Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

097: My Marksmanship Is Used To Kill The Enemy!

With the continuous advancement of the three platoons of the fourth company.

The commander of the regiment, Lei Lei Feng, set up the headquarters around the forward outpost, which is only a few dozen kilometers away from the front line. This was not done to get closer to the front line.

But because of the underdeveloped communication, walkie-talkies can only be used to communicate with each platoon. If the distance is too far, the communication range of the walkie-talkies will be exceeded.

In order to ensure the safety of the headquarters, a group of patrols were deployed around the headquarters to patrol back and forth. At the same time, multiple cross-firing positions were set up around the headquarters to ensure that there were no blind spots for shooting.

It can be said that all the manpower of the fourth company was used.

Inside the tent.

The intercom on the table made a sizzling sound.

"Report! A platoon has reached the predetermined coordinates."

Continue to pursue the 17,136 coordinates.


After determining the location of a row, Thunder Wind circled the coordinates on the terrain map, and then used a lead ore compass to draw a circle on the map.

The terrain map is copied exactly to a precise scale. The Fourth Company has been stationed for many years. If you can't even get an accurate map, then don't mess around.

From the radius to the border, there are footprints of soldiers from the Fourth Company everywhere. Every location is clearly drawn on the map.

In the tent, apart from the sound of the walkie-talkie, there was only the rustling sound of Lei Feng conducting surveying and mapping operations on the topographic map, and the friction between pencil and topographic map.


At this time, the sound report attracted the attention of everyone present.

Hearing the sound, Lei Leifeng just looked up slightly and found that it was Li Ran. Then, the homework 08 in his hand did not stop, but asked: "Why are you here?"

"Report to the leader, I'm here to apply to join the battle."

Li Ran first went to the Fourth Company. He learned from the injured soldiers that the enemy had entered the country and that the headquarters had been transferred to the forward post, so he came over immediately.

Hearing Li Ran's words, Lei Leifeng didn't say much.

It is normal for young people to be a little excited when encountering such a thing for the first time and want to join the war.

When he was a young soldier, he also longed for one day to be able to fight the enemy in person, but only after he actually experienced it could he realize the cruelty of war.

Seeing that the colonel did not express his position, neither agreeing nor rejecting himself, Li Ran did not continue to ask.

Slowly walked to the colonel and watched the colonel conduct military surveying and mapping operations on the terrain map.

"I know you have read a lot of military books. Do you understand topographic maps?" Lei Leifeng asked.

"I understand."

"Do you know what I'm doing now?"

"Condensing the enemy's range of activity."

Hearing this, Lei Leifeng glanced at Li Ran appreciatively and said with great appreciation: "The book is not in vain."

As a commander, if you can't understand topographic maps and military surveying, there is no need to be embarrassed as a commander.

Li Ran, a superior soldier, can not only understand terrain maps, but also see what he is doing from the maps. It is obvious that Xin Ran has the potential to become a commander.

I have read so many military books, but it is not in vain. It is not just a dead book, but it is good to know how to apply what you have learned.

At this time, the intercom on the table rang again.

Arrive at designated area. "


"Go to coordinates 14 and 36 immediately."


After finishing speaking, the colonel said again.

"I am the regimental commander, and the third platoon has received the answer."

"Third Platoon received it."

"Immediately go to the 36,59 coordinate area to ambush, and be sure to eliminate all enemies within the territory."

"Third Platoon received it."

After doing this, the principal breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the cup and took a sip of water, and said to Li Ran: "You are a little late, the battle will be over soon.

Use military surveying and mapping, and use three platoons as points to continuously seize the remaining armed forces and continuously compress their activity space.

According to the colonel's deployment, the first and second platoons have successfully chased this group of militants to the 14,36 coordinate area. At this time, only the third platoon needs to dare to ambush in advance and conduct an ambush.

After the first and second platoons arrive, they can directly encircle them and the battle will be over, ensuring that no enemy can escape.

After hearing the colonel's words, Li Ran felt regretful that he was late, but his mentality was very good.

"It's best if the battle ends smoothly. Although it's late, it's good to learn something." Li Ran said.

These words made the surrounding combat staff laugh.

ten minutes later.

The walkie-talkie made a buzzing sound again, and soon the sound came out.

Just when the colonel thought the battle was over successfully, a fierce voice came from the intercom.

"Calling the team, this is the third platoon. We are ambushed. There are snipers on the other side."

"Retreat immediately." The colonel's expression changed and he immediately ordered.

"No, the third platoon leader is seriously injured. Several brothers have gone to rescue and have been knocked down by enemy snipers. We are unable to rescue the wounded. Please send snipers for support."

