During this period, the popularity of "Encounter" on the Internet has decreased a bit.

This is a normal thing, after all, this kind of single-player game, it will be like this.

But here is only lower, not cool, there are still countless people to become new players.

On the Daybreak platform, the number of downloads of "Encounter" has reached 1.8 billion in these two months.

All players gave the game a rating of 9.8.

Obviously, "Encounter" is already a small milestone in becoming a VR game.

And, at this very moment.

In the fraternity studio that produced the little landmark game "Encounter".

Qin Feng was standing in the middle, quietly scanning the ten studio personnel in front of him.

Around the studio, standing were Fang Ping, Li Dong, and Lao Wang, as well as assistant Xiao Li.

Everyone looked at Qin Feng excitedly, and the expectation on their faces was even more self-evident.

A moment later, I saw Qin Feng slowly speak.

"Thank you all for your perseverance over the past two months, after so many days of struggle, I announce next!"

"Watch in Heaven, this game is officially completed today!"


.... As soon as the words came out.

In the office, there was immediately a round of applause.

Fang Ping and Li Dong even took a bottle of champagne and shook it directly.

Everyone cheered happily!

For two months, everyone in the studio stayed at their posts.

There are no weekends off, no overtime pay, and more importantly, no one to supervise.

Everyone was immersed in the making of the game.

In this way, with the persistence of pain and excitement, this game came out perfectly.

Fang Ping poured a glass of wine for everyone, everyone talked about the wine, after so many days of work, today began to finally relax a little.

"Brother Qin, Brother Qin, the game is complete, I said yes, I am the first to play!"

Lao Wang held the wine glass and looked at Qin Feng excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Ping and Li Dong, and even assistant Xiao Li all stood up.

Several people are helping the game team these days, so just looking at the graphics makes it tempting to get involved in the game.

"Well, it just so happens that the company has introduced a new batch of VR headsets in order to test the game these days, so a few of you will experiment."


With the help of the game team, Fang Ping and everyone put on helmets in the newly opened game room of Boai and entered the game directly!

As for the rest of the studio, everyone has already tested the game more than once when making it.

So now give this opportunity to test the finished product to Fang Pingren.

And at this time.

Fang Pingren, who was wearing a helmet, was sitting quietly in the game room at this time.

You will be greeted by a land of mountains that come to life.

This kind of environment can be seen at a glance as a one-to-one true restoration of the southern border area.

"This... Is this a game? It's just like being on a tour, right? This is exactly the real environment!

Lao Wang wore a helmet and cried out in surprise.

Xiao Li, the assistant next to him, also looked around blankly, the birds singing and flowers, the mountains and flowing water, and even the oncoming breeze, it is completely a real restoration!

I have to say that such a scene production, even the top foreign game makers will be amazed when they see it.

After being surprised by the scene, the game quickly enters the most important story link.

The story begins with the player's character "father" farming in the mountains.

Then, on the way home, I suddenly met a little baby girl.

According to the game setting, the baby girl will be kindly brought back home by the players for adoption.

Immediately after, it is the beginning of the baby-raising link....

Seeing this setting and gameplay, Fang Ping was extremely touched.

Because they knew in their hearts that this plot was set according to Uncle Chen and Xiao Yuanyuan.

Although there are some changes, they are largely the same.

Now this game, is it actually for them to directly substitute Uncle Chen and become Uncle Chen?

Several people quickly entered the state, especially the assistant Xiao Li, who was originally a girl, wearing a helmet at this time, raising a baby in a male role, and naturally being more interested in it.

"The first stage, raising a baby"

This new game of Boai Company is divided into several stages.

And in each stage, there will be a lot of gameplay.

For example, the gameplay at this stage of "raising a baby" now.

In the game, players need to complete various obstacle settings every day.

Every day I go to the mountains to cut bamboo, weave bamboo baskets, and then feed pigs, plant vegetables, do housework, cook, change diapers for babies and so on.

Each mission is a number specified by various systems, and only by completing these numbers can the player grow up his little girl quickly, and also add all kinds of flowers and plants to the home.

The game will not be as difficult as in reality, but Qin Feng has also set the corresponding difficulty for it, which will allow everyone to really experience that sense of hardship.

Therefore, when playing, Fang Ping people also directly enter a variety of painful and happy life simulation states.

The game went on for a long time, and Fang Pingren finally passed the first stage.

After the first stage, the child grows up slightly and is no longer the most difficult baby to carry.

In the game, a prompt is also directly sounded to start the second chapter.

Well, the second paragraph of the game, or with a baby....

It's just not with a baby.

Instead, they brought their cute and lovely, seven-year-old little daughter.

The daughter's name is Xiaowangwang, and now the player's task is to complete the task every day so that she can go to school.

Watching Xiao Wangwang become a seven-year-old little girl.

Then jump up and call your dad in the game all kinds of affectionately.

Fang Ping, who was not yet married, was all melted by Meng's heart in an instant.

Originally, I felt a little tedious and tiring at the beginning of raising a baby, but when I heard this father at this time, I instantly felt that completing the task every day was also an inexplicable sense of happiness.

And more importantly, at this stage, their own children are too smart and sensible, and they don't have to worry about their studies at all, and they will automatically help do housework every time they come home from school.

The task that could have been completed in ten minutes was over in a few minutes with the blessing of Xiao Wangwang.

"Dad, I scored a hundred points in the exam, you look quickly, you look quickly!"

"Dad, take a break, let the hope come!"

"Hee-hee, Daddy, Wangwang made you something delicious, guess what?"

A variety of sweet plots appear in the game.

Feel these lovely conversations.

Fang Ping's people were all smiling and laughing, and they couldn't even close their mouths for a long time.

"This is also too cute, how does this make the old man resist, how to resist..." "This is

my daughter, the daughter I raised with my own hands, how good!"

"Really, at this moment, it feels like all the pain in the early stage has disappeared!"

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