He also quickly sorted out these resources, as well as code and bugs.

But just after she hung up the phone, the phone from Ding Sanshi's side also came in suddenly.

After Wang Yan looked at the place where the phone belonged, he also had some trance.

What's the matter, his phone calls this day are also one after another.

After he also connected, he said to Ding Sanshi: "What's wrong?"

"Could it be that there is a problem with the operation of "533" over there?"

"But isn't the game "Pokemon Pitch Black Phantom Network Edition" already in my hands?"

"And what can be wrong?"

But these words also asked this Ding Sanshi in front of him here.

He also let out a long sigh and said to Wang Yan.

"Nothing we want to invite you to dinner with us right now.

"We've also booked the dinner venue and the private room, would you like to come with us?35."

Now Wang Yan doesn't want to go, and he still has some games in his hands that haven't been made.

He must also hurry.

This game will also make the two CEOs of Ma Xiuteng and Ding Sanshi turn over.

He also shook his head and said, "The game hasn't been made yet, how can I have time to go to dinner?"

"I also understand the kindness of the two of you, but the two of you should destroy it by yourself."

"I look at the time after I'm done making these games.

"If it was still early, I might have gone for a meal."

But now Ding Sanshi is hands-free, Ma Xiuteng also heard it, and the two of them also looked at each other.

Wang Yan saw that the other end of the phone was slow to speak, and he also asked again.

Ding Sanshi too, said: "Isn't this game any time to tidy up?

"This meal is not."

"You'd better enjoy your face and come with us." 35

"We also worked hard to find this meal before we ordered it.

If you don't go, wouldn't it be a loss of face.

But Wang Yan is now bent on making games, and it is difficult for anyone to tell him anything.

Wang Yan doesn't care about any face.

Now he is also glaring at the two bosses in front of him and said: "I know what you mean, you two, you want to have a banquet for me."

"I also understand the mistakes made up for me before..."

"But now aren't we supposed to be with the same hatred to make this game?"

"Pokemon Pitch Black Phantom Network Edition" only needs to be produced and released to completion. ""

"Then both my side and your two groups will be prosperous.

Isn't that what you want to see?

Aren't we all about this meal at any time?

When it's time for the celebration banquet, when the game is released, you can arrange for me to have a meal at a high price.

But forget it for now.

Wang Yan's words were also sonorous, leaving the two people in front of them speechless.

They also glanced at each other and let out a long sigh.

Facing Wang Yan, he said, "Since you have said this in 4.3, then we will no longer be ambiguous.

No more forcing you, we're leaving, and you can make games.

If you have any difficulties, just call us.

Since you're not going, let's knock this meal off.

After speaking, the two of them also left a lonely tone.

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