After saying this, those players and netizens also had some trances.

Why hasn't the game console been released yet, but Du Xiaomei has already gotten it?

But some people also typed in fairness and said, "Little sister is a sister in the game industry." 5

"With something like this, he must be qualified for closed testing.

"He must have been able to use it before us, wouldn't he?"

After hearing this, "five three three" was also red in her eyes and speechless, which is indeed the case.

But how can he answer? He could only keep his mouth shut.

However, after Du Xiaomei looked at the remarks on the public screen now, he felt that he still had to say something.

It's like, "Guys, if you want to play the game all the time."

"Then you can also start, the game console developed by Wang Yan is quite fun."

"The price will not be believed, everyone can see it. 39

"You can find it in every channel.

After saying this, these people also nodded and came to the channel merchant one after another.

Seeing the game console that will be released in three minutes, they are also waiting here.

As soon as the time comes, they will use their huge hand speed to make a snatch.

Now some people are also using a stopwatch to pinch the time.

As soon as eleven o'clock arrives, they will grab more.

The current Ma Xiuteng and Ding Sanshi also came to Wang Yan.

They also want to see how enthusiastic the release of this game console can cause.

But Wang Yan is also quickly watching here now.

After arriving at eleven o'clock, these netizens and players were also snatching one after another.

It's basically snatched up in five minutes.

Even the source of goods on the side of Ding Sanshi and Ma Xieteng has almost bottomed out.

Wang Yan's eyes widened.

He thought he could hold out for an hour or half an hour.

But these players and netizens are also too powerful, and there must be the credit of the dumb little sister.

If it weren't for the fact that Du Xiaomei made these means, then this game console would definitely not be so crazy to rob.

The two leaders, Ma Xuteng and Ding Sanshi, also said to Wang Yan one after another.

"This is incredible, I knew we would stock up on more goods0..."

Wang Yan was also a little annoyed, and he thought the same.

But isn't it too late to say these words?

Those players also flocked to Wang Yan's official website.

There are also official websites on the side of Ma Xiuteng and Ding Sanshi, who commented.

"When the game console will be replenished again, we can't wait."

"This time the things are too scarce, there is simply not enough for us to snatch.

However, Wang Yan has also had this method for a long time, and he also wants to take advantage of this opportunity.

I recommended the big movie of the "Pokemon Pitch Black Phantom Network Version" game.

By the way, tell these players when the next release of this console, 4.3, will be.

As long as this game console is in the hands of those players, there is a repercussion one after another.

That game console is definitely a form of violent fire.

Wang Yan still has great confidence and confidence in the game console he has developed.

The two CEOs in front of them were also in a bit of a trance after looking at Wang Yan's so confident look.

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