When Wang Yan heard about Silla Films, he shook his head.

Of course he knows Silla Films, and of course he knows this company, but what does this have to do with him?

He also showed a playful gaze and said to these foreigners.

"Even if you are the Shilla Film Company, which is the largest foreign film company, what does it have to do with me?35?

"Even if my movie is not in your hands, it will bring me certain benefits and benefits."

"Then why are we cooperating with you?"

After saying this, Wang Yan did not leave any face for these people.

But they also widened their eyes.

Why is Wang Yan so strong? Could it be that this is the mysterious power of the East~?

They also looked at each other with a look on each other, and also wanted to threaten Wang Yan.

But some people around also blocked this leader's idea.

He also quietly said to him: "We can't use the same means to those foreign companies to deal with Wang Yan.

"They may not eat it."

But the leader in front of him didn't care so much, he also looked at Wang Yan, and said to Wang Yan with two light coughs.

"I'll give you one last chance now."

"If you don't agree to our cooperation, then our company will use the huge power in its hands."

"Let all the film manufacturers dare not release your movies." 35

You should also know that The Shilla Film Company is the largest film company.

We also just want to pay for your Pokemon, the rights to the entire series of movies, and that's it.

Wang Yan's eyes widened, why did these words sound so familiar?

And why does it feel like buying and selling strongly?

Wang Yan also widened his eyes, and after looking at the foreigners in front of him, he also laughed.

Wang Yan stood up and said to them, "Everyone, I also understand your kindness."

"But what you did today has indeed refreshed my three views. 95

"If you talk to me calmly, I may give you the right to screen the entire Pokemon series." 5

"But now you dare to blackmail me.

It seems that you have no idea how to reach cooperation with us domestic manufacturers.

0...asking for flowers.....

Then I don't have to care about your face.

After saying this, Wang Yan also waved his hand, wanting these people to leave.

But these foreigners also looked at each other with a face.

They have promised the general manager that they must release Pokemon Pitch Black Phantom Edition.

There are also the entire series of Pokemon movies, all in their own hands.

But now Wang Yan has rejected them very strongly and wants to blast them out of here.

This made them very unhappy.

They were also looking at Wang Yan now, so they arched their hands at Wang Yan and said, "Can you give us some chance?"

"We didn't understand how to do business with these companies in your mainland before."

"It's going to be so tough, if you don't mind."

Can you give us some time and let's talk. ""

But after saying this, Wang Yan also let out a long sigh.

As the saying goes, the one who comes well is the guest, and these people are already so groveling that they ask themselves about the beggars,

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