Soon, everyone came to the big base of the counterfeit drug team.

I heard that the counterfeit drug dealer was extremely tall in disguise.

And there they shamelessly preached that their drugs were incomparably good.

Several players in the studio were furious.

I've seen thick-skinned people, but I've never seen someone with such thick skin.

Just when everyone can't bear it.

Hints appear in the game.

Can you actually beat these guys?

Seeing such a prompt, several players were all pleasantly surprised.

There is such a good thing?

Then everyone is welcome!

Then Cheng Yong directly took a few people with yellow hair and directly rushed up.

There was a fierce fight with those who sold counterfeit drugs and a group of security guards.

Although they were finally caught by the police, everyone took a bad breath in their hearts.

After this incident, everyone had palpitations in their hearts.

Because everyone knows that selling this generic drug, the chance of being targeted is too great.

So every time a medicine is delivered, several players become very cautious.

A setting also appears in the game at this time.

As long as the player successfully transports the drug once, it will not be discovered.

Then you will be rewarded with a gold coin.

These coins can be used to sustain everyday life.

Although Cheng Yong's current life has improved, it is still too little for normal life.

This game is completely a real version of VR, and players can only make Cheng Yong's family rich after earning gold coins.

So in order not to be discovered, everyone is careful every time they deliver drugs.

However, at this time, Zhang Changlin, the dealer who sold counterfeit drugs last time, found Cheng Yong again.

[I inquired, you sell this medicine, you can make up to one million a year. ] 【

In this way, I will give you money for two years, and you give me the channel for this medicine, so that you don't have to bear the risk, how about it?】 Hearing

Zhang Changlin's words, everyone was extremely angry.

This Zhang Changlin shamelessly found his home.

If it weren't for the lesson from the police station last time, everyone really wanted to beat this guy again.

As usual, two options appeared.

[A agrees, B refuses!] Without

the slightest hesitation, everyone directly chose option B.

Let them sell the small team of selling medicines, this is absolutely impossible!

Zhang Changlin left, and everyone's life continued.

But the next day, the police directly found Cheng Yong's Shenyou store.

I rummaged through the boxes and cabinets inside, searched, and finally found no generic drugs, so I could only leave.

Fortunately, several players hide drugs in hidden places every day in order not to be detected.

Otherwise, this time it will really be taken over by the police.

Everyone was palpitating, and everyone immediately guessed Zhang Changlin.

Soon, Zhang Changlin had already called.

[How?] The police are gone, right? Do you want to talk about it again from last time? Hearing

Zhang Changlin's words, several people in the studio were all angry.

This sinister villain actually used this way to force himself.


Hints appear again in the game.

[A: Agree, in this way, you can get a large amount of money, everyone around you will be safe and sound, and leave this circle, as for the matter of saving people, Zhang Changlin took over the generic drug, and he can still do it for himself. ] [

B: Refuse, but you will be retaliated by Zhang Changlin, the small team selling drugs will definitely be arrested and even sentenced by the police, they are all your best friends, do you want to see such a result? Seeing

such a prompt, several people in the studio were all caught in a dilemma.

No one expected that Zhang Changlin's guy would do such a despicable thing.

Now if he refuses his request, then Huang Mao, Lu Yiyi, Sihui, and the pastor will all be arrested along with him.

This is not at all the result that everyone wants to see.

In desperation, everyone had to choose the first option to agree.

In this way, the last casual meal was unfolded in Cheng Yong's Shenyou shop.

The hot pot was eaten, and everyone gathered together.

At this time, everyone was talking and laughing, and they were very happy.

I have to say that although it is a game, the modeling of these characters is all excellent.

Even what they say is extremely true.

At this time, only Cheng Yong sat alone in a chair in a daze.

Because next, it will be the most heart-wrenching moment for the small team selling medicines.

"There is no unbroken banquet in the world, and from tomorrow, I will not sell this medicine!"

Hearing Cheng Yong's words, everyone looked at him stupidly.

Lu Yiwei smiled and said: I drank too much wine again.

Pastor Liu frowned: "This joke is not good!"

Sihui also smiled and said, "What do you say?"

Cheng Yong looked at everyone very plainly in the game at this time.

"From tomorrow, I won't sell this medicine!"

After saying this, everyone was completely stunned.

Several people in the studio were even more trembling at this time.

Because this is not at all the result they want.

Everyone has been together for so long, even if there is no business, they have become best friends.

Now to disperse, this is simply to forcibly drive them away.

But everyone dared not say more, because if you say one more word, you may show your stuffing.

Now I do this all for the sake of these good friends.

If they are arrested by the police, everyone will feel bad in their hearts.

Although it's just a game, everyone already thinks of these things happening around them.

"The medicine is not broken, I have already discussed the price of a few of you, it is still the previous one."

"Moreover, I am just a god oil seller, I am not a savior, if I am caught in it, there are old and young in the family, what will they do?"

These words are all in the game, and the characters come with them.

When several people in the studio saw this, they all burst into tears.

Everyone knows that this is Cheng Yong deliberately saying this.

And it is true, no one wants to have an accident themselves.

More importantly, he didn't want to see these friends have an accident.

At this moment, several people in the small team selling medicine were all like knives.

They drank the wine in their glasses with great sadness.

Then he directly turned around and left Cheng Yong's Shenyou shop.

Lu Yiyi still wanted to say something, but was directly and mercilessly reprimanded by Cheng Yong, and left with a lonely expression.

At this point, the small drug selling team was completely disbanded.

Several people in the studio all cried red eyes.

A few big men didn't hold back.

Sometimes, for the sake of one thing, it is necessary to lie and hide.

The discomfort in front of them is only temporary, and if not, I am afraid that they will be even more uncomfortable and painful when they are caught in the future.

At this point, the game is already halfway through, which means that the next half of the game has not ended.

Everyone pressed their hearts and began a new plot.

A year later.

Cheng Yong, played by several players, has all changed into the big boss of the textile factory.

The setting in the game seems to walk through like a movie.

Everyone sighed that playing this game was as magical as being in a movie world.

In the game, Cheng Yong took several customers on the way to inspect and saw a familiar face.

Lu Yi's wife!

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