"Then when this movie is promoted, there will definitely be many people who like this game to watch it."

"And in the West, watching movies is also quite popular. 35

"A lot of people like to enjoy this kind of fresh movie with a viewing attitude. 99

"For example, the one released before, such as the Combat Police series, and the Cosmic Dimension series.

"They're all a whole series of films, and they're all more or less subtle about each other."

"There are even a lot of fans who are watching this whole series of movies."

"I would look at it several times to sort out the relationship between each character, so we were also inspired by it.

"So in that case, we will also make some connections between games and movies in more detail." "

"And when publicizing the outside, some local characteristics will be added accordingly, and when promoting Europe~々."

"We're going to put some European style into it, like the buildings in games and big movies.

"It will more or less reflect the style of European architecture, and add some European elements."

"I believe that in this way, it can better resonate with those Westerners." 99

"I believe that by using such a method, I can be closer to these people's moods."

"to make them consumers of our movies and games." Wang Yan heard such a proposal.

He's also very happy, because that's what he thinks.

He now feels more and more that it is a very correct choice for him and I to cooperate with the Silla brothers before.

Even if the Silla brothers were very dissatisfied with him before, they were very arrogant.

However, it is precisely because of their own good use of people who do not care about previous suspicions that these people are now used for themselves.

And he has done everything he wants, which also makes him very happy.

He directly approved of such a choice by the Silla brothers, and at this time after the Silla brothers were recognized by Wang Yan.

He also smiled slightly, and said to the horse painting in front of him: "In that case."

"We've achieved that goal today, and when the game is designed, we must be called."

"''We'll get involved and give an opinion.'' Ma Xia also nodded vigorously and said.

"I hope that this cooperation can open a new chapter for us to occupy the market in the future."

Such a dinner ended perfectly, and Wang Yan was very happy to get everything he wanted.

And Ma Painting hurt the Silla brothers, and they were all affirmed by Wang Yan here.

There is nothing more exciting than such a very powerful person who affirms himself.

After the Silla brothers returned to the company with a few of their subordinates, they also chose directly.

The design of this propaganda began on the same day, after all, they all understand it now.

Wang Yan's recognition of their strength is really strong, and they also want to be in front of the powerful Wang Yan.

Show how each of them should have played out their strength.

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