

Tan Jun's advice made Qi Long suddenly confused, and he said in his heart, "Ginger is still hot when he is old."

This veteran military commander is different. He has been a military commander for a long time, so he has much more experience than his deputy commander.

Sometimes it is not a good thing to be promoted too quickly. If you spend more time in a position, the team will understand more.

"I understand, thank you." Qi Long thanked him.

"Don't say that. You are embarrassed by Manzhi, and our H Army Headquarters is also very shameless." Tan Jun said.

If Manzhi hadn't made this matter a big deal, even though Qi Long's reputation had been damaged, his entire H army would have lost face.

Otherwise, he would not take action or tell Qi Long this.

Manzhi, the commander of the combined brigade, is too disrespectful. The matter between you and Qi Long is now related to the H Army.

If this matter is not resolved early, how will everyone continue to mess around in the future?

They are all senior officers of the field army, who doesn't want to lose face?

Now all the major military regions, even the other two armies in the Northern Military Region, are watching the reaction of their H Army. If they don't solve it as soon as possible, they may become a joke to others.

"I will resolve this matter as soon as possible." Qi Long said in a deep voice.

He now naturally understood what Tan Jun meant by what he said.

Indeed, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise, not only will he personally become the laughing stock of others, but also the H Army will be implicated.

He didn't want to become the deputy commander in history who brought down the entire army.

Qi Long naturally paid attention to this candidate.

At the military reconnaissance camp, Qi Long came here and directly found the lieutenant colonel, and informed the lieutenant colonel to go to Division Z to find Li Ran now.

"Chief, you said you didn't need me to worry about it before. You asked me to worry about things in the camp. Why are you asking me to go find Mr. Li now?" the lieutenant colonel said depressedly. "Actually, I am very reluctant.

Before, he excitedly took the initiative to go to Division Z to find Li Ran, just to persuade Li Ran to come forward and solve the matter.

They didn't want this matter to bother Qi Long and stop their actions.

But when Qi Long discovered that he had come to Division Z without permission to find Li Ran to resolve the matter, instead of praising him, he gave him a lesson, telling him not to worry blindly and to worry more about things in the camp.

Now he's fine, he doesn't have to worry about it anymore, but Qi Long asks him to worry about it again. What does this mean?

How about playing with him?

"Ahem." Hearing this, Qi Long was also a little embarrassed. Indeed, he had criticized the Lieutenant Colonel a little too early.

After hearing what the lieutenant colonel said, he could only cough twice to hide his embarrassment.

"Before was before. At that time, you didn't need to come forward. This is the time when you need to come forward. As long as you can successfully complete the task, it is a great achievement. I will remember it for you. This task is glorious and arduous. You can only Success cannot fail." Qi Long said seriously.

"Chief, you should look for someone else to do this. My abilities are limited and I'm afraid I'm not qualified," the lieutenant colonel said.

Just kidding, there is so much buzz out there right now, although there are elements of exaggeration in it.

But there is no doubt that Qi Long, the direct leader, has completely lost his face.

The lieutenant colonel didn't want to be the one who stood out when the matter was so big. Besides, he had no confidence in convincing Li Ran.

"What's the matter with you kid? You didn't take advantage of this opportunity to perform. If I say you can do it, you can do it. Perform the mission. This is an order." Seeing the lieutenant colonel bargaining with him, Qi Long suddenly said seriously .


Hearing this, the lieutenant colonel sighed helplessly. It was really overwhelming to be a senior official.

If being soft doesn't work, just be tough with yourself.

To be honest, the Lieutenant Colonel really didn't want to take on this tricky job, but now that Qi Long has said so, it's okay for him not to take it.

"Yes, chief, I will try my best." the lieutenant colonel said helplessly.

He didn't say that he would definitely complete the task, he could only say that he would try his best.

The lieutenant colonel was actually not sure at all. Although he was not very familiar with Li Ran, he still had some understanding.

I also know some of Li Ran's character, that is, Li Ran will not do anything that has nothing to do with Li Ran, even if it is to expose the sky.

Just like this, if Li Ran doesn't take action, what can he do?

"Don't worry, I already have an idea. If you do what I say, I'll make sure it works." Qi Long saw the unconfidence in the lieutenant colonel's heart and said to the lieutenant colonel.

Hearing this, the lieutenant colonel looked at Qi Long with a suspicious face, as if to say, since you are so sure, why don't you come forward yourself and let him come forward?

Qi Long didn't want to talk too much nonsense to the lieutenant colonel, so he just said, "Just do as I say."

After that, he conveyed some skills to the lieutenant colonel.

In fact, these techniques are not new tricks. To be precise, they are all used by Li Ran.

Li Ran used this method in order to obtain enough logistics supplies for the Combined Brigade and to implement some benefits for the officers of the Combined Brigade.

Qi Long believes that this method of treating the person's illness will definitely persuade Li Ran and make Li Ran see his sincerity.

Z division commander's office.

Dong Dong Dong~

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The captain walked in and reported to Li Ran: "Division Commander, Commander Wang from the Military Reconnaissance Battalion is here and wants to see you.

