Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1000 Targeting the mid laner 80

The boy stepped forward and grabbed Su Tian's wrist, ignoring her struggle, and dragged her into a nearby bar.

Su Tian struggled twice but did not break free, her little face was flushed red.

"What are you afraid of? Can we still eat you?"

Recently, Su Tian and her little sister were locked up at home, they were so bored. If you can't call a girl when you come out to play, it's not interesting.

Seeing Su Tian at this moment, how could he let go.

Su Tian didn't want to go home at first, but when he came in, the light inside was dim, and no one could see anyone's face clearly. This caused Su Tian to have an illusion that nothing had happened, and she was still the drunken Su Tian from before.

The strength of her struggle gradually disappeared. At this time, the sky was gradually sinking, and people streamed in from outside the bar.

Su Tian sat in the booth, the boy saw that she was interesting, he hooked his lips and snapped his fingers.

"Give me a beer first!"

Alcohol is indeed a good thing. After drinking a few bottles, Su Tian's eyes were blurred. She didn't need others to persuade her to drink. She just picked up the bottle and drank it in one gulp.

Holding the wine bottle high, he stood on the sofa and twisted his body following the explosive movement.

Therefore, she didn't notice at all that the boy next to him quietly dropped a pill into the wine bottle.

By the time she realized something was wrong, it was too late.

She hid in the bathroom, and heard the familiar hypocritical voice outside the bathroom, explaining to others: "My girlfriend is drunk, I'm worried, come and have a look..."

Su Tian gritted his teeth, his eyes were red.

It's not that she hasn't tried this kind of medicine before, but now, she is already like this. If her parents find out, they will kill her directly!

She pinched her thigh and frantically turned on her phone, but looking around, there was no one she could contact.

The only one who would come to help her no matter what, had already blocked her.

It wasn't until this moment that Su Tian vaguely understood what she had lost——

It was getting darker and darker in front of her eyes, her hand softened, and the phone slipped from her hand, and she no longer knew what happened.


The next day, Su Tian woke up with pain all over his body, as if he had been run over by several large trucks.

She blinked blankly, looking at the snow-white surroundings, and the smell of disinfectant in the air.

The drip next to it flows into the hose drop by drop.

She heard the suppressed crying and cursing from the side, "This damn girl! Why can't she be considerate of us? Isn't it because of her that we work like this? She spends money like running water. If you don't work hard, how can you afford her?" ? But I didn't expect that she turned out like this! Look! Look at what she looks like, it's like a piece of rag! It makes me sick..."


Su Tian's head was numb and he couldn't hear anything.

Those words just now came from her mother's mouth, right? make her sick?

Hehe, does this daughter of hers actually make her feel sick?

She closed her eyes, pretending not to wake up, and heard the nurse come and talk to her parents.

What tear, injury, this life can not have a child...

She opened her mouth, wanting to growl, but found that the sound she made was like being squeezed out of a broken bellows, and it didn't sound like a human could make at all.


"Beep beep——" the instrument made an icy beep.

There was chaos around, someone hurried over to hold her hand, the needle slipped, and blood splashed.

"Hurry up and hold her down! The patient is out of control, don't let her hurt herself!"

"Tiantian? How are you, Tiantian!"

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