Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

913: Qi Long Wants To Cry! Physical Training For Unit Chief Officers

Something happened on Division Z that no one expected.

The dignified commander of the Military Reconnaissance Battalion stood at the entrance of Division Z and fainted twice from heatstroke. The last time, Li Ran had Wang Peng sent directly to the Military Reconnaissance Camp.

Enough, Li Ran has really seen enough. He doesn't want Master Z to be embarrassed by having such a conspicuous bag here.

To be honest, if Li Ran hadn't been concerned about Qi Long's face, he would have wanted to clean up the family directly now.

That's it, why are you still the commander of a military reconnaissance battalion? Where do you get the face from?

He Yuzhu is now dissatisfied, very dissatisfied. He is dissatisfied with Wang Peng. It can even be said that he is dissatisfied with the poor physical quality of the current unit commanders and fighters in the field army.

Wang Peng was sent away by Li Ran, and Li Ran also went out and took a car directly to the army headquarters.

After Li Ran left, the Z Division chief of staff, Z Division committee members and a group of Z Division officers and staff got together.

"Where have you gone, Master?"

"It seems to be heading towards the headquarters."

"Sure enough, the division commander finally relented and plans to go directly to Deputy Commander Qi?"

"It's no wonder, you don't see how cruel Deputy Commander Qi's move is. The people sent here were struggling with the division commander, and they all fainted twice."

"I fainted twice. In the end, the division commander couldn't bear it anymore and sent someone to send battalion commander Wang back. If it were me, I would be soft-hearted."

Several people gathered together and talked about it. They all thought that Li Ran felt sorry for Wang Peng in the end and couldn't stand it anymore. One of the battalion commanders fainted twice due to heatstroke.

You have shown such sincerity, and if you don’t come forward to help, it will be unjustifiable.

After all, this was also someone sent by Deputy Commander Qi, and Deputy Commander Wei was the senior brother of their division commander.

On the other side, Li Ran took a car directly to the H Army headquarters.

Here, he directly asked someone to inform him that he wanted to see Qi Long, the deputy commander.

After learning the news, a second lieutenant immediately went to report to Qi Long and spread the news.

Inside the office.

Qi Long was currently playing this militarized game that Li Ran took the lead in developing. While playing the game, he was waiting for news from Wang Peng.

He believed that as long as Wang Peng did what he said, there would be no problem and he could convince Li Ran to take action.

So he is not in a hurry now. He has nothing to do anyway, so he might as well play some games.

It has to be said that the game Global Mission, as a militarized game originally developed by Li Ran, is currently being updated and improved by technical staff. The game is getting better and better, and the content in it is becoming more and more real.

The character movements and related data in it are completely based on real data adopted in reality.

To put it bluntly, even the specific parameters of the relevant equipment in the game correspond to reality.

This game has very diverse modes, including regiment combat, campaign command, special operations, fighter jet simulation, tank simulation, etc.

At present, this game has been included in relevant training subjects.

Global mission can no longer be simply called a game, but a training method within the field army.

At this time, the second lieutenant came in.

"Chief, chief, it's long."

"Let him wait for a while, I'm busy." Qi Long is currently operating and can't get away.

"Commander, this is Commander Li, your junior brother." The second lieutenant had no choice but to emphasize again.

"Who? My junior brother, I know, let him wait a moment, I will arrange it." When Qi Long heard that Li Ran was coming, he didn't care about the game anymore and quickly closed the computer.

The next step was to prop up a simple small window, then lie down on it, cover it with a blanket, and pretend to be uncomfortable.

After everything was done, he gave the second lieutenant a look, and the second lieutenant understood instantly.

After the second lieutenant went out, he found Li Ran and said, "Commander Li, the commander is not feeling well and is resting. I just reported to him and he asked you to come in."

"I know." Li Ran nodded and said lightly, then walked to the door of Qi Long's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Qi Long's voice came from inside, feeling a little weak for a moment.

Li Ran had no expression on his face, opened the door and walked in. After entering, he saw Qi Long lying on the iron frame bed.

"Brother, you are not in good health, why don't you go back and rest." Li Ran asked deliberately.

