Qin Feng took the microphone and asked the staff to help all these players up.

He stood on the stage and slowly spoke.

"First of all, thank you all for being here today to participate in our playtest."

"From charity to games, it's a big shift, and we're constantly trying and working hard."

"It wasn't until last year that I really figured out the threshold of the game."

"Of course, the original intention of making these games is not to make the majority of players cry and move."

"I want people to really know how difficult it is for them after experiencing these games."

"To be able to lend a helping hand and help them when we can."

"The same goes for "To the Moon" today."

"The reaction of these 100 players is the most gratifying thing I can see."

"At least it proves that the game I made can really enter everyone's hearts."


.... Qin Feng's words had just finished.

The scene directly broke into extremely warm applause.

Everyone clapped their hands excitedly.

Just because what Qin Feng said really entered everyone's hearts.

That's contagious!

"Well, I'm really curious about everyone's gaming experience."

"Is there anyone who would like to share with you what the overall feeling of this game is like?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the players who had just experienced it rushed forward.

Qin Feng pointed to a boy with glasses: "It's quite sad to see you crying just now, is there anything you want to tell everyone?" The

boy hurriedly took the host's microphone and walked over.

"I want to say a lot, because this game of President Qin today really shocked me."

"It's different from the rest of the games, and it's from another perspective for players to start experiencing."

"Maybe at the beginning, there will be some confusion, it will feel very confused, very boring."

"But believe me, the end of this game is the real masterpiece."

"As long as the players who have played, there is absolutely no one who does not say good."

"President Qin, you will always be my idol!"

After saying this, the boy bowed to Qin Feng excitedly.

The entire stadium burst into warm applause.

Everyone was touched by the boy's true feelings.

As you know, such remarks cannot be pretended.

Qin Feng hurriedly helped him up.

"Heavy talk."

"As long as I can make you like it, it is my greatest wish."

"I also hope that you can be kind to the people around you in the rest of your life."

The boy nodded with red eyes: "President Qin, I will."

After saying this, the boy turned his head to look at the audience below.

""To the Moon" will be online next week, everyone must go and play!"

Inside the stadium, all 80,000 spectators laughed and began to clap their hands.

Soon, Qin Feng pointed out another girl to come out and talk about her game feelings.

"Thank you President Qin, thank you for giving me the qualification to experience this game today!"

"To be honest, I always felt that playing games was a waste of time."

"So I never touch."

"The game of fraternity, I started with the medicine god, and then I made up the first two, and since then, I have fallen in love with fraternity at first sight."

"Then I experienced "Orphaned" not long ago, and then I really knew what is called a real game, it turns out that the game is not a waste of time, he can also help many people, and can let people experience all kinds of true feelings in it!"

"I came here today with the mentality of giving it a try."

"But I didn't expect that such a try would really be drawn."

Inside the stadium, all 80,000 spectators laughed and began to applaud.

Qin Feng and Fang Pingren stood by the side, listening to this girl's remarks, and couldn't help but smile.

Because everything this girl said was true.

"The game 'To the Moon', it's more like the scene in the final picture, it's short, but it's still fresh for everyone to remember."

"I love the way the game is played and how it peels back layer by layer to show us the story."

"If you feel bored upfront, it's that you haven't really calmed down to play the game."

"I cried when I played Medicine God, and I cried when I played 'Orphaned'."

"But in today's game, I cry even harder."

"Because, this game can be said to be the one that I have played in Boai, which touched my heart the most."

"Because it can affect you from two aspects, family affection, affection."

"In short, I hope that the majority of players can experience this game after it is launched."

"Because a good game, only repeated experience, can bring you real feelings."

"Thank you, I'm done."

This is the moment.

There was even more enthusiastic applause from the audience.

Everyone was moved by what the girl said.

At the same time, everyone is also looking forward to the new game of fraternity.

This is how the test session ends.

Finally, under the mobilization of the host, the audience all began to shout fraternity and public welfare.

This scene really shocked the media reporters who arrived today.

This atmosphere completely surpasses the concerts of A-list stars!

Yan Xu, the boss of the helmet company, and Zhou Xiaoguang all gave speeches on stage.

And for hundreds of trial players on the spot, the latest helmet was released.

Moreover, to the 80,000 spectators at the scene, when they left, game peripherals were distributed.

It can be said that tonight's offline test of the game was indeed very successful.

A lot of people shouted before leaving, let the game go live early.

Because players really want to play.

Mobilized by the emotions of the test of hundreds of players on site.

Everyone is looking forward to playing this new game sooner.

That evening.

On the Internet, fraternity games once again dominate the headlines.

"Magic Capital Stadium, Fraternity Game Offline Test!" "

80,000 viewers, comparable to a concert game test experience!" "

Hundreds of players shed tears, the new game of fraternity is hot again? "

Players call on President Qin to launch a new game in advance. 》


All kinds of Bolang hot searches.

Dominate the screen directly on it.

All over the country, the players who did not catch up with the test session all clicked on Bolang curiously at this time.

When I saw the video footage, hundreds of players all cried and cried.

Netizens are also curious.

"Good guy, this face is indeed hotter than Jay Chou's concert!"

"It can only be said that President Qin is awesome, this new game is popular before it is online."

"Looking at the entire game industry, I'm afraid only Qin can make such a game."

"Oh, I didn't even catch the plane, or I would have received a peripheral gift from "To the Moon"."

"I only look forward to the day when this game is launched, I'm afraid that by then, the Internet will be flooded again!"

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