But now Wang Yan also slapped his head suddenly.

Isn't your official website a ready-made server?

He also ignored this matter before, but now he remembers it.

It seems that Ma Xiuteng and Ding Sanshi are really going to make a general shot over there.

Looking at the current time, he also made a phone call to their two leaders.

After the two received the call, they were also a little confused.

Wang Yan, who looked at the other end of the phone, said, "What do you mean by calling us now?"

"Is there something wrong with the system?" Or is there some hint of something on our side?

"Or something else?"

This remark also gave Wang Yan some trance.

But now Wang Yan is also saying to them: "Guys, my system does have some small problems." 5

"When you go to work tomorrow, let's come to Ding Sanshi's group again for some discussion~々."

"It's not clear to explain a few words on the phone."

"I'm making this call today to tell the two of you to wait for the time tomorrow."

After saying this, Wang Yan also hung up the phone directly.

The two CEOs were eating now, but after hearing Wang Yan's statement.

They also widened their eyes one by one, what does Wang Yan mean?

They are a little overwhelmed now.

Just looked at the other party and said: "We don't need to go to find Wang Yan, this is sent to the door by itself."

"Tomorrow we will just wait for him in the conference room and the group." 35

The two of them laughed when they saw that the other was saying the same thing.

It was in such a situation that the two of them left here.

Now Wang Yan also doesn't care about three, seven and twenty-one, he also turned off his computer.

Saved on your own hard drive.

Waiting to be brought to Ding Sanshi Group tomorrow.

Early the next morning, a ray of sunlight also appeared on Wang Yan's face.

It is also to wake up Wang Yan.

After rubbing his hazy eyes, Wang Yan also got up abruptly and went to the bathroom.

Washed up.

After he did this, he also quickly came to Ding Sanshi Group.

He also came to it with a healthy step and saw that the two bosses were already waiting for their arrival here.

He also waved his hand and said, "'Guys, you don't have to wait for me like this.

"Now, I also have something extremely important to tell you.

"You should also know the problem with the system I talked about yesterday."

"Yesterday I went back to my home and studied it carefully." "

"I have a huge problem with my system right now and need the help of both of you.

Ma Painting (Li Dezhao) Teng and Ding Sanshi also widened their eyes, looking at Wang Yan at a loss.

What kind of means can make Wang Yan so anxious?

Could it be that this system collapsed and could not be used?

If this is the case, they can also just give all their passion and process to Wang Yanyu.

Let him go and buy it himself.

They also wanted to hear what was going on with Wang Yan, and they also pricked up their ears.

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