Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

977: Let Me Help You Analyze The Bomber!

Li Ran just glanced at the problems encountered in the project that Wang Gong brought over. After just a glance, he threw the thing away, as if he was throwing away a piece of useless garbage.


Seeing this scene, everyone around them couldn't help but gasped, and they were all stunned.

Good guy, really good guy, they didn't expect Li Ran to behave like this at all.

What's going on? Why? Why did Hao Duanduan throw away their project book?

Was it intentional or just because I didn’t hold it steady?

For a moment, everyone couldn't understand Li Ran's move, and they looked confused.

"Consultant Li, what's wrong?"

Wang Gong first hurriedly picked up the project document, then came to Li Ran again and asked cautiously, without looking angry at all.

Based on his understanding of Li Ran, if Li Ran does this, there is definitely a reason, and it is a legitimate reason.

Li Ran would never do such rude behavior without any special reason.

"Throw it away. It's a waste of time for you to follow the project process above. If you didn't come to me, forget it. When I come, this kind of project can be stopped." Li Ran said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

They didn't expect that Li Ran would ask them to terminate the original project with just one sentence.

At this time, even the factory director Wu Hesan couldn't stand and asked quickly: "Consultant Li, what is the reason? Is there something wrong? Don't scare me.

Wu Hesan, the factory director, originally wanted to make a contribution with this project and show off his skills in front of his superiors.

Originally, he thought it would be great if Li Ran came to help solve the problem, but Li Ran came up and directly enlarged his moves, which caught him by surprise.

This project has been studied by so many people for a long time, and now Li Ran wants to deny it in one sentence.

Could it be that Li Ran saw any big drawbacks in this project?

It doesn't make sense. This is a scientific research project, not a planning project. It makes no sense at all.

"The problem is nothing, but in my opinion it is unnecessary, a complete waste of time, and unnecessary." Li Ran said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone around them was confused. They were confused and had no idea what Li Ran meant by his words.

"Consultant Li really taught me a lot. Before Consultant Li came, Wang Gong and others were looking forward to Consultant Li very much, and they were very confident that Consultant Li would be able to solve the problem easily after he came. But I didn't expect that. Now that Consultant Li is here, he directly denies the project. That’s right. This can be regarded as fundamentally solving the problem.” After Tang Hai heard Li Ran’s words from the side, he said in a strange tone again.

Only this time, after Tang Hai finished speaking, even Wang Gong and others didn't know how to refute Tang Hai.

The key point is that they really didn't expect that Li Ran would directly deny the project.

"Director Wu, you set up this project to analyze and understand this White Swan, right?" Li Ran said calmly to Wu Hesan.

"Yes. Wu Hesan nodded.

"Your project is an analysis project about the engine of the White Swan bomber, and the research department is still only part of the engine. Even if I help you solve that problem, you will encounter other problems later, so in my opinion Come, this project is scrapped and re-established. I will take you to analyze this white swan bombing bit by bit clearly and clearly." Li Ran said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Wu Hesan couldn't calm down immediately.

"Consultant Li, is everything you said true?" Wu Hesan asked excitedly.

He did not expect, did not expect at all, that Li Ran would be willing to spend so much effort and lead them to analyze the White Swan bomber.

You know, in this case it would be quite a time-consuming and labor-intensive project.

In fact, Li Ran said that they also knew that even if Li Ran helped them solve the problem of this project, they would still encounter problems if they continue to build other projects on this White Swan.

At that time, if they can't solve it, they may still need Li Ran to step forward.

If Li Ran is really willing to lead them to dissect this White Swan bomber, he will really make a lot of money.

"Of course it's true. It saves you from looking for me again when you encounter problems that you can't solve. But at that time, I probably don't have time." Li Ran said.

I will go to Mao Xiong to teach for three years.

Later, when the military factory is establishing other projects, if there are difficulties, you will come to yourself, and you will definitely not have time.

While there is still time, I will lead the project team to figure out the White Swan bomber, and lead them to establish a project that will last several years for the people in the military factory.

At least after he comes back from being taught by Mao Xiong, or even before he comes back, there should be no problem in getting his own White Swan bomber.

"Thank you, thank you so much, Consultant Li, I don't know how to thank you enough." After Li Ran was confirmed, Wu Hesan was so excited.

He had no idea that Li Ran was willing to spend so much effort and 393 so much time.

It’s really an unexpected bonus!

This made Wang Gong and others who were originally puzzled by Li Ran's behavior now all excited.

Some people even couldn't help but clenched their fists, which was so happy.

Everyone who was originally feeling depressed suddenly became energetic, because they knew what this meant, and they would have the opportunity to learn skills by Li Ran's side again.

They know very well how rare such an opportunity is.

Those who worked with Li Ran to develop the Tiger 9 and write the Pangu command and combat platform, who do not miss those early days and cherish those early days.

They would never have had such an opportunity, and they never thought they would meet again.

It's just that the reactions of these people felt once again doubtful and inexplicable in the eyes of the small group of people in Tang Hai.

What's going on? You guys are also great at technology after all, so it's too easy for you to be fooled.

He just said this, do you believe it?

Not only did they believe it, but they all still looked excited and climaxed, what about it?

The project that he has been researching for such a long time was dismissed by him as a piece of shit in just one sentence. Do you have any objections?

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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