Silla is also very confused, why did it close this live broadcast?

He also hopes that the backstage public relations will give an explanation.

But the PR manager also walked out and said to Silla: "Don't you see that those netizens and players have already gone up." 35

"If you continue to broadcast live, no matter how much you apologize.

"They're definitely going to attack you personally, do you want to see it?"

After Silla heard that "seven five zero" arrived, his eyes widened and he shook his head.

But now Wang Yan also got the news, and he also laughed, which is called cocooning.

Now Wang Yan also looked at Ma Xieteng and said to him: "How is it? You saw it too. ""

"There is no need for me to come forward in this matter, and there is no need for me to intervene."

"Those netizens and players will definitely push Shilla into dire straits."

"They dare to copy our company's ideas, and they dare to copy the ideas of the Pokemon Dark Phantom Edition movie.

This is definitely looking for death.

The horse painting in front of him also gave Wang Yan a thumbs up.

He admires Wang Yan's pattern and control, and most importantly, he is the chairman of Penguin.

He didn't have such ability, Wang Yan actually had.

He also said to Wang Yan: "Then do you think there are any problems in the follow-up of this big movie?35."

"How should the Shilla company solve it?"

"Do we ignore it, or do we help Silla clarify, or do we let Silla go bankrupt?"

As long as you use the means, this can definitely be done.

But Wang Yan shook his head, some things can be done so perfectly, and some things must be left behind.

As the old saying goes, be a person and leave a line, and see each other in the future.

He also said to Ma Xiuteng in front of him: "Don't worry, I will definitely not rush to kill."

"You can't stop them from eating, we're going to leave them a mouthful of soup to drink."

"How far this can happen depends on how their own PR solves it."

I just never wanted to come forward.

But the ultimate beneficiary of this matter, it must be me.

After saying this, Wang Yan also patted Ma Xiuteng's shoulder and said to him: "There is still a lot to learn..."

Ma Xiuteng also let out a long sigh.

He also learned a lot by Wang Yan's side, and some of the knowledge that Wang Yan recently taught him also benefited him a lot.

He also stood up, bowed deeply to Wang Yan and said, "You can rest assured."

"I'm definitely going to learn. 39

"If you have any problems or cooperation in the future, if you need me to do it, then you can also leave it to me."

Wang Yan also shook his head.

But now the Silla company is also in a hurry, and no one can help Silla.

This is also an extremely embarrassing thing for Silla.

Now Silla is also ready to break the jar, 4.3 said to these staff members under him.

"You've seen it too, so I'll make a long story short."

"You guys immediately revise the Pokémon Night movie for me."

"I also want to see what kind of loss this big movie can bring us. 39

These people also let out a long sigh and they also felt that Silla wanted to break the jar and break it.

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