But these people who watch the "Pokémon Night" movie now are not fools.

They sensed from the movie that something was slightly wrong.

If Wang Yan had made a big movie, there would not have been so many advertisements and traffic.

These people have also arrived, the source of the movie.

When they found out that this was actually a movie published by The Shilla Company, they also widened their glasses.

After these audiences reacted, they also pulled the film evaluation of Shilla directly to the lowest.

Now after Silla saw such a scene, he was also very puzzled.

Why was it that when it was just released, it received rave reviews, and after watching it for a while, the evaluation of the 03 film score was pulled so low.

Now Silla is also very entangled.

He also came to his official website to check it out.

But he found out that the current film evaluation fell directly from 8:90 to 3:20.

This is also the most embarrassing thing for him, not only his side found the problem.

Now even Wang Yan and Ma Xieteng have found a foreign website and a movie that is roughly the same as their "Pokemon Pitch Black Phantom Version" has appeared.

Now Ma Xiuteng also dialed Wang Yan's phone and said to him, "Can you come to my company?"

"Now there are some big problems here, and I need your help." "

But after saying these words, Wang Yan in front of him was also extremely embarrassed.

What happened, he also left here quickly.

It also came to Ma Xiuteng.

After looking at Ma Xiuteng, he said, "Is it that people from foreign countries have released big movies?"

Ma Xiuteng in front of him also nodded, he was very confused, how did Wang Yan know?

He also said to Wang Yan: "How did you guess? I didn't tell you either. "5

But just after saying this, Wang Yan also laughed.

Who is he? He was able to guess other people's minds, most importantly, Silla had found Wang Yan before.

He also said some dispensable words in front of Wang Yan.

Now Wang Yan also told Ma Xiuteng all the reasons for all this.

She said to Ma Xiuteng: "You tell me now, what kind of movie they have released."

"Do you have stubs on your side?"

"I also want to see what they can do with the resources on my side."

When the current Ma Xueteng heard it, he also waved at Wang Yan.

Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Yan came to Ma Xiuteng's side and also saw this big movie.

He is now watching in front of himself.

But after watching 750 to the end, he also discovered the plot of the final end of this big movie.

Don't face up to your own plot? This has not changed at all.

He also looked at Ma Xiuteng and said to him, "Did you see it?" This is all plagiarism. ”

Of course, Ma Xuteng saw it, and he called Wang Yan here just to ask Wang Yan how to do it.

He looked at Wang Yan and said categorically, "If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have called you here."

"Tell me what we should do.

"Do you want to give them some punishment?"

Yes, Wang Yan shook his head, it was too early to punish them.

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