This is the end of the game.

With the last hint of background music.

A monologue appears in the picture.

[Thank you for playing this game.] 【

May there be no more disease in the world, and may everyone stay away from suffering!】 Watch

the monologues that appear in the game.

All four people in the studio slowly took off their helmets.

Their eyes were already red and swollen from crying at this time.

From the last scene of Huang Mao's death, to the final ending.

Everyone has already been moved by the plot in the game.

I Am Not the God of Medicine is a game different from Encounter and Heaven's Outlook.

He is more about making people reflect, begin to understand, begin to dig deep into human nature.

In this game, the scary thing is that there are not a single bad guy.

Everyone is doing what they can.

Even the worst Zhang Changlin, even if he went to prison in the end, he gritted his teeth and did not confess Cheng Yong.

There are also police officers who have been chasing and blocking, and they are only for their work and duties.

As for Cheng Yong and his drug-selling detachment.

I believe that there is no one who does not think, they are bad people.

Although they smuggle generic drugs, the good things they do are enough to make people in this world look up to them.

Several people in the studio all collapsed on chairs in the game room as if they had lost their souls.

A game, they seem to have completed half of their lives.

Everyone knows a lot of profound truths in this game.

This game is like a key that allows everyone to open a new door directly.

This is outside the game test room.

Qin Feng and several game studios sighed helplessly.

Everyone already knew when they made this game, but everyone who played the game.

It will definitely wash your face with tears.

But they didn't expect that the game's staying power was so strong.

At this time, Li Dong, Lao Wang, and Fang Ping were crying.

Not to mention the assistant Xiao Li, this little girl.

"President Qin, shall we go in and comfort us?"

The people on the game studio side are heart-wrenching, although they know that the ending will be like this, but everyone is not very comfortable in their hearts.

Qin Feng sat on the sofa and drank coffee: "It's useless, the feeling brought by this game will not end for a while, let's go back to rest and rest, a few of them will be fine slowly."

Everyone nodded, said goodbye to Qin Feng and started to leave work.

In the company, only Qin Feng and the silent four old employees in the game room remained.

A moment later, several people walked out.

"Brother Qin..."

Lao Wang lowered his head and exclaimed very embarrassedly.

Before entering, he swore to Su Chen frankly that he would never cry.

Unexpectedly, he cried more sadly than anyone.

Qin Feng patted him on the shoulder and didn't say anything.

"Really, Brother Qin, I really can't fault such a plot, it's just too special to tear."

Li Dong also shook his head helplessly at this time.

"At that time, I played the game "Heaven's Outlook", I thought it was enough to tear up, but I didn't expect that we came out with an even more tear-jerking one."

"Moreover, when playing this game, I thought of my classmate Zhu Tianjun."

Li Dong's tone was worried.

Zhu Tianjun in the game "I Am Not the God of Medicine" is completely the prototype of Lu Yi.

"President Qin, I'm sorry, I broke my word, I didn't expect this game to be so tearful."

Looking at the appearance of assistant Xiao Li wiping his tears, Qin Feng smiled helplessly, and then took a tissue for her.

"Let's leave work early today, the new game will be launched soon, and everyone will have to be busy again!"

Fang Ping also adjusted his mood and asked excitedly.

"Brother Qin, when will the game go online? This kind of game can definitely make players enjoy and, more importantly, make them reflect.

Li Dong was also very excited at this time and said: "My idea now is very simple, if our game is more influential, maybe it can really benefit many patients, at that time, what we do is not a game, it is simply something that the world can remember."

Although Li Dong's words were a bit exaggerated, everyone had a hint of fantasy.

Now, I can only hope that the new game "I Am Not the God of Medicine" will be launched as soon as possible to see what kind of waves can happen in society.

Soon, the rest of the company was off work.

Only Qin Feng sat in the office, skillfully packaged the game, then clicked on the mailbox and sent it to the game review department again.

This is the moment.

At the National Game Review headquarters.

Everyone is working earnestly in the office.

At this moment, an assistant hurriedly stood up, took the tablet in his hand, and hurriedly walked to the minister's office.

At this time, Zheng Hai was depressed in the office.

Because since the charity games of the Fraternity Foundation came out, many companies have imitated them to make those charity games.

However, the results made are really difficult to see.

Looking at the audit results of the audit department in the past week, Zheng Hai sighed helplessly.

"Dong Shi Xiaoying, he doesn't have a little idea of his own, these people are really infuriating!"

"Are they doing a public welfare game? They are deceiving the players!

"To make a game, you still have to look at the fraternity of President Qin!"

"I don't know if there are any new games on President Qin's side recently."

The voice just fell.

There was a knock on the door outside.


The female assistant held the tablet, smiled very happily, and then put the tablet in front of Zheng Hai.

"What's the situation?"

Zheng Hai picked up the tablet with a confused expression.

However, after seeing the above.

He stood up abruptly.

"A new game from Fraternity Game Studios?"

The female assistant smiled and said, "I'm afraid that President Qin is understanding, knowing that our Minister Zheng has recently had a headache because of the game, so he made one of his own for you to see!"

"Great, this President Qin is really young and promising!"

"A blockbuster game in more than a week, not only has a short production time, but the quality of the game is surprisingly good."

"Those bigwigs in the game industry should really open their eyes and take a good look at what real games are."

"Inform everyone immediately, and at one o'clock in the afternoon, meet in the game room immediately!"

"Today we try out the new game of fraternity."

The female assistant nodded hurriedly and began to go out to arrange.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, everyone in the audit department gathered in the game room.

Everyone was whispering because they heard that it was a new game of fraternity.

Everyone is extremely excited!

Zheng Hai took the helmet and slowly walked over.

"Yo, are you running so fast?"

"Don't you usually drag on one by one and shout that you don't want to test?"

Usually people in the department see those cookie-cutter games, their heads are big, and naturally they don't want to test.

But today when I heard that it was a new game of fraternity, I immediately changed my attitude and ran over one by one with great excitement.

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