"Let's also have a good conversation and see what the three of us are going to make now is called a game."

But now on the penguin side, their boss did not come here, they came from the leader.

After Wang Yan also saw this phenomenon, he said to the leader of the penguin.

"Why didn't your boss come here? Could it be that he has something today?" 5

When the leader heard this, he also said categorically: "It is true that something has happened in his family.

"It seems that my wife is sick and wants to go to the hospital, and she didn't come today, so I hope you Haihan will take a look." "

"But it's the same if you send me, and I can make truthful decisions without having to ask him." "

Wang Yan nodded, now anyone can talk to him.

But what he wants to be sure of is this person, and he must be able to decide everything.

The leader just now also said, then he will no longer be entangled.

He also coughed lightly twice and said: "Guys, let's talk about it now, what did you call me here for~々?"

Mr. W Yi is now ready to pretend to be crazy and sell stupidly.

He also wanted to see what Wang Yan had done.

See also how determined Wang Yan is for this cooperation.

Otherwise, he would not have been stupid and completely gave out his technique.

He looked at the leader of the penguins, nodded and said to Wang Yan: "You have been here since then, and my idea is that we have reached cooperation now." 35

"Let's see if we're going to make a game or make something that lets everyone know we're working together. 39

Mr. W Yi also said with ulterior motives.

Wang Yan also heard some origin from the words.

I just want to connect with myself about networking and some structure of resources.

He now sincerely admires Mr. W Yi, if he does not have this universal game system.

He may not be able to fight back and forth with Mr. W Yi.

Now he only has a slight upper hand, which is still the reason for the system.

Now he looked at Mr. W Yi in front of him and said to the leader of the penguin.

"What kind of thoughts the two of you have, let's say it directly.

"I don't want to hear you guys selling things here, I know you all have your own opinions.

These people no longer hid it from Wang Yan, so they said: "You found it directly."

"Then let's talk to you."

"That's what we want to do with you, this game. 99

"Didn't you make it clear on the phone before?"

But what is this game really about? We didn't figure it out.

That's one of the main purposes of our shouting.

Whether it's about Pokemon or something else, we want you to decide.

If you don't want to develop this game with the two of us, then we will just stop at this idea.

Say nothing more.

Wang Yan also looked at the two people in front of him, after looking terrified.

He didn't want to put any more pressure on these two people.

He also smiled and said, "If you already have an idea, then do it according to your idea." "

"I'm not a tiger feather who eats people and doesn't spit bones. 35

"Why are you so afraid of me?

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