Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

954: Did These Officers Violate The Rules Of Heaven?

After listening to Li Ran's words, Wang Yongchang smiled.

"I know that you, kid, have actually felt it for a long time. This time you came to the Hesheng Brigade and told me that you wanted people, but in fact it was more than just asking for people." Wang Yongchang said with a smile.

Li Ran has never disappointed anyone, and he could see that what Manzhi did last time was very inappropriate.

Can Li Ran, an ambitious old leader, not see this? Can he not have any ideas?

Now it seems that Li Ran actually had an idea for a long time.

This time I will take this opportunity to make myself full of ambitions.

"Okay, stop talking and drink." Li Ran smiled.

Li Ran and Wang Yongchang were drunk again this time. Of course, it was Wang Yongchang who was drunk.

To Li Ran, these wines are actually just like water, and there is no such thing as getting drunk.

After Li Ran asked Wang Yongchang to be sent to rest, he also went to rest himself.

The next day!

As he said before, Wang Yongchang came to see Li Ran to the military airport in person.

On the way, Wang Yongchang was still reluctant to leave Li Ran.

"Brother, I don't know when you will see me next time when you go back this time. Come here and take a look when you have time. Brother, I'm bored here alone." Wang Yongchang said to Li Ran

"Don't worry, brother, I will come when I have time." Li Ran smiled.

Arriving at the military airport, Tian Yongchang also knew that it was officially time to say goodbye to Li Ran, his old 597 friend.

"Brother, have a good trip." Before leaving, Wang Yongchang hugged Li Ran tightly. Although he was full of reluctance, there was nothing he could do.

"Brother, take care."

Li Ran smiled and got on the plane under the watchful eye of Wang Yongchang. Before leaving, he waved to Wang Yongchang.

Some people around saw this scene and sighed inwardly.

Sure enough, the rumors are true. The relationship between Major General Wang Yongchang and Li Ran, the commander of Division Z, is really close.

In such a long time, it was the first time that they saw Major General Wang Yongchang treat a person like this.

This attitude is unparalleled, and the cards are stretched to the maximum.

A few hours later, Li Ran returned to Division Z.

On Gaoye's side, come to Division Z to settle down for the time being. When the time comes, call your senior brother and ask him to take the person away.

Next time when you can't find someone, don't come looking for yourself again.

This was the first time for Takano to come to the Z Division, and he had already heard the name of the First Heavy Armored Division of the Field Army.

Especially after Li Ran, the old leader, became the commander of Division Z, the former First Division Z Division underwent a (aifj) big change.

He has always wanted to come and see the current First Heavy Armored Division of the Field Army with his own eyes, but he has never had the chance.

Now that he finally had the opportunity, he naturally wanted to take a good look.

No, as soon as he walked into Division Z's station, Gao Ye was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, looking around and sizing up everything.

Even when you see the officers and soldiers of the Z Division passing by, you have to take a good look at them, trying to see what is the difference between the officers and soldiers of the Z Division and the combined brigade.

Such a scene naturally attracted the attention of some officers and soldiers of Division Z.

Many people are also very curious about the lieutenant Li Ran, the division commander, is accompanying him. This is the first time they have seen their division commander leading a lieutenant to the division.

The most important thing is that they can tell from the lieutenant's dress and behavior that this is his first time here.

Otherwise, he would not act like a curious baby and be curious about everything.

Seeing Gao Ye's unpromising look, Li Ran said helplessly: "Can you stop acting like a curious baby and have some potential?

Li Ran now regrets bringing Gao Ye back. Such behavior really embarrasses him.

"Hehe." Hearing this, Takano suddenly felt a little embarrassed and explained: "Old chief, isn't this the first time I've come to Z Division? I've long heard that the management of Z Division under you is different from other combat divisions. I Don’t take a good look.”

Hearing Gao Ye's flattering words, Li Ran smiled and did not continue to say anything.

This person is still in a scoring environment.

Takano's appearance when he was in the Synthesis Brigade was completely different from what he is now. Under his influence, his whole person became much more lively.

The edification of one’s own personality is still very effective.

As the two were walking, they suddenly heard uniform slogans coming from not far away.

Seeing this, Li Ran was not too surprised. The major was conducting training with the chief officers of various units. This was nothing new.

But Takano was different. He looked along the sound and was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

Although the major is leading a team of people in training, it is nothing more than daily training.

The key is that there are some people he knows in the team.

"Captain Zhang, Commander Song, Commander Han..."

After looking at the people in the team who were running away, Takano was already stunned.

What's going on? What's going on?

Why are a group of battalion commanders, regimental commanders, and even division commanders training so hard here in Division Z?

At first glance, this training looks like the most basic running training, with no difficulty or technique at all, but these people are all unit chiefs.

Why are these people allowed to do this kind of thing here?

"Old chief, where are these chiefs?" Gao Ye couldn't help but ask.

He was so curious inside that he couldn't help but want to ask.

"Can't you see? He's training." Li Ran said lightly, very calmly.


As soon as these words came out, Takano couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Good guy, he called him a good guy.

This group of people is training here? What are the identities of this group of people? Are they doing this kind of training here?

Why is this happening? Have these people violated the rules of heaven?

"Why, you're surprised? Never seen it before?" Seeing Gao Ye's dumbfounded look, Li Ran said with a chuckle.

"I haven't seen it before. This is really the first time I've seen it." Takano said very honestly.

Takano knew these people thanks to him being an officer in the synthetic brigade.

In the combined brigade, it is a task for officers to remember every officer they have ever met.

This method is naturally through exercises. What their combined brigade does not lack is exercises. Before the exercise begins, they will try their best to obtain as much information as possible about the officers of the opponent unit.

Needless to say, you must know what these officers look like and what their names are, and it is not difficult to obtain this kind of information.

In this way, the officers of the combined brigade and even some non-commissioned officers knew many field army officers and knew their names and what they looked like.

(Please ask for everything, please ask for everything, thank you!!).

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