Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

996: Different Projects Are Launched! Progress Of New Units

Swish, swish, swish~

The chalk rubbed against the tactical board, making a rustling sound, and Li Ran kept talking in front of everyone.

Li Ran's teaching method is very smooth and smooth, and it is a pure enjoyment for the technical experts in the audience.

You know, Li Ran is not teaching a group of technical novices. These people in the audience are all big names in the technical field. Let alone teaching them, ordinary people are very lucky to be able to take their classes. .

But now, all these technical experts are like elementary school students.

Li Ran was talking from the front, and they sat there and kept recording.

Everyone's expressions revealed a strong desire, which was a desire for knowledge and technology.

It is enough to show how powerful what Li Ran said is tempting to them.

Li Ran is now explaining on "283" in connection with yesterday's course. There is no blockage at all, and the connection is perfect.

He even gave an example of the problem that everyone encountered last night, which gave everyone an enlightenment and a profound understanding.

Everyone is sighing in their hearts, this is the legendary boss, this is the real technical master, their knowledge reserves are really nothing compared to Li Ran.

They wondered why Li Ran knew so much at such a young age, and his mastery of every piece of knowledge was so profound.

We are all human, and Li Ran's brain is completely different from theirs.

Compared with Li Ran, their heads are like chamber pots.

More than an hour later, the class ended, and everyone continued to discuss and study the previous projects, while Li Ran was free again for the time being.

Have nothing to do, drink tea, smoke, and have a good time.

Occasionally helping these technicians solve the problems they encounter is a piece of cake for Li Ran, with no difficulty at all.

As the person in charge of the project, Wu Hesan is also there, but Wu Hesan can now be regarded as the person in charge of ensuring everyone's logistics.

Looking at the experts in the technical field who were studying and discussing, and then looking at Li Ran who was very leisurely on the other side, Wu Hesan sighed inwardly.

He has been the director of a military factory for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen the research of a project look like this.

Regarding this project plan, he also completed it overnight and submitted it to the orthodontist.

Since this project was personally watched by the head of the General Staff, the project plan was submitted directly to the General Staff. Likewise, the final completion standards of the project were determined by him according to what Li Ran said, and he produced Master 20.

Originally, Wu Hesan thought that after seeing it, the General Staff would call to see if they were sure and how long it would take.

Unexpectedly, after receiving the report, the General Staff said nothing more.

Wu Hesan knew very well that seemingly saying nothing was actually his absolute belief in Li Ran.

On the General Staff side, or to be precise, the General Staff boss knows that Li Ran is here, and there is no problem with the project, so there is no need to worry about it at all.

If there is really any problem, Li Ran will respond directly.

The so-called project plan is just some written work on the process and has little weight.

For this reason, Wu Hesan sighed in his heart, there is really no comparison between this person and other people, not at all.


Tiandian unmanned integrated demonstration unit.

Inside the office.

Qi Long was looking at the summary of work reports submitted during this period.

After Gao Ye was recruited from the synthetic brigade and brought to the new unit, the new unit was officially started to operate, and everything had to go according to plan.

After Gao Ye arrived, he was entrusted with an important task by Qi Long and appointed as the director of the technical department within the unit.

Of course, the director Takano does not sit in an office, but leads the freshmen recruited from polytechnic universities to provide technical guidance and leadership.

The first task is to lead all technical personnel to build our Tiandian unmanned integrated network architecture.

A large framework must be built first, and then connected to each unit. In the end, all units are connected to each other.

The Tiandian unmanned integrated demonstration unit focuses on a high-precision, high-efficiency, and high-range strike system.

For this reason, Takano has been working overtime with a group of technicians every day during this period.

Gao Ye's work attitude and ability have been recognized by Qi Long. No wonder Li Ran directly named Gao Ye in his previous report...

Now Qi Long finally understood that with such a technical genius here, the new unit could indeed be much faster.

"Chief, everything is progressing according to plan. Director Gao said that it will take at least half a year to complete the main structure." Wang Peng said.

Wang Peng, the former commander of the military reconnaissance battalion, was now transferred to the new unit by Qi Long.

The new unit has just been established and all departments are short of people.

Technical talents are needed, and similarly, some daily management talents are also needed.

Although Wang Peng has no skills, Qi Long is still relatively reassured in this regard.

The main reason is that Wang Peng is also young and his ideas can keep up with the thinking of young people. It is impossible to recruit a group of older people who have not yet digested and absorbed some simple modern technologies and let them come into contact with this new unit. That is not the case. Are you kidding?

"Half a year." Hearing this, Qi Long thought for a moment and said, "Ask him if the time can be shortened. The new unit has just been established, and we need to produce some results as soon as possible. He needs What, let him speak, if there are not enough people, I will think of a way,"

Qi Long knew that the most direct way to save time for such a technical project was to bring in more technical personnel.

After all, Takano is in charge alone, so the workload is really heavy [and the pressure is also high].

Not only busy building, but also training and guiding these top students from Polytechnic University.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Hearing this, Wang Peng nodded.

Now that he is no longer the battalion commander of the military reconnaissance battalion, he has followed Qi Long to a new unit. Therefore, the faster the new unit develops, the better it is for him and the faster it will progress.

Moreover, there are many opportunities in a new unit. Wang Peng is very passionate, confident and clean about it.

He was still young, and he was a little unwilling to be allowed to serve as the commander of a military reconnaissance battalion.

He likes to be in the army that keeps up with the development of the times, or even in new units that are at the forefront of the development of the times.

"In addition, if you ask him again, you can tell him if there is a suitable candidate." Qi Long said.


(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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