The game unfolds from the perspective of a novice, and this person is on a certain wave of Weibo before.

The planning team came up with it, a member of the editor's staff.

Their purpose now is to use the live broadcast method to go to the edge and not to introduce the good of this game.

It's about introducing this game, where it's bad and what are the disadvantages, that's all.

Then when this anchor comes out to apologize, it will really trigger the recognition of public opinion.

This anchor also started broadcasting directly, and his popularity on the first day was not very much.

But he also created his own traffic for Chuang 03, and the moment he was broadcast after the first day of playing.

He also said to the audience in front of him: "Dear audience, now I feel that this game is the designer.

"It's not as powerful as I thought, and this game looks like it is now, ordinary."

"It's not as great as you say, but for a better experience, I decided to keep playing."

"If one day I can't play this game, then I will also opt out of this live stream." "

"I believe that my experience of playing can bring you some better understanding.

After saying this, he went straight to the air, and did not give those viewers a chance to interact with him.

Because even if he interacts with these audiences now, there will be a crowd.

The real fans who love him belong to this game, and they fight with him, which is also what he does not want to see right now.

And after his first day of live broadcast, their planning team also directly started a meeting.

For his live broadcast today, it also expressed a high degree of recognition.

Whether it's from his perspective today as a newbie, to try out the game.

In this game, I found that many places are difficult and difficult to beat.

And the collection of a lot of materials is also a bit laborious, and he has complained about these things in the live broadcast.

And the editor-in-chief also said to him: "These things you do in a day are very necessary." 35

"And at the end of the day, what you said before the live broadcast.

"It also gives this group of players a blank space for them to have a lot of discussion."

"Whether it's scolding you or saying hello, it's creating traffic for our next preparations.

"So in that case, you're also going to continue to play this game. 39

"And it must be carried out in a live state, until tomorrow.

"You just want to belittle this 813 play even more, so wait for you to broadcast it for two days." 39

"We just have to start writing a report like yours." This employee also nodded very vigorously.

It was precisely under such instructions from his own leadership that he went to join this live broadcast platform.

As a small streamer who has just started, but because of the popularity of this game.

This also led to the fact that although it is a small anchor, it is also watched by thousands of people.

As for other games, or other types of streamers, it's the complete opposite.

Like the other streamers, if you're just a small game, you don't have the support of the previous traffic at first.

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