One night they came to a peaceful beach. , make a distant sound. The Heavenly Demon Marten stopped and seemed to be looking into the distance.

Qin Feng approached and looked at where the Heavenly Demon Marten's gaze was, and a mysterious island seemed to appear on the sea in the distance, shrouded in mysterious mist.

"What is that place?" Qin Feng asked, although he couldn't directly understand the Heavenly Demon Marten's answer, he could feel an impulse that seemed to be guiding him to the island.

The celestial demon marten emits a string of syllables, then stretches out a claw and points to the island in the distance. Qin Feng understood, as if that island was of great significance to their adventure.

The idea of deciding to go to the island germinated in Qin Feng's heart, and he felt a determination in his heart. While he didn't know what would be on the island, he knew there might be more answers, or new challenges.

He looked at the island in the distance, then turned to the Heavenly Demon Marten and said with a smile: "Let's go to Ghost Island together." A

flash of approval flashed in the silver-white eyes of the Heavenly Demon Marten, and a string of syllables appeared, as if to indicate that it was also willing to go to the mysterious island.

Led by the Heavenly Demon Marten, Qin Feng and it traveled through a dense forest, through a barren desert, and finally came to the coast of Ghost Spirit Island. There is a mysterious atmosphere that permeates the island, as if it is full of ancient powers.

Qin Feng and the Heavenly Demon Marten stood on the coast, they looked at the island in front of them, and they could see that the island had strange buildings, ancient carvings and mysterious runes.

"We have finally arrived at Ghost Island." Qin Feng sighed, he could feel that the aura here was different from other places, and it seemed to contain countless secrets.

The Heavenly Demon Marten emitted a string of syllables, as if signaling Qin Feng to follow it and enter the interior of the island together.

Entering the island, Qin Feng felt a more intense mysterious atmosphere. They crossed the narrow path and came to a square with a huge stone platform in the center of the square, carved with strange patterns.

The Heavenly Demon Marten stood in front of the stone platform, its eyes fixed on the pattern above, and it emitted a string of syllables, as if conveying a message.

Qin Feng looked at the Heavenly Demon Marten quietly, and although he couldn't understand the specific content, he could feel the importance of it.

Suddenly, a faint voice came from the stone platform, which seemed to be a mysterious call. Qin Feng's heart beat faster, and he could feel a powerful energy moving under this stone platform.

"What is it?" Qin Feng asked in a low voice.

The Celestial Demon Marten emitted a string of syllables that seemed to explain something. Although Qin Feng couldn't understand the language, he could feel the warning from the tone of the Heavenly Demon Marten.

Suddenly, the land below the stone platform began to tremble, and bursts of pale golden light gushed out from the ground, gradually gathering around the stone platform to form a mysterious rune array.

Qin Feng watched all this intently, and he felt an unknown force awaken at this moment, as if there was some kind of connection, and his fate would be unlocked here.

"It's time to unravel the mystery." Qin Feng whispered to himself, walked towards the stone platform, accompanied by the Heavenly Demon Marten, he was ready to face this mysterious rune array map and find the truth behind it.

Qin Feng is a young man living in the countryside who has developed a strong interest in farming since he was a child. His parents were farmers and farmed for a living, so he was naturally exposed to all aspects of farming. Since he was a child, he has been working in the fields with his parents, and has accumulated a wealth of agricultural knowledge and experience.

As he grew older, Qin Feng developed a deeper passion for farming. He began to actively read books about agriculture, from which he learned many new planting techniques and theoretical knowledge. Not satisfied with existing farming methods, he often tried new planting experiments on a small field in his family. Sometimes he tries and fails, but he always learns from his failures and constantly optimizes his cultivation scheme.

Qin Feng is not just a theorist, he is also a doer. He discovered a crop that was infested locally and succeeded in reducing the damage by mixing different crops. He also used organic fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizers, gradually improving the fertility of the land. His fields became a beautiful sight in the township, attracting many people to come to study.

As time passed, Qin Feng's farmland became larger and larger, and the types of crops planted became more and more diverse. He began to try to introduce some crops from other places, and gradually turned his farm into a small ecological farm. He also encouraged nearby farmers to adopt more sustainable farming methods, protect the land environment, and develop agriculture together.

Qin Feng's fame gradually spread throughout nearby villages, even attracting the attention of some local officials. Once, officials from the local agricultural bureau made a special trip to visit Qin Feng's farmland and were shocked by his planting ideas and results. They communicated with Qin Feng, hoping to promote his cultivation methods on a larger scale and improve the local agricultural production situation.

However, planting is not all smooth sailing. Qin Feng faces many challenges, including climate change, market volatility, pests and diseases, etc. But he never flinched, always optimistic and persistent. He is constantly learning, constantly innovating, and trying to find solutions to problems.

Under the leadership of Qin Feng, the surrounding farmland gradually became bumper, and the quality of life of the villagers was also significantly improved. His farmland has become an attractive agricultural demonstration base, attracting more and more people to come to learn and observe. He also started holding agricultural training courses in the village to pass on his farming experience and help more farmers increase their profits.

Over time, Qin Feng's farmland continued to expand, and he began to explore more cultivation methods and farming techniques. He was busy in the fields, sometimes resting only a few hours a day. Despite his family's poverty, he never complained and maintained his passion for farming.

One day, an old farmer in the village came to visit Qin Feng, looked at his busy figure, and couldn't help but sigh: "Qin Feng, you worked so hard at a young age, what a rare good seedling."

Qin Feng stopped the work in his hand and said to the old farmer with a smile: "Uncle has won the prize, I just think that farming is a very interesting and meaningful thing, so I am willing to devote myself wholeheartedly." The

old farmer nodded and sighed: "Young man, it is good to have ambition. But farming is not just about hard work, it also requires experience and wisdom. You see, I have been farming this land all these years, but compared to you, I don't have your achievements. "

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