He finally reacted.

Yes! What can you get for Wang Yan by joining Wang Yan?

After thinking about it for a long time, there was no definite answer.

Now not only these small domestic game companies are negotiating, even the two big manufacturers W Yi and Penguin are also having an exchange.

But all this Wang Yan does not know.

Even if he knew he wouldn't take it to heart.

The current two CEOs of Penguin and W Yi also quickly got together.

They're also going to do some research.

Mr. W Yi was also facing the boss of the penguin in front of him and said: "Now you come to me, I also know what you are doing." 99

"But what kind of 03 grip do you have that can facilitate the same cooperation with Wang Yan?35?"

The person in front of him heard what Mr. W Yi said, and his eyes widened.

How did he know what he had come to her for?

Could it be that the Mr. W Yi in front of him has clairvoyance or tailwind ears?

Mr. W Yi waved his hand, and then said to the person in front of him: "What can you do if you come to me."

"Now there are only two people left in the entire game industry, a very large game company."

Wang Yan's side doesn't count.

"Now that we are all in decline, you can't come to me to show off your might, right?

"Surely I want to have some ideas to deal with Wang Yan, or want to join Wang Yan, am I right?"

After saying this, he also looked at the penguin boss and nodded.

Mr. W Yi in front of him said: "Indeed, he is sincere, he has nothing to argue."

But now he still has some other thoughts in his mind.

Since Mr. W Yi in front of him has also said, then the two of them also belong to the same hatred.

Isn't it okay to look directly for Wang Yan? Reached a cooperation with Wang Yan.

But what kind of capital do they have now, so that Wang Yan can follow them and cooperate?

This is also one of the reasons why he came to Mr. W Yi today.

He also said to the boss in front of him, "Don't be ambiguous with me here." "

"I know you have some opinions of your own."

"I know that you, like me, want to make peace with Wang Yan."

"I don't want to continue fighting like this anymore."

"The games released by Wang Yan, especially Pokemon, are also very big for us.

You can't be unobtrusive.

Now that I have put down my body and come to your company to find you, do you still want to grind here.

In that case, you may also lose a companion and partner.

Mr. W Yi is also laughing out loud now, and it is indeed what he said.

But 517 now Mr. W Yi has some expectations of his own.

He wanted to know more about the boss in front of him, and what kind of means he had to fight Wang Yan.

Or can Wang Yan work with them?

The two of them should now be honest with each other.

Mr. W Yi said: "If you are here, I will tell you about it." 99

"I don't have any plans yet, so Wang Yan's side has not agreed to such a cooperation as ours.

"We don't feel like we have to make a plan."

"Now my idea is to send two subordinates to meet Wang Yan after explaining his intentions."

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