"If it works, then we go straight back to our own company or to our own home."

"Go make pirated Pokemon movies. 99

At that time, Wang Yan will also be quite embarrassed. 99

After saying this, they also looked around at the rest of the people waiting for a speech.

Now no one will have corresponding doubts, so they also nodded.

At this most critical moment, one of them said.

"Guys, let's not be ambiguous here.

"The plan has been made, so let's go back quickly and teach Wang Yan a lesson." 35

"It also taught Ma Xieteng and Ding Sanshi a lesson, they are too open to dance 03 claws."

""Pokemon Pitch Black Phantom Network Edition" movie, no matter how hot. 35

"That's just this movie."

But they forgot one thing, that is, every big movie released by Wang Yan is also extremely hot.

These people also very much recognize genuine copies and do not recognize piracy at all.

There are also many pirated software for other Pokemon games on the Internet, but they don't play them at all.

This can also be seen that these players and netizens support Wang Yan.

This is also because Wang Yan never uses his own games to accumulate wealth.

That's the key reason.

If Wang Yan really uses things to accumulate wealth, it will be extremely unbalanced for these players and netizens.

They also play piracy.

But now Ding Sanshi and Ma Xueteng also hurriedly called Wang Yan.

They also said to Wang Yan seriously: "Those film developers also found us directly before." 5

"I want to take advantage of these convenient conditions in our hands to cooperate with us to make a big Pokemon movie." "

"But let us sternly refuse, do you think we did the right thing?"

Wang Yan is now laughing out loud too.

He looked at the two people in front of the phone and was also very clear.

These two people want to express their loyalty and come to invite credit.

He also waved his hand, and said to the two of them: "The two of you are sitting quite well.

"I'm sure you also know that as long as you come with me, there will definitely be meat to eat."

"They wanted to use the Pokemon game to make a lot of big movies. 95

"Isn't that a consequence of their profits."

But for our game, it is indeed quite disadvantageous, and it will also destroy an environment of our game.

That's why I don't want to work with them.

After saying this, Ma Xiuteng and Ding Sanshi also understood.

Even though he nodded deeply at Wang Yan, he also hung up the 563 call.

Wang Yan has always had a pimple in his heart now.

He always felt that things were not so easy to solve.

Maybe those movie developers will do something earth-shattering.

It will be bad for Wang Yan's side, and it will be bad for the game "Pokemon Dark Phantom Network Edition".

But Wang Yan didn't take it seriously.

Which of Wang Yan's games is really smooth sailing is not all a bit bumpy.

Now these problems are minor problems for Wang Yan.

But for the two CEOs, it is different.

They have been targeting Wang Yan when they released the game before.

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