The colonel's face darkened. The third platoon was ambushed. According to his deployment, it should have been foolproof. Since he was ambushed, it meant that the other party knew his intentions.

He reasoned backwards according to his thinking and carried out an ambush on the road in advance.

What made the colonel even more unexpected was that there were snipers among the opponents, which meant that this was an unusual group of armed forces.

The only person who can deal with a sniper is a sniper.

But now, the entire regiment's snipers have been sent for training.

"Li Ran, immediately dispatch three snipers from the fourth company and let him join the battle." The colonel ordered.

The snipers of the Fourth Company have rich combat experience and are familiar with the surrounding terrain. They are the best candidates.

No matter what, we must first rescue the wounded and cover the retreat of the third platoon.

"Captain, this is not possible. They are training and their physical energy is severely exhausted. Joining the battle now is equivalent to letting them die." Li Ran refused directly.

Normally, before training begins, this is no problem.

Although the snipers of the Fourth Company are not unique in strength, they do have the strength and combat experience.

But now, the high-intensity physical training has seriously exhausted their physical fitness. Otherwise, the last target shooting result would not be so ugly.

Letting the snipers from the fourth company come over now is tantamount to death.

"Instructor Li, at this time, if they don't go, who will? The snipers of the Fourth Company have rich combat experience and are familiar with the terrain. They are the most suitable candidates." said a captain and staff officer.

"If I say no, I can't. I have to be responsible for the lives of my team members." Li Ran insisted.

"Then who is responsible for the lives of the soldiers in the third platoon?" Upon hearing this, the captain became angry.

"Captain, why don't you contact the military region immediately and ask them to send special forces to assist?" the lieutenant colonel's chief of staff asked.

"It's too late. By the time the special forces arrive, everyone will probably be dead." The colonel shook his head.

Suddenly, the tent fell into deathly silence.

Is there really nothing we can do?

The colonel complained in his heart that he was careless. He had known that he should have left at least one reserve sniper for the fourth company and not participated in the training. Now it was better. At the critical moment, no snipers were available.

You can't blame the colonel. In so many battles, the Fourth Company has never encountered a group of enemies carrying sniper rifles.

"Captain, my team members cannot participate in the battle now, but I can. I apply to join the battle on the front line.

Li Ran said, feeling a little excited because he didn't expect the opportunity to join the war would come.

"You?" Hearing this, the colonel glanced at Li Ran. It was not that he had not thought of Li Ran, but considering that although Li Ran was an excellent marksman, he had no actual combat experience.

The enemy he faced at this time was another group of enemies with special status. Li Ran was likely to be crushed by the enemy and his combat experience was crushed.

Sometimes, on the battlefield, good marksmanship does not mean everything. Combat experience and psychological quality are the key.

"I remind you that this group of enemies is not an ordinary enemy. From now on, they have definitely received strict military training and have rich combat experience. Although you are good at marksmanship, you have no actual combat experience at all. Bullets can really kill people. No eyes," warned the colonel.

"Captain, I know that the soldiers of the Fourth Company have rich combat experience, but I think that every experienced veteran of the Fourth Company has come from a stage with no combat experience. If they can do it, so can I. As an instructor, , since I should be at the front, I have to let my team members know that what I give them is not for them to shoot targets, but can be of great use on the battlefield." Li Ran was loud and fearless. .

"Have you really thought it through?" The colonel was moved by Li Ran and asked again.

"Ask the regiment leader for permission to join the battle." Li Ran said.

"Be careful."


At this time, Lei Feng had no other choice but to approve Li Ran to join the battle.

Li Ran was originally just a private, but to be able to reach this point has already created many miracles. Maybe he can create another miracle this time.

After Li Ran left, the lieutenant colonel chief of staff couldn't help but asked: "Captain, can he do it?"

"I don't know, but at least until now, he has not disappointed anyone." Lei Leifeng said: "But we still have to make two preparations and report to the military region immediately and ask them to send special forces to support us."


The colonel's hope for Li Ran was not that Li Ran could eliminate this group of enemies, but that Li Ran could buy them some time to save the wounded and buy time for the military region's special forces to arrive.

at this time.

Frontline 36,59 coordinate area!

The third platoon was ambushed. A few meters in front of everyone in the third platoon, each of the brothers in the third platoon fell to the ground and wailed in pain. The second lieutenant was shot several times and was in great pain, but the places he was hit were not vital.

The people who fell around him were all knocked down by enemy snipers in order to save him.

"Don't even come here." The second lieutenant struggled and roared with all his strength.

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