"Junior brother, it's you who are here. Sit down and pour the water yourself. Senior brother has been in poor health for the past two days and cannot give you water. Please forgive me." Qi Long said, looking out of breath.

He looked like he was seriously ill.

Of course, such a trick cannot be hidden from Li Ran.

Li Ran glanced casually and saw the ashtray on the table, which was full of cigarette butts. Judging from the signs of cigarette butts, there was a smell of cigarette smoke in the office not long after he finished smoking.

Li Ran walked to the desk calmly and said: "It's true. I wonder if my senior brother is not in good health. He is a patient now and still smokes in the office. There are so many cigarette butts that the office is filled with the smell of cigarette smoke. "

With that said, Li Ran went directly to open the window and deliberately said to Qi Long: "Brother, you are a patient now and you cannot smell the smell of smoke."


Hearing what Li Ran said, Qi Long quickly pretended to cough twice and said: "Junior brother, you should be careful, but we are all soldiers and we are all very rough. This is nothing. I have nothing to worry about."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Qi Long finished speaking, Li Ran came to the computer again, touched the main unit, and found that it was still a little hot, and said: "Brother, you are all sick, so you should rest more and stop working." , you see the computer is so hot, you must have been busy working before."

Hearing what Li Ran said, Qi Long's face suddenly turned red.

He was so busy with work that he had been playing games all day long.

He is basically busy with the new unit now and doesn't have much else to do.

Of course, it was impossible for him to tell Li Ranming, so he could only say: "Hey, junior brother, there is no way. It is our field army's long-standing tradition to keep minor injuries from getting out of the firing line. My minor illness is not a serious problem."

After saying that, Qi Long, in order not to let Li Ran continue to struggle with this topic, took the initiative to ask: "Junior Brother Shi, are you coming to see me now?"

"Senior brother, I actually came to see you this time because I want to apply for something with you." Li Ran said.

Hearing Li Ran say this, Qi Long suddenly felt excited.

Sure enough, he knew that Li Ran finally agreed to take action this time. Wang Peng finally completed the matter and finally persuaded Li Ran to come forward.

Hahaha, thinking of this, Qi Long felt happy inside.

Damn Manzhi, just wait, I don't have the ability to mess with you, now let your old chief come out to mess with you and see what else you can do.

Do you think that since Li Ran is your old leader, he can't do anything to you? Have you forgotten that Li Ran is not your junior brother?

Manzhi, you are just waiting to be beaten by Li Ran.

Sure enough, the relationship between superiors and subordinates is still not as good as the relationship between senior brothers.

Thinking of this, Qi Long was extremely happy.

Unexpectedly, what Li Ran said next second made Qi Long's expression change.

"Brother, I think it is necessary to carry out a physical training camp for unit chief officers within the group army, so that the chief officers of each unit can gather together for a one-day training camp." Li Ran said emperorly


"What? Physical fitness training for unit chief officers?" Upon hearing this, Qi Long was stunned.

He thought Li Ran was here to help him deal with Manzhi, but he didn't expect that Li Ran came here for this matter.

"Is this why you came to me?" Qi Long couldn't help but ask again.

"Yes, what else?" Li Ran said lightly.


As soon as these words came out, Qi Long couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning. Good guy, he originally thought that Li Ran was here to help him, but he was thinking too much about his feelings and was being sentimental.

Thinking of this, Qi Long suddenly became depressed. What kind of thing is this?

"Senior brother, what else do you think I'm doing here?" Li Ran asked deliberately, irritating Qi Long.

"It's nothing. Why do you need to conduct physical training for unit chief officers?" Qi Long asked again, not wanting to waste time on this depressing topic.

He didn't understand why Hao Duanduan needed to undergo a physical training session for the chief officer of the unit.

You know, there has never been such a training camp in the past.

"Oh, there's no other way. I see that the physical fitness of the chief officers of our field army is really poor now. I really can't stand it anymore." Li Ran said, pretending to be sad.

"What's wrong?" Hearing this, Qi Long suddenly became curious.

He didn't understand why the good Li Ran would mention this.

