There's also a lot of time on my side, and we haven't announced the game yet.

It can also be greatly delayed.

But the current Ma Xiuteng and Ding Sanshi and the two of them don't think like this.

If the game is delayed by one day, won't that give them an extra day ~ of the crisis?

They are never going to let this go on like this.

He also bowed deeply to Wang Yan and said, "You wait here - wait for us." "

"Let's go talk to people within the group now. 35

"After the negotiation, we will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation.

"This server is really not something we can do, I hope you will forgive me."

Wang Yan also waved his hand, and he also let these people leave quickly.

As long as these people negotiate quickly, then their game progress will also be one step faster.

The two leaders, Ma Xuteng and Ding Sanshi, also quickly left here.

Those insiders of their company were found and also had a discussion.

Now Ding Sanshi is the same, and said to these people in front of him: "Have you thought about it here?99

"Is our server handed over to Wang Yan for use?"

"If you give it to him, we will give it to him directly and ask for nothing."

"If we don't give it to Wang Yan, then we have to think about it too." "

"Is there a need for this cooperation to continue again, and I hope you can reflect on it here." 39

This is also the point of our life and death.

Do you have any good ways to tell me?

I am now asking for your opinion, not ordering you.

These company insiders, after also glanced at each other, also said to Ding Sanshi in a trance.

"We do whatever you do, and you don't have to worry about that.

"We're here to help you, and we're here to help.

Ding Sanshi is now also hitting it off with these people.

These people have also expressed their attitude clearly, and if he is indecisive, it is really not to give face.

He also waved his hand and said, "Since you have already thought about it, then I will tell Wang Yan directly."

"I'll see how Ma Xiuteng discussed over there."

0...asking for flowers...

Ding Sanshi also left here and came to Ma Xiuteng.

However, Ma Xiuteng had also solved the matter satisfactorily, and he was about to go to find Ding Sanshi.

Unexpectedly, the two sides met and met here, and he was extremely happy.

It was to Ding Sanshi and said, "Let's go directly to find Wang Yan, and stop being ambiguous."

Wang Yan may not be able to wait.

The two of them also looked at each other and smiled, and quickly came to the conference room.

I also saw Wang Yan smoking a cigarette with Erlang's legs crossed here.

They also have a trace of disbelief in their hearts, but they can't question anything now.

Wang Yan is their biggest leader.

The two of them also arched their hands and said to Wang Yan, "How can you have such leisure and elegance to smoke here?35."

Wang Yan was a little embarrassed, and he knew he was warning himself not to smoke in this conference room.

He thought that the two people in front of him would definitely discuss for a long time before returning, and he smoked to himself.

When she comes back, Wang Yan can also open the window and release the smell of smoke here.

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