Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

931: Big Change! The Promoter Of The Trend Of Military Reform

After learning that Li Ran came to the Hesheng Brigade this time to ask for someone, Wang Yongchang felt relieved and completely let himself go.

In Wang Yongchang's opinion, this matter is not a big deal to Li Ran.

It's such a big deal for an old leader of the Synthetic Brigade to come to the Synthetic Brigade to ask for someone. Although in his opinion it's just a phone call to Li Ran, why should he come in person?

But thinking about it, Li Ran might have other plans, so he didn't ask too many questions.

Wang Yongchang would certainly not miss this rare opportunity to get together with Li Ran.

After Li Ran got off the plane, he took Li Ran and went to sit with him first. Everyone drank tea, reminisced about old times, chatted, had a meal and a drink here at noon.

Wang Yongchang was so kind and welcoming that Li Ran felt embarrassed for a moment because he was so enthusiastic.

"Brother, let me tell you, when I come here this time, we two brothers want to have a good get-together and have a drink. I don't know when we will meet again next time.

"Wang Yongchang said to Li Ran in the car.

What he said came from his heart, and it was indeed true.

Once they reach this level and this military rank, once they leave, they really don’t know when they will meet again.

Not to mention Li Ran, take Wang Yongchang's former friends as an example, it is very difficult for them to meet each other now.

There is nothing that can be done about it. He, Wang Yongchang, is here at the Zhuhe training ground. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. It is not easy for people from other units to come here. They basically don't come here.

That is to say, when there are occasional big exercises, each unit takes turns to come to the exercise. At that time, he has the opportunity to meet his old buddies.

So Wang Yongchang sometimes feels very lonely now. That kind of loneliness makes Wang Yongchang very helpless, but there is nothing he can do.

Sometimes, as the level gets higher and higher, the responsibilities get higher and higher, and the responsibilities one bears get bigger and bigger. This is the same concept as when people grow up.

When I was young, there were many children playing around me and I was carefree. But as I got older, I realized that it was very difficult to look like I was when I was a kid. “I basically can’t work.

So now whenever he sees an old friend, Wang Yongchang will cherish the opportunity to meet.

Especially after meeting Li Ran, I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that Li Ran is really a blessing to Wang Yongchang.

This is a rare opportunity, and I want to have a good get-together with Li Ran.

Therefore, Wang Yongchang not only used his own special car to pull Li Ran, but also took Li Ran to him as soon as possible instead of letting Li Ran go to the Hesheng Brigade first.

Synthesizing Luna, it's such a big deal, how long it will take Li Ran, let's talk about it after eating and drinking with him here.

"Brother, I'm a little embarrassed that you are so enthusiastic." Li Ran smiled.

To a certain extent, he and Wang Yongchang were close friends. Li Ran was actually very happy to see Wang Yongchang.

It was as if the things he had done when he was young appeared before his eyes again.

At that time, Wang Yongchang and Wang Yongchang went to other units to deceive people, and became a dog-like existence in every unit. They founded a non-commissioned officer school, and the two of them were partners for a while.

Later, after he founded the Hehe Camp, the opportunities to meet Wang Yongchang gradually became less and less.

But Li Ran knew that whenever something happened or he was promoted, Wang Yongchang would always call him to congratulate him as soon as he knew about it.

Wang Yongchang also expressed his gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

Li Ran knows all this, and true friends are like this. Even if they don't meet for much time, they can always appear at critical moments.

"You are so polite to me here. I don't understand you kid, so stop pretending." Wang Yongchang said angrily. It was obvious at a glance that Li Ran was actually pretending.

"Hahaha, brother is brother. After so many years, you still understand me." Li Ran laughed and said: "Well, let's go to brother's place first and talk to him about the old Kang Zhenghe Brigade. Don't be in a hurry. .”

"That's right." Hearing this, Wang Yongchang was also very happy.

Li Ran took Wang Yongchang's special car to Zhu He's office at the training ground. The place was completely different from what it was before Li Ran left.

Within the army, all units are stationed here, and it is very convenient to do anything. There is no need to go back to the agencies and units in the military region to do some things like before...

Now that everything is connected to the Internet, and there are relevant units stationed here, you can do it directly here.

Compared with before Li Ran left, there are many more building facilities here. Of course, the buildings are not high, the highest ones are only five or six floors, and they are all low-rise.

Here, the most indispensable thing is space, and there is no need to reduce the height of the floor.

The heads of many units are still the same as before Li Ran left, and have not changed.

After Wang Yongchang and Li Ran got off the car, they walked on the road and took Li Ran for a tour first.

"Everything here is being built exactly as you planned in the report. It can be said that without you, there would be nothing here." Wang Yongchang sighed.

He admired Li Ran's advanced strategic vision.

At this point, even some military region commanders think that he is far inferior to Li Ran and far behind Li Ran.

Li Ran's strategic vision is terrifyingly advanced. The most terrifying thing is that Li Ran's strategic vision is all correct. No effort was wasted or detours were taken.

Every step he took was absolutely correct, and that was the scariest thing.

Some of the plans here now are actually the plans in the report submitted by Li Ran when he was still the commander of the synthetic brigade. They are completely established according to the 0.0 written in Li Ran's report.

Looking at the development of the Field Army over the years, it can be said that the two years since Li Ran was born have been a leapfrog development, and the speed of development is so terrifying that even many senior officers of the Field Army cannot believe it.

At first, many people didn't feel that they were following the trend of military reform step by step. Although some people were being led along, as long as they walked and walked well, it wouldn't be a big problem.

But if you want to fight against this trend and continue to be stubborn and have the same old ideas, then sorry.

They can only be eliminated, whether you are a person, a company, a regiment, or even a division or an army. If it doesn't work, you can eliminate it and cancel the designation. There is no mercy.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!).

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