"Didn't he release Pokemon Pitch Black Phantom Network Edition recently?"

"Now the big movies have also been released."

"We directly use the energy in our hands to block his movie, isn't it okay." 5

We are a member of the Chinese film side, and we are afraid of them.

At that time, we will use our means to directly close Wang Yan's films.

Who can stop some of our tactics and tricks?

Wouldn't it be time for us to release pirated Pokemon movies again?


And who would question us?

None of them have Pokemon movies to watch, we're the only seedlings and we're the only ones.

These people in front of him were also very shocked, did they really want to do this?

Once they do, they have no way back.

They will also go to war with Wang Yan in disguise.

At that time, if Wang Yan really treats them, they will not have any reason in their hands to deal with it.

This is their own mistake.

Everyone is also entangled and wandering here.

They don't want to do that.

A few people next to him spoke up again: "Victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers.

"Haven't you heard a phrase that has become popular on the Internet recently?"

"That is to fight a bicycle into a motorcycle, you have no right to fight, so why win or lose?"

Those who were still hesitating before finally figured it out after hearing it.

And they patted themselves on the chest and said, "In that case, let's do this." "

"Now we're calling the people on the Chinese film side.

They thought it would be done here and there.

This is a means for them as film developers, and a boldness for them.

They called and found that they refused to answer.

This made them a bit of a surprise.

Speaking of the road, they have a corresponding stake in Chinese films.

Why refuse to answer their calls.

One rejects the past that may be spoken.

But everyone's phone refused, and there were some conspiracy theories.

Wang Yan also knew the identity of this side of the person for a long time.

He also sent an email to someone on the Chinese film side.

I also sent a copy of my Pokemon movie copyright.

There is also a paragraph attached, that is, the copyright is mine, right?

Take care of your subordinates and don't let them come out and bite people again.

Otherwise, your reputation will destroy them all.

I'm not threatening me it's just a kind reminder.

If you don't act, you won't blame me.

Wang Yan posted such a message after he published it.

He was also extremely happy to stay by the side.

He 610 felt that the whole thing had also come to an end.

Isn't it time to focus on when the game Pokemon Pitch Black Phantom Network Edition will be released?

Once that's done, they can release the game.

Now Wang Yan has also come to the group on Ma Xieteng's side one after another.

I also saw Ma Xieteng.

He directly patted Ma Xiuteng's shoulder and said to him, "You can call Ding Sanshi here now." 5

"I have something to highlight with the two of you.

"It's about this game of Pokemon Dark Phantom Network."

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