This is indeed in line with a style of the Penguin Group, and more in line with a style of the W Easy Group.

It is a game developed by the three of them together, and it must have a master and a second.

The main name must be the word Pokemon.

Mr. W Yi and the leader of Penguin, after seeing Wang Yan so melancholy, their hearts ~ were also tight.

Could it be that Wang Yan wants to reject such a name?

They also came up with this name after thinking about it for a long time.

They also looked at Wang Yan expectantly, hoping that she would talk to themselves.

Wang Yan also coughed lightly twice and said: "Everyone, the name "Pokemon Pitch Black Phantom Network Edition" is indeed feasible." 5

"Now that we have decided on the names, there are still some problems with the plot."

"Have you thought about it?"

After saying this, Wang Yan also looked at these people in front of him, waiting for a reply from him.

Plot Wang Yan doesn't want to continue thinking.

He already had this set of his own processes there, and he didn't know if the two people in front of him would approve of it.

Or do they have some other ideas and experiences of their own?

If there were, Wang Yan would definitely respect it.

However, whether it can burst into flames after it is released, it doesn't matter what Wang Yan does.

Even if the game ends up, it will only prove that the games developed by these three companies are not good.

Nor can it be said that all of Wang Yan's games are not possible.

At that time, Wang Yan will not pull some traffic and contacts for them, but some leftovers.

But about the process, Penguin and W Yi really haven't thought about it.

Logically speaking, aren't these things going according to Wang Yan's ideas?

They also asked, "Isn't it okay to have those plots according to the game you laid out earlier?55."

"We just bring all the games together."

"Do you still have a Pokemon in your hand that hasn't been released completely?"

This remark also asked Wang Yan here.

If he wants to say that there is still that, then it will show that the cooperation department is sincere this time.

But if he wants to say no, that's not the case.

W Yi and Penguin and their two leaders, after seeing Wang Yan's so entangled and wandering look.

I also figured out the reason for this, so I didn't continue to ask.

0.・・・Ask for flowers...

They also said to Wang Yan: "If you don't want to say it, don't say it, this is also a matter of you." 99

"We're not going to be forceful.

"We're just a partnership, and we're not going to put in the way of you."

Wang Yan also gave them a thumbs up.

These people do have this awareness.

If he really did those bad things to himself, Wang Yan would definitely be very unhappy.

At that time, he may be angry and directly cancel this cooperation.

The things in his hands, as well as the elf games, will not be taken out with them.

All the plots and generalizations also need to be thought about by themselves.

But now Wang Yan can also give them a reassurance pill.

Wang Yan also said: "I see that you are also so difficult, I will help you." 35

"I can only pull out a complete system. 99

"The rest is up to you.

"That's the best help I can give you.

Saying that the good is that the three companies cooperate, and I will take out a complete system and beg,

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