"I'm not Wang Peng from the military reconnaissance camp. I don't know what kind of crazy thing he is. He insists on standing in front of our Z division building. You can just stand if you want. In just one morning, he fainted. After two visits, I really couldn't stand it anymore, so I sent him directly back to the military reconnaissance camp. You said, after all, he is also the commander of the military reconnaissance camp, and his physical fitness is so poor. How can this be justified? What would you say if other units saw it? Would it be embarrassing or not?"

"Although Wang Peng is not from my Z division, I can't let him be embarrassed in my Z division. He is shameless and I still want to be shameless."

"Of course, the fact that Wang Peng fainted twice also reflects a problem from the side, that is, the commanders of our field army units nowadays do not pay attention to their own physical fitness and do not strictly demand themselves. This is not acceptable, even though it is a unit The chief officer refers to the combatants, but after going to the battlefield, if your physical fitness cannot keep up, how can you command well?"

"Sometimes, a war is fought not only between the quality of the grassroots officers and soldiers, but also the physical quality of the commanders. Brother, do you think I am right?"

After speaking, Li Ran looked at Qi Long, waiting for Qi Long's answer.

At this time, after Qi Long learned what happened from Li Ran, he was dumbfounded and stunned.

I was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Qi Long in a daze, Li Ran asked again, bringing Qi Long's thoughts back to reality.

"Nothing, is there anything else?"

After his thoughts returned to reality, Qi Long was still unable to accept the reality for a while, so he couldn't help but ask again.

"Yes, the officers and staff of my Z Division can all testify that they fainted twice and made them very busy." Li Ran said seriously.

After hearing what Li Ran said, Qi Long wanted to scold his mother for a moment.

Good guy, he asked Wang Peng to go to Master Z to find Li Ran to come forward, and finally used Li Ran to persuade Li Ran to come forward.

Is this the result? Did you, Wang Peng, give him such a result?

A commander of a military reconnaissance battalion stood at the door of someone's house. He fainted twice in just half a day in the morning. This left Qi Long speechless and even felt very sad.

He was really helpless. How did you do it? How did you do it to be so embarrassing?

Qi Long had no doubt that no one in the entire Z Division knew that Wang Peng was sent by him. As a result, Wang Peng was so embarrassed. It was not only Wang Peng's people who were embarrassed, but also his deputy commander.

Thinking of this, Qi Long was immediately tempted to beat Wang Peng away.

Shame on you,

It's really embarrassing.

Unfortunately for the army!

"Senior brother, so I applied to carry out a one-month physical training for unit chief officers. Starting from the battalion commander, all chief officers above the battalion commander level will participate.

After they finish the physical training, the deputy positions will be replaced, including the chief political officer, all of whom will participate. Li Ran said again.

"I will discuss this matter with the commander and the others later," Qi Long said.

Of course, Qi Long didn't actually want to agree with Li Ran's meaning and carry out so-called physical training for unit chief officers.

Looking at the major military regions and various group armies, when has such training been carried out?

The most important thing is that if such a training was held within the H Army, everyone in each unit would probably know about it. Because of Wang Peng's conspicuous package, they would be implicated as a result.

Then after learning more about this matter, he, the deputy commander, lost his face. He couldn't afford to embarrass this person.

"Senior brother, don't worry. I'll tell the Army Commander, and the Army Commander will definitely agree." Li Ran said again.

Hearing this, Qi Long almost burst out of his mouth.

You really don’t want to save any face for your old face, right? Do you really want to play it so big?

"Junior brother, this incident actually all started because of Wang Peng. Wang Peng's physical fitness does not mean that the physical fitness of other unit chief officers is not good, and other unit chief officers also have things to do every day.

Love, a month of physical training will delay a lot of things. Besides, in major military regions, there has never been a so-called physical training for unit chief officers, so forget it.

Qi Long said.

He really didn't want to carry out this so-called physical training for unit chief officers.

"Brother, the new look must have new methods. If our H Army wants to become the best group army among the major military regions and become the leading army, we must have different training methods. I think

Very necessary. Li Ran said: "If it's not convenient for you to mention it, I'll go and tell you." "


(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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