"My side has already said good things to you quite clearly."

"If you don't know what to do.

"I also want to get a copyright to Pokemon, or Pokemon Dark Phantom Network. 39

Or maybe you publish a movie of such a game privately.

Then don't blame me for pursuing your legal issues directly.

I have also told you all this, I hope you "five, six three" will weigh it in your heart.

After Wang Yan finished saying this, he also directly blasted these people out.

Now she doesn't want to see these people in front of her again.

He felt that these film developers were somewhat mentally retarded.

They have already said it so clearly, but they are still ambiguous here to grind with themselves.

This is what Wang Yan can not bear the most.

If he knew that this was the case, he would not let Ma Xiuteng give his home address to these film developers.

But now Wang Yan is also thinking in his heart.

He wondered if he was going to give these people a chance.

He also wanted to see what these people could do with a big Pokemon movie.

But now these people are also thinking about some of the rest of the problems for themselves.

They felt that Wang Yan didn't know if there was something wrong.

But a man next to him also said, "Why don't we try to make a big Pokemon movie?35."

"Give Wang Yan a sample for him to see?"

"It also allows him to see the strength of us film developers."

"As long as we show our due strength, then I believe Wang Yan will definitely agree." "

"Now we don't have anything, let Wang Yan see it and want to make him easy and happy."

It is also impossible to give us such a big cake.

But this person's words also made the rest of the film developers in front of him empowered.

And that's how they feel.

It was also to the person who had just spoken, and he gave him a thumbs up and said.

"You really are our savior.

"We really don't know how to do it without you, and now we will quickly tell Wang Yan."

"We will also find Wang Yan to let him take a look, this game and this big movie, can we develop it...."

Now, why don't you each go back to your own home or studio to make a plate.

Let's also see who can take such a right.

After saying this, the rest of the people also left Wang Yan's villa area one after another.

Now Wang Yan saw the back of their departure, and there was also some trance.

He always felt like he had done something wrong, but he didn't feel the need.

He also shook his head.

But now Wang Yan is also ready to give them a chance.

But he didn't say that as long as these people could be more conscious, then Wang Yan might agree.

Now Ma Xiuteng and Ding Sanshi are also a news from Wang Yan4.3.

They also made a phone call to Wang Yan.

He asked him, "How's going on over there?"

"They found you?"

"Did you reject them? Or did you agree to their request?"

Wang Yan was also ambiguous and did not speak.

He doesn't know how to say no, and he doesn't have too righteous rejection.

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