"Wang Peng?" Hearing this, Li Ran said with a smile: "Why did he come to me to dig?"

"I didn't say anything, I just said there was something important." the captain replied.

"Let him in."


In fact, Li Ran guessed why Wang Peng came to see him. Wang Peng was the lieutenant colonel that his senior brother had been taking with him on missions.

We were there when we went to school together to recruit students.

Now that Wang Peng came to him, he probably received instructions from his senior brother.

It's no wonder that Manzhi took the initiative to make the matter bigger. His senior brother had nothing to avoid, and he definitely wanted to come forward directly.

But Li Ran didn't intend to take action so easily.

No matter how big the problem is, it will come to you. If you don't kill this evil spirit, you will be in trouble in the future.

Not long after, the door opened and Tian Peng walked in.

"The visit of Battalion Commander Wang to our Z Division really makes our Z Division shine. I wonder what you can do for me?" Li Ran was the first to speak and asked with a smile, very polite.

Hearing this, Wang Peng's face turned red, mainly because he thought of the methods Qi Long told him, which made Wang Peng feel very embarrassed.

"Commander Li, I have something to ask for this time. I beg Commander Li to come forward and save Deputy Commander Qi." Wang Peng said excitedly, almost without giving Li Ran a kiss.

"Captain Wang, what do you mean by this? What's wrong with my senior brother?" Hearing this, Li Ran pretended not to understand what it meant and asked curiously.

Seeing Li Ran pretending not to know anything, Wang Peng had no choice but to tell the story.

"Commander Li, I believe you must have heard the news spreading outside. Ever since Deputy Commander Qi heard those rumors, he became very angry and became ill. He didn't eat or drink water. He just slept in bed. He felt completely It feels like everyone has been hollowed out. I'm worried that if this continues, the deputy commander's health will have problems, so I hope you, Commander Li, can come forward to persuade me." Wang Peng said.

Of course, Qi Long asked him to say these words.

After hearing what Qi Long asked him to say at first, the lieutenant colonel felt very helpless and embarrassed.

If it were true, he would be able to speak easily, but Qi Long looked energetic and did not look sick at all.

A person who originally had nothing to do, but ended up saying this to himself, is it disgusting?

But Wang Peng had no choice but to follow the orders.

Now coming to Li Ran, saying these words in front of Li Ran made Wang Peng feel very guilty.

"No, I know my senior brother well. His mental endurance shouldn't be that bad." Li Ran said doubtfully.

Li Ran wouldn't believe it even if I beat him to death. Qi Long's character should have heard these rumors and is like this?

If true, it would be really embarrassing, even more embarrassing than the rumors say.

"Commander Li, it's true. Before I came here, the deputy commander still hadn't had a drop of water, hadn't eaten a morsel of food, and he had no energy at all. It wouldn't be a problem if it continued like this." Wang Peng said.

"It's okay. I know a good psychiatrist. I'll contact them and ask them to check on my senior brother and enlighten him. In fact, this kind of thing is just a knot in the psychology. Just open it and it will be fine." , Li Ran was about to pick up the phone and start dialing.

"Mr. Li, no need." Seeing this, Wang Peng said quickly.

"Why?" Li Ran asked.

"The psychological team is already intervening, but it looks like

The effect is not very great. The deputy commander is now like a zombie. This is the first time I have seen him like this. Commander Li, he is your senior brother. You must not die without seeing him.

Save. "Wang Peng said.

Just kidding, if Li Ran asked the psychological team to intervene, then their previous efforts would be in vain.

The purpose of Wang Peng's visit this time is to ask Li Ran to come forward to solve this matter.

"Battle Commander Wang, I understand everything you said. He is my senior brother, and I definitely want to help him, but I don't know how." Li Ran said melancholy.

"Actually, it's very simple. The deputy commander is mainly because this matter has never been resolved. Brigadier Man only respects your face. If you can come forward to resolve this matter, I believe that

Vice Commander Xin will recover soon. Wang Peng said quickly.

This was the purpose of Wang Peng's visit this time, to use a bitter trick to persuade Ji Ran to come forward and resolve the matter.

But this little trick is not that simple to trick Li Ran into showing up.

Hearing this, Li Ran was embarrassed and said: "Captain Wang, to be honest, my senior brother came to see me at the beginning, but I have made it clear to him that there is nothing I can do.

Take action, Manzhi even called me. If I take action, they will no longer recognize me as the old leader. Everyone in the Hesheng Brigade will be very disappointed with me. What can I do?


Ah? This?

As soon as these words came out, Wang Peng was stunned.

Li Ran has said this, what should he say? What should he do?

If he insists on continuing, it will seem like he is forcing himself on others, and it will not be justified in terms of face.

"Mr. Li, according to what you said, what should we do about this matter? Do you have any good ideas? Or give some suggestions." Wang Peng asked again.

Hearing this, Li Ran pretended to be deep in thought.

Wang Peng was standing by, not daring to speak or even take a breath.

After a while, Li Ran sighed helplessly and said slowly: "It's difficult, this matter is indeed difficult